Search for " ǽð Ʈ 乫 ߱ Ϻ߱ sbobet ȸ ٸûƮ Ͼְ" returned 921 results.

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  1. MSQL_DQ

    type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resource Sin


  2. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


  3. Planning for SQL Monitor

    Server service using T-SQL via TDS. The WMI connection can either use DCOM or WinRM for transport. A basic SQL Monitor installation will


  4. Include Scripts

    within the T-SQL parser. How it works Create a folder in the root of your project called Includes and add any files that you wish to refe


  5. Preparing to add monitored servers

    , using the trace flag 2451. If set through a T-SQL query this will reset on server restart. For SQL Server on Windows this can be set per


  6. The New Cross Database Table-to-Table Rule Form

    . The example above illustrates a Cross DB Table-to-Table rule configured to copy the contents of the DM_CUSTOMER table in the local SQL S


  7. SQL Source Control 4.0 release notes

    2016 CTP2) Filters now support the standard T-SQL LIKE syntax for wildcard characters (eg %, _, [abc], and [^abc] - for more information,


  8. SQL Source Control 3.1 release notes

    ' Version Fix SOC-4578, database polling db connection credentials failure. Version Fix build magic so that Satellit


  9. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    own T-SQL queries to collect metric values that aren't currently collected by default. They can also be used to collect application-speci


  10. How Redgate Monitor works

    for accessing remote computers, WMI for Windows and SSH for Linux, and it interrogates the SQL Server service conventionally using T-SQL


  11. FAQs

    INTO #TempCloneDatabases EXEC sp_MSForEachDB 'Use [?]; SELECT AS DatabaseName FROM sys.extended_properties AS prop WITH (NOLOCK)


  12. Restoring backups - destination database

    WITH REPLACE in a T-SQL RESTORE statement. Refer to your SQL Server documentation


  13. Programmable Objects

    import that change into your SQL Change Automation project. SQL Change Automation also supports scripting these Programmable Objects to i


  14. ReadyRoll 1.14 release notes

    ReadyRoll encounters an error Improve build-time validation messages when a T-SQL execution error occurs 1.14.14 - September 5th, 2017 Fi


  15. Static Data

    that your database projects always build quickly, as larger datasets can produce a significant amount T-SQL code which can cause performa


  16. Data Masker for Oracle 6.1 (Archived)

    December 14th 2020 - Data Masker 6.1.26 Fixes Fixed the format in the "Postcodes, FR" dataset. November 27th 2020 - Data Masker 6.1.25 Fi


  17. SQL Prompt 9.0 release notes

    feature that provides fast and comprehensive static code analysis of T-Sql code and allows users to: Discover 60+ code issues


  18. SQL Prompt 7.3 release notes

    :27.png Improved suggestions when using GRANT with schemas (Forum post OLE DB pro


  19. Use the TeamCity plugin

    is stored in db > docs > main.html in the NuGet package. If you're using DDB1 version 1.6.3 or later and have set up DLM Dashboard integr


  20. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


  21. MSQL_DQ

    type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resource Sin


  22. Planning for SQL Monitor

    service using T-SQL via TDS. The WMI connection can either use DCOM or WinRM for transport. A basic SQL Monitor installation will look so


  23. FAQs

    sys.databases AS db WITH (NOLOCK) ON = DB_NAME() WHERE prop.[class_desc] = "DATABASE" AND = "IsSQLCloneDatabase" AND pr


  24. Rollbacks

    of persistent storage: the data within your schema must be preserved when rolling forward to allow a prior state to be restored at a late


  25. LCK_M_RIn_NL

    , insertions and deletions when the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter


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