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  1. Renaming a table without data loss

    again. 2. The migration script to rename the table Now that our environments are set up, we'll rename the users table on our development


  2. Setting up a project with a new database in SSMS

    by clicking the SQL Change Automation icon in the toolbar. If it doesn't show here, it will be under the Tools drop-down menu. 2. Create


  3. Generating migrations in SSMS

    will add a new stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE sprTest AS BEGIN SELECT 1 END 2. Navigate to the Generate migrations page If you were p


  4. Static Data (offline method)

    #MarketingReasons (ID INT, ReasonType VARCHAR(MAX)); INSERT INTO #MarketingReasons VALUES(1, 'Recommendation'), (2, 'Review'), (3, 'Inter


  5. The SQL LocalDB instance 'RedGateTemp' does not exist

    no longer exists. You can now try running the process again. The instance should be created automatically without corruption errors. Fix


  6. Use the Azure DevOps Build extension with SQL Source Control Project

    control. SQL Change Automation: Build Azure DevOps plugin installed. 2. Create a build definition You can now create a Azure DevOps build


  7. Use the Azure DevOps Build extension with SQL Change Automation Project

    a project in SSMS if you don't have one SQL Change Automation: Build Azure DevOps plugin installed. 2. Create a build definition You can


  8. SQL Monitor 5.2 release notes

    and undergo additional QA. Version 5.2.7 (v6.0 beta 2) - August 9th, 2016 Note: This release includes a Beta preview of SQL Monitor v6.0.


  9. Setting up Webhook notifications (Preview)

    a SqlProcess. monitoredEntity.groupName Name of the SQL Monitor group within which the monitored entity is found. For example: "2 - Stagi


  10. Permissions

    of the WinRMRemoteWMIUsers__ group (2 underscores). For further information please see Authentication for Remote Connections


  11. Installing SQL Monitor on IIS

    Prerequisites for systems without IIS Install IIS 1. Install Microsoft's Web Platform Installer


  12. Setting up Webhook notifications

    the monitored entity is found. For example: "2 - Staging". monitoredEntity.clusterName Name of the cluster. (If it exists for the given c


  13. Deploy from a development database using Octopus Deploy and PowerShell

    a target machine. 2. Install an Octopus Tentacle A Tentacle is an agent listening service that is required on all machines you deploy to.


  14. Split Table

    . Extended properties on level 2 objects (columns, constraints, triggers, and indexes): on objects in only the primary table, are preserve


  15. Rewinding time with Back in Time mode

    header at the top of each overview page: image2019-1-23_16-47-43.png You can use the drop-down to select the last 6, 12 or 24 hours, 2 da


  16. Update-SqlMonitorAnnotation

    description of the annotation. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Ch


  17. Add-SqlMonitorAnnotation

    Characters false -Description <String> A textual description of the annotation. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value No


  18. Walkthrough: Set up Continuous Integration And Release Management

    " step template in the same way. 2. Create an Octopus Deploy project In Octopus Deploy, click Projects and All. Click Add project. In the


  19. SQL Prompt 9.4 release notes

    the Ctrl key is held down. image2019-2-22_15-3-31.png You can now autofix ST013


  20. Use the Bamboo add-on with a SQL Change Automation Project 2. Install the SQL Change Automation plugin Install the SQL Ch


  21. Use SQLCover with SQL Change Automation PowerShell cmdlets

    and Unblock the dll 2. Wrap your test statement with SQLCover Identify where in your existing PowerShell script your tests are executed.


  22. Export-DatabaseReleaseArtifact

    , such as the change report and deployment warnings. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- $production = New-DatabaseConnection -ServerInstance


  23. Planning the SQL Monitor infrastructure and installation

    both the requirements for the machine running the monitoring service (summarized in Step 2 below) and how it will connect and authenticat


  24. Monitoring status explained

    problems. Connection failed (Internal SQL Monitor error) An unknown application error has occurred. If this problem occurs continuously f


  25. SQL Monitor 9.1 Release Notes

    Fix groups in Estates pages disappearing when filtering Version 9.1.7 - October 2, 2019 Features SRP-12324 Estates pages use dynamic unit


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