Redgate Test Data Manager

Running workflows


rgworkflow [command] [options]

  --output <Human|Json>                                        The format used to write console output [default: Human]
  --log-file <None|FilePath>                                   Disable file logging or override default log file path
  --log-level <Debug|Error|Fatal|Information|Verbose|Warning>  The logging verbosity level [default: Information]
  -x, --non-interactive                                        Skip interactive prompts and proceed with default
  -y, --yes                                                    Respond 'yes' to non-interactive prompts
  -?, -h, --help                                               Show help and usage information
  --version                                                    Show version information

  auth        Authenticate or log out from the Redgate licensing server
  run <path>  Execute a workflow json/yaml job or zip bundle

Running the help command rgworkflow run -h will give you help on the main run command used to run a workflow.

  Execute a workflow json/yaml job or zip bundle

  rgworkflow run <path> [options]

  <path>  Path to the workflow file (yaml, json) or bundle (zip) to run

  --allow-scripts                                              Allow arbitrary user-scripts to run in the workflow
  --name <name>                                                Filename of the workflow to run in a .zip bundle
  --debug                                                      Debug mode does not clean up any failed steps or temporary files
  --dry-run                                                    Dry run mode does not execute any steps, only validates
  --warning-as-error                                           Treat warnings as errors which stop the workflow execution
  --output <Human|Json>                                        The format used to write console output [default: Human]
  --log-file <None|FilePath>                                   Disable file logging or override default log file path
  --log-level <Debug|Error|Fatal|Information|Verbose|Warning>  The logging verbosity level [default: Information]
  -x, --non-interactive                                        Skip interactive prompts and proceed with default
  -y, --yes                                                    Respond 'yes' to non-interactive prompts
  -?, -h, --help                                               Show help and usage information

Help command

Running the help command rgworkflow -h will give you help on general configuration.

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