Redgate Test Data Manager

Custom configuration

While the default settings work well for most anonymization needs, you may want to customize the behavior of the classify, map, or mask commands to better suit your specific requirements. You can achieve this by providing an options file as an optional parameter to these commands.

Benefits of Using an Options File

  • Achieve consistent customized behavior across multiple runs
  • Version-control your configuration alongside automated scripts
  • Easily share and collaborate on anonymization settings

Getting Started

To create an options file, simply create an empty JSON file using any text editor.

You can add a schema to the file to get helpful prompts and documentation when editing in an IDE such as Visual Studio Code:

{ "$schema": "options.schema.json", // remainder of options JSON omitted for brevity }

To obtain the options file schema, add the --output-schema-file flag to either the classify or map commands.

Customization Scenarios

The options file allows you to customize various aspects of the anonymization process, such as:

  • Excluding tables and columns from masking
  • Overriding default classification types
  • Defining custom classification rules
  • Customizing masking rules

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