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  1. New-DlmDatabaseConnection

    \SQL2014" -Database "AdventureWorks" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" This example shows how to create a Database Connection object. Th


  2. Excluding Database Objects (Legacy method)

    ). image2016-10-14 17:55:56.png Then right-click the project again and edit the project. image2016-10-14 18:4:11.png Then insert the Exclu


  3. SQL Server doesn't exist or access is denied

    of the port on which your SQL Server is running. For example: image2016-8-31 10:57:22.png If you are sure that you are connecting to the


  4. Best Practices

    be at least 10% of the largest database on the SQL server. TempDB Files Configuration: The number of tempdb files should be the same as t


  5. "Request failed anti-forgery validation"

    as necessary. image2019-10-3_13-23-2.png Do not include any path underneath the server URL, such as /dashboard (this is a path to a secti


  6. Image compaction

    to house the uncompacted image temporarily. For example, if you are imaging a 40 GB database, and dropping 30 GB of data from it to creat


  7. Selecting tables and views

    or similar names are displayed side-by-side: image2016-8-31 10:30:56.png The upper pane displays tables and views that are fully Mapped o


  8. Selecting tables and views

    or similar names are displayed side-by-side: image2016-8-31 10:30:56.png The upper pane displays tables and views that are fully Mapped o


  9. Selecting tables and views

    or similar names are displayed side-by-side: image2016-8-31 10:30:56.png The upper pane displays tables and views that are fully Mapped o


  10. .NET Reflector 10.1 release notes

    ; ref int r2 = ref i; ref int rr = ref r1; rr = ref r2; rr = 10; } RP-4165: Conditional ref expressions (C# 7.2) public void TestCondition


  11. Installing the server components on a SQL Server instance

    Server. You must upgrade the server components to use SQL Backup Pro 10 with this SQL Server instance. For more information, see Upgradin


  12. Setting data sources

    the databases you want to compare on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2018-10-18_8-38-33.png Specify the two databases you want


  13. Using a scripts folder

    Specify the location of the scripts folder you want to compare on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2018-10-18_14-54-19.png Spec


  14. .NET Reflector 10.1 release notes

    ; ref int r2 = ref i; ref int rr = ref r1; rr = ref r2; rr = 10; } RP-4165: Conditional ref expressions (C# 7.2) public void TestCondition


  15. SQL Server doesn't exist or access is denied

    of the port on which your SQL Server is running. For example: image2016-8-31 10:57:22.png If you are sure that you are connecting to the


  16. The Log Copy Queue

    attempt failed 4 6 minutes after the 3rd copy attempt failed 5 8 minutes after the 4th copy attempt failed 6 10 minutes after the 5th cop


  17. Selecting tables and views

    or similar names are displayed side-by-side: image2016-8-31 10:30:56.png The upper pane displays tables and views that are fully Mapped o


  18. Worked example - deploying data in two databases

    : image2016-9-1 13:10:15.png The Tables & Views tab displays a list of table and view mappings. Mappings define which tables and views can


  19. New-DlmDatabaseRelease

    "Test" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" New-DlmDatabaseRelease -Source $test -Target $staging This example show how to create the data


  20. BP023

    or REAL used as a key or found in an index needs to be investigated. The DECIMAL type is a fixed-precision data type with a range from -1


  21. Purging SQL Monitor data

    page. By default, this data is purged after 2 months. Windows process data (1 month) - Medium volume data displayed as the System process


  22. Requirements

    Hardware and software system requirements Data Masker for Oracle is entirely based on a client PC – there are NO binaries to install on t


  23. Search

    :2018-01-01 By physical size: size:>5GB, size:<10TB, size:0B By number of clones: clones:>10, clones:<5, clones:0 By type: is:clone, is:im


  24. "Request failed anti-forgery validation"

    as necessary. image2019-10-3_13-23-2.png Do not include any path underneath the server URL, such as /dashboard (this is a path to a secti


  25. Image compaction

    to house the uncompacted image temporarily. For example, if you are imaging a 40 GB database, and dropping 30 GB of data from it to creat


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