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  1. LCK_M_SIU

    whether memory problems or I/O bottlenecks are causing locks to be held for longer than usual: Machine: memory used Memory pages/sec Disk


  2. LCK_M_SIX

    timeouts/sec Avg. lock wait time On the Analysis page, check these metrics to see whether memory problems or I/O bottlenecks are causing


  3. LCK_M_IX

    these metrics to see whether memory problems or I/O bottlenecks are causing locks to be held for longer than usual: Machine: memory used


  4. LCK_M_UIX

    . lock wait time On the Analysis page, check these metrics to see whether memory problems or I/O bottlenecks are causing locks to be held


  5. Restoring a compressed or encrypted backup

    , but also results in larger compressed files than SQL HyperBac's standard or ZIP-compatible compression. If your system is I/O-bound (for


  6. Backing up with compression or encryption

    resource, but also results in larger compressed files than SQL HyperBac's standard or ZIP-compatible compression. If your system is I/O-b


  7. HyperBac 4 release notes

    4.0 New features Supports full random I/O (HyperBac Online). Unlimited open file handles to HyperBac files. Support for multiple database


  8. SQL Compare deployment error 'Full-Text Search is not installed'

    ; In the Visual Basic language, there is no distinction between bitwise and logical operators, hence the Or operator would be used: Dim o


  9. ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3 release notes

    . For full details, see HTTP request timings in IIS. In higher DPI modes, the Application Settings options to record file I/O and to profi


  10. ANTS Performance Profiler 8.0 release notes

    (in File I/O view) or no queries executed (in SQL view) (PP-1152) UI implies it's possible to get line-level timings for XBAP application


  11. FAQs

    sys.extended_properties AS prop WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN sys.databases AS db WITH (NOLOCK) ON = DB_NAME() WHERE prop.[class_desc] = "DA


  12. Setting up database connections

    "AdventureWorksIntegration" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" By assigning the output of New-DatabaseConnection to a variable, you can


  13. Using SQL Compare filters with SQL Change Automation PowerShell module

    :\Work\scripts\" $test = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "test01\sql2012" -Database "Test" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $


  14. Invoke-DlmDatabaseTests

    a scripts folder located at db\state - a Database Package object produced by the New-DlmDatabasePackage cmdlet - a path for a scripts fol


  15. Handling Schema Drift

    the source control baseline A drift correction script, eg. AdventureWorks_ReSync.sql If executed, will re-synchronize the target db with


  16. ReadyRoll 1.5 release notes DBSync tool-window: Allow viewing/


  17. FAQs

    sys.extended_properties AS prop WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN sys.databases AS db WITH (NOLOCK) ON = DB_NAME() WHERE prop.[class_desc] = "DA


  18. List of metrics

    Disk: Avg. Disk sec/Read Explanation Measures logical disk latency (how fast a disk responds) when data is read from it. The lower the la


  19. New-SqlMonitorAmazonAuroraCluster

    Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false -DbInstanceIdentifier <String> The db instance identifier


  20. New-SqlMonitorAmazonRdsHost

    Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false -DbInstanceIdentifier <String> The db instance identifier of the


  21. Configuring the development database

    by the "local db" checkbox in the UI, which is checked by default when selecting jTds from the driver dropdown. Note that namedPipe also


  22. Schema model

    database. If you have unsaved work on your development db, then your changes could be overwritten. Click Continue to make apply the chang


  23. Managing connections and memory

    (or press Ctrl + Shift + P): image2016-3-16 14:24:8.png This unloads all database objects from memory. Connecting to a linked server Link


  24. Working with profiling results

    selected. (The call-graph button is disabled until you have created a new call graph.) app - file io icon.png File I/O: shows the disk re


  25. The methods grid

    Wall-clock time which includes blocking such as waiting for I/O, or CPU time which excludes blocking. The second dropdown menu alters the


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