SQL Prompt 6

Add-in failing to load into SQL Server Management Studio on Vista

This page applies to Windows Vista with Service Pack 1

After installing SQL Prompt or SQL Refactor and launching SQL Server Management Studio, the following error may appear:

Add-in failed to load: Class not registered

Possible cause

The service pack update to Windows Vista has been known to change permissions to the registry in a way that prevents user access to the information about installed classes: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. This prevents SQL Server Management Studio from loading the add-ins into the environment.

How to fix

To correct this problem, it's necessary to assign permissions to the registry for the logged-in user. 

  1. Open the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) using the "Run As Administrator" option.
  2. Right-click HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, select "Permissions", and give the logged-in user full control.
  3. The following permissions needed to be added to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT as well:
    Users: read
    System: full control
    CREATOR OWNER: full control on subkeys only

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