Adding parameters

Parameters can be used to give you more control over the command you are running.  Some of the most common parameters we see used are:

baseline or migrate command

  • baselineVersion = the version number of the B or V script that represents the current state of the database.  Once a target database is versioned at this number, then migrations with a lower number are no longer considered 
    • To use this with migrate, baselineOnMigrate=true is also needed.

migrate or undo command

  • cherryPick * = explicitly list the Versioned migrations that you want to execute (outOfOrder=true may also be needed.  If your project was created by Flyway Desktop, this will be set to true by default)
  • target * = specify a target and migrate or undo all V scripts up to and including that target

* These are Flyway Teams/Enterprise features.


To add a parameter:

  1. Expand the Advanced settings.
  2. Select the parameter name from the drop down.  You can start typing to limit the results and find the parameter you need easier.
  3. Enter a value for the parameter.  If you're entering a version number, remember to include the whole version number, even the timestamp if you're using the default Flyway Desktop naming convention.  You can highlight the version number in the table and Ctrl-C to copy it.
  4. Click Add parameter.
  5. Add additional parameters if needed.
  6. Click Save.

The parameters will be listed above and included at the end of the command.  This can be copy and pasted into a pipeline as needed, but any secret variables will need to be updated since they are not shown in plain text.

Learn more about all of the available parameters.

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