SQL Prompt 10

Help for older versions available.

Using Check for Updates

This page applies to just SQL Prompt. Check for Updates may appear differently in other Redgate products.

The Check for Updates service checks whether a more recent version of the product is available to download. To use the service, your computer must have a connection to the internet. If your internet connection uses a proxy server, make sure your web browser connection settings are configured correctly.

The Check for Updates service doesn't work with automatic configuration scripts.

To check for updates for Redgate SQL Prompt, click SQL Prompt → Help → Check for Updates. A toast popup will appear in the bottom right of the screen showing the current status e.g. "up to date", "update available" etc. SQL Prompt also checks for updates on startup and alerts you if an update is available.


To view the full release details in your default web browser, click Details.

To get the update, click Install. If you don't want to install it at the present time, click Remind Me and then select either TomorrowNext Week or Skip this Version. If you choose to skip the current version, Check for Updates will still inform you of new updates when they become available.

To upgrade SQL Prompt, you'll also be asked to close the host program (SQL Server Management Studio or Visual Studio).

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