SQL Prompt 10

Help for older versions available.

Downgrade to a previous version

Sometimes it may be necessary to downgrade SQL Prompt to a previous version when troubleshooting. This can be achieved by uninstalling SQL Prompt and installing from a previous installer.

Uninstalling SQL Prompt does not delete user settings, styles, or snippets. You may wish to backup your SQL Prompt folder here:

%localappdata%\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 10

Downgrading to versions prior to v10.5

A change to the way formatting styles are persisted was made in version SQL Prompt v10.5. To downgrade from version v10.5+ to v10.4 or earlier, the styles directory must be changed in the SQL Prompt settings.

After upgrading to v10.5 the previous custom styles are stored here: 

%localappdata%\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 10\StylesV2-backup

To restore your custom styles, change the styles folder in the Edit Formatting Styles window to match the path above:


Please note styles created or modified in v10.5+ cannot be used in v10.4 and earlier.

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