Unit testing
Published 14 February 2018
Redgate recommends utPLSQL, an open source (Apache2) unit testing frame for Oracle with SQL Developer integration command line and built-in code coverage support.
Showing utPLSQL tests in Jenkins
- upPLSQL Documentation
- utPLSQL command line interface
- utPLSQL Code Coverage
- utPLSQL SQL Developer Extension
- Extending Oracle Database DevOps with Automated PL/SQL Unit Testing (external)
- Guidance for moving from utPLSQLv2 to v3 (external)
- Expects - instead of Asserts (external)
- utPLSQL on Twitter
SQL Developer Unit testing
utPLSQL Getting started
- Download and unzip utPLSQL to a folder in your working folder.
- Follow the manual installation procedure using the scripts in the source sub folder.
- Create some tests.
This assumes that you have downloaded and unzipped utPLSQL.zip
Install and Setup Toggle source code
- -- Run this from the utPLSQL\source folder
- sqlplus SOCO_DEV/demopassword@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=localhost)(Port=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=XE))) as sysdba @create_utPLSQL_owner ut3 ut3 users
- sqlplus SOCO_DEV/demopassword@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=localhost)(Port=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=XE))) @install.sql ut3
- sqlplus SOCO_DEV/demopassword@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=localhost)(Port=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=XE))) @create_synonyms_and_grants_for_public.sql ut3
Sample tests.
The following conventions must be adhered to for the framework to pick up the tests correctly:
- Packages that contain tests need to be prefixed with test_
- In the package, provide:
-- %suite(<a name for the test suite>)
and above each test procedure:- -- %test(<a description for the test>)
Sample utPLSQL test code Toggle source code
- -- sample tests from utPLSQL documentation
- create or replace package test_betwnstr as
- -- %suite(Between string function)
- -- %test(Returns substring from start position to end position)
- procedure basic_usage;
- -- %test(Returns substring when start position is zero)
- procedure zero_start_position;
- end;
- /
- create or replace package body test_betwnstr as
- procedure basic_usage is
- begin
- ut.expect( betwnstr( '1234567', 2, 5 ) ).to_equal('2345');
- end;
- procedure zero_start_position is
- begin
- ut.expect( betwnstr( '1234567', 0, 5 ) ).to_equal('12345');
- end;
- end;
- /
- create or replace function betwnstr( a_string varchar2, a_start_pos integer, a_end_pos integer ) return varchar2
- is
- begin
- if a_start_pos = 0 then
- return substr( a_string, a_start_pos, a_end_pos - a_start_pos );
- else
- return substr( a_string, a_start_pos, a_end_pos - a_start_pos + 1);
- end if;
- end;
- /
- set serveroutput on;
- exec ut.run('test_betwnstr');
How to call the utPLSQL command line from a build-test batch file:
- Download the command line from https://github.com/utPLSQL/utPLSQL-cli/releases
- Copy ojdbc8.jar and orai18n.jar from Oracle's download page and place in \utPLSQL-cli\lib
utPLSQL command line Toggle source code
- call Tools\utPLSQL-cli\bin\utplsql run SOCO_TEST/demopassword@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=localhost)(Port=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=XE))) -f=ut_xunit_reporter -o=Artifacts/test_results.xml
How to integrate JUnit test results with Jenkins (in the worked example this is called from the Jenkinsfile)
Publishing JUnit test results Toggle source code
- junit 'Artifacts/*.xml'