Search for " λ渶ֿ ְ õ ְ渶 λ渶ûƮ ְ ڹ 渶 ѱ ȸ" returned 966 results.

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  1. Tutorial - Using Flyway Check with SQL Server

    This tutorial exemplifies the scenario where you have access to both your target DB (url) and a build DB (buildUrl). Download the latest


  2. The Masking Plan Import from DB Form

    . In such cases, records of the required masking operations are sometimes maintained in a central repository. The Masking Plan Import from


  3. Data Generation MySQL worked example

    and finishing the setup in MySQL Workbench, execute the following at a command prompt: mysql -uroot -p Enter your password when prompted.


  4. Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema

    a scripts folder located at db\state - a Database Package object produced by the New-DlmDatabasePackage cmdlet - a path for a scripts fol


  5. Top queries

    : q:myTableName Database names DatabaseName: d: , db: , database: db:myDatabaseName Parent object (e.g. sproc, function, etc.) ParentObjec


  6. Command line syntax

    : /s Specifies the SQL server instance to connect to. sqldatagenerator /server:Widget_Server\SQL2012 /database:WidgetTest /database:<datab


  7. Command line syntax

    : /s Specifies the SQL server instance to connect to. sqldatagenerator /server:Widget_Server\SQL2012 /database:WidgetTest /database:<datab


  8. Finding invalid objects before baselining

    = all_object.[object_id] ), ambiguous_db_objects AS ( SELECT sed.referencing_id AS invalid_object_id, SCHEMA_NAME(o.[schema_id]) AS inval


  9. Backup Application Database

    -capability-infra-secret -n redgate-clone-app -o jsonpath='{.data.database_password}' | base64 --decode Port Forwarding By default the dat


  10. Scripting SQL Backup

    backup and restore operations using an application such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, or a database connectivity layer such


  11. Use-DlmDatabaseRelease

    \sql2014" -Database "Staging" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" Import-DlmDatabaseRelease -Path "C:\db\DatabaseRelease" | Use-DlmDatabas


  12. Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema

    a scripts folder located at db\state - a Database Package object produced by the New-DlmDatabasePackage cmdlet - a path for a scripts fol


  13. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    your backup and restore operations using an application such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, or a database connectivity layer


  14. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    your backup and restore operations using an application such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, or a database connectivity layer


  15. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    your backup and restore operations using an application such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, or a database connectivity layer


  16. Top queries

    : q:myTableName Database names DatabaseName: d: , db: , database: db:myDatabaseName Parent object (e.g. sproc, function, etc.) ParentObjec


  17. Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema

    at db\state - a Database Package object produced by the New-DlmDatabasePackage cmdlet - a path for a scripts folder, created by SQL Compa


  18. Command line switches

    forcecolumnorder f forwardslash s defineoff d blanklineson b excludetargetschema e detectcolumnrenames r purgedroptable p suppressalterco


  19. Command line switches

    casedifferences c doublequotes q sqlcomments m objectcomments o constraintnames n indexnames x storage g parallel p sequencevalue v permi


  20. Command line switches

    dependentobjects d whitespace w casedifferences c doublequotes q sqlcomments m objectcomments o constraintnames n indexnames x storage g


  21. New-DlmDatabaseRelease

    - a path for a NuGet package or .zip file. This must contain a scripts folder located at db\state - a Database Package object produced by


  22. Locations

    . Supported wildcards: ** : Matches any 0 or more directories. (e.g. db/**/test will match db/version1.0/test, db/version2.0/test, db/deve


  23. Subsetter release notes

    will now be ignored. The command-line argument --ole-db-provider has been removed. This optional argument was only valid for Sql Server.


  24. Command line switches

    objectcomments o constraintnames n indexnames x storage g parallel p sequencevalue v permissions r loggroups l mviewvalue a externaltable


  25. Oracle Wallet Location

    Commandline ./flyway -oracle.walletLocation="/User/db/my_wallet" info TOML Configuration File [flyway] oracle.walletLocation = "/User/db/


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