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    , or disk subsystem performance issues. If it exists in combination with at least one of the following waits, your servers could be experi


  2. Analyzing memory dumps

    directory (e.g. %TEMP%\ConsoleApp10.DMP). If your application targets 32-bit platforms and runs in a 64-bit environment, you should use 3


  3. Restoring from SQL HyperBac compressed backups

    First, consider the T-SQL command that was used to back up the "AdventureWorks" database using SQL HyperBac compression: BACKUP DATABASE



    This occurs when SQL Server is waiting for asynchronous I/O operations to finish. It’s normal for a thread to enter a wait state as soon



    This occurs when SQL Server is waiting for I/O operations to finish that don’t read table or index rows from disk. It’s normal for a thre


  6. Analyzing memory dumps

    dump will be created in a user temporary directory (e.g. %TEMP%\ConsoleApp10.DMP). If your application targets 32-bit platforms and runs


  7. Step 1. Define metric

    metrics that may affect or be affected by this metric. references to useful TechNet articles or similar sites. Enter the T-SQL query used


  8. SQL Prompt 5.2 release notes

    for the first time. You can now turn code auto-completion on/off using a new SQL Prompt menu option, or a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift


  9. Using the .NET Reflector Power Commands

    choice. Note that for a class this will expand all the methods automatically, so in the picture above selecting "Text" will copy the enti


  10. SQL Prompt 5.2 release notes

    for the first time. You can now turn code auto-completion on/off using a new SQL Prompt menu option, or a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift


  11. Customize virtual path and port

    . Start the SQL Data Catalog Windows Service. On Linux Run SQL Data Catalog with the above environment variables set, e.g. docker run -it


  12. Welcome To Flyway - database-specific syntax (such as PL/


  13. TiDB (Titanium DB)

    ('Hello'); END // DELIMITER; CALL AddData(); -- Placeholder INSERT INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T');


  14. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    )) { Console.WriteLine("Test failed"); ok = 0; } } catch { // Do nothing } } sr.Close(); if (ok == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Test passed OK"


  15. Keeping the flyway_schema_history table in a separate database

    Problem: We work with a vendor database and they don't want the flyway_schema_history table in production. They will periodically run scri


  16. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    )) { Console.WriteLine("Test failed"); ok = 0; } } catch { // Do nothing } } sr.Close(); if (ok == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Test passed OK"


  17. List of alerts

    is greater than a specified value for longer than a specified time. Default settings: Raised as Medium when the transaction delay is more


  18. New-DlmDatabaseRelease

    \sql2014" -Database "Test" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" New-DlmDatabaseRelease -Source $test -Target $staging This example show how


  19. Example Python scripts

    (): if not line.startswith("ISO"): items = line.split('\t') yield items[0] #ISO 639-3 #yield items[1] #ISO 639-2 #yield items[2] #ISO 639-


  20. Generic generators

    . \u0021 generates ! \\ \ \. . \^ ^ \$ $ \{ { \[ [ \] \] \( ( \| | \) ) \* * \+ + \? ? \a alarm character \b backspace \d digit \e escape


  21. Quickstart - Command-line

    . Foo'); insert into PERSON (ID, NAME) values (3, 'Ms. Bar'); and execute it by issuing: flyway> flyway migrate You now get: Database


  22. Profiling an ASP.NET application on web development server

    application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory that your application uses. (N


  23. Profiling a .NET executable

    . This option will slow down your application slightly. Select Profile unmanaged memory allocations if your application access unmanaged m


  24. Navigating to Silverlight source code

    memory allocations if your application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory tha


  25. ReadyRoll 1.3 release notes

    using T-SQL migrations. It integrates with the SSDT database object designers for migration script authoring, but also allows you to work


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