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  1. New-RedgateMonitorPrincipal Aliases None Required? true Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipel


  2. New-RedgateMonitorWindowsHost Aliases None R


  3. Get-RedgateMonitorDatabase

    True (ByValue) Accept Wildcard Characters false -Name <String> The Database name to match. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Defau


  4. Get-RedgateMonitorInstance

    . Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false -ProgressAction


  5. Supported platforms

    .10).aspx FIPS 140-2 Compatibility The Federal Information Processing Sta


  6. Worked example: documenting two databases

    it. The databases and their schemas are created. 2. Set up the documentation project To connect to the SQL Server and start a new project


  7. Worked example - comparing and deploying data

    is complete, to close the message box, click OK. 2. Select data to deploy The results of the comparison are displayed: dco_worked_eg_resu


  8. Introduction to building .NET Reflector add-ins

    the Reflector configuration file as a set of IConfiguration objects. Lists of items are represented as properties named "0?, "1?, "2?, an


  9. Creating a new source control project

    : Step 1 of 5: Connect to development database Step 2 of 5: Select source control system Step 3 of 5: Select schema Step 4 of 5: Select fo


  10. Unable to access administrator account

    , PrincipalType, PrincipalRole, [All] ) VALUES (N'', 1, -- PrincipalType - 1 = User, 2 = Group 1, -- PrincipalRole -


  11. Optimizing backup speed

    (I/O) reads. Stage 2: SQL Backup compresses, and optionally encrypts, the data.This uses CPU cycles. Stage 3: SQL Backup writes the resul


  12. Filtering Database Objects

    Actions... Filter Setup Pane (CTRL+L) Using the Filter editor, specify any filter rule customizations as needed. The list of objects in t


  13. Recovery

    user to easily review the changes available to roll back, and selectively pick which changes should be rolled back. image2018-2-19_14-23-


  14. Using Octopus Deploy

    . Deploy Oracle Release using SQLPlus. This applies the deployment script created in step 1, and reviewed/approved in step 2, to your targ


  15. Supported platforms FIPS 140-2 Compatibility The Federal Information Processing Standard (FI


  16. Worked example: documenting two databases

    it. The databases and their schemas are created. 2. Set up the documentation project To connect to the SQL Server and start a new project


  17. Can't use projects after changing the source control repository URL

    If you change the URL of a source control repository used by a project, Source Control for Oracle can't access the project. To fix this:


  18. Annotations

    deployments to the SQL Server. Use SpecificInfo to specify what was deployed. image2020-2-13_11-0-15.png image2020-2-13_11-0-57.png Error


  19. Memory management primer

    that are no longer needed. Moves objects that are still needed to the generation 2 (Gen 2) heap. Performs a garbage collection on the Gen


  20. Using the evaluation repository

    to the evaluation repository Create a new source control project. On step 2 of the wizard, on the Subversion tab, select the Use evaluati


  21. Tutorial - Using Flyway Check with SQL Server

    "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Flyway123" -p 1433:1433 -d Make sure there are no other SQL Server instanc


  22. Suggestions for using filters

    / Gen 2 heap Use this filter to understand how objects are allocated in memory. Looking at objects on the Gen 2 heap may be especially he


  23. Using the Visual Studio add-in

    Profiler. Version 2 of the add-in supports Visual Studio 2010 and later. If you installed your .NET Bundle before July 17th 2014, you hav


  24. Release notes

    2.0.35 - May 30, 2024 Fixes Fixed an issue where a warning about not having SSL configured was incorrectly being displayed 2.0.34 - March


  25. Memory management primer

    that are no longer needed. Moves objects that are still needed to the generation 2 (Gen 2) heap. Performs a garbage collection on the Gen


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