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  1. Sybase ASE with statement delimiter GO T-SQ


  2. Custom Webhook messages

    sent and subsequently shown within Microsoft Teams. image2020-3-17_7-34-21.png Removed T from the date time examples to match actual outp


  3. SQL Source Control 3.8 release notes

    statements containing a 'WITH (SNAPSHOT)' query hint no longer cause parsing errors Pressing N on the Setup tab no longer opens a new que


  4. Default SQL Compare options used by SQL Change Automation PowerShell module

    * ✔ * ✖ IgnoreUsersPermissionsAndRoleMemberships ✔ n/a IgnoreUserProperties ✔ ✔ IgnoreWhiteSpace ✔ ✔ IgnoreWithElementOrder ✔ ✔ IncludeDe


  5. Cassandra Database

    Cassandra Database - Preview Flyway Community Verified Versions: N/A Maintainer: Redgate Support


  6. Script verification

    fails verification, this view is shown: image2018-6-13_11-21-6.png To view the full details of the error, under SQL Server error details,


  7. SQL Server error 3201 - Cannot open backup device

    procedurexp_validate_sqb_backup to associate the encrypted backup with a password: EXEC master..xp_validate_sqb_backup @filename=N'<backu


  8. Managing image permissions

    shows the image owner's view of this window: image-2023-11-13_18-9-51.png The image below shows the image user's view of this window: ima


  9. Licensing

    Each developer contributing database changes that will be deployed to a Production environment(s) needs to be licensed with Flyway Teams o


  10. Using the TFS MSBuild scripts

    from the drop-down list. The Process page should look similar to this: tfs-processtab.png Press Ctrl+S to save the build definition. Unde


  11. Resolving conflicts

    Conflicts happen when two people modify the same object. When a conflict occurs, the change is listed as Conflict: conflict1.png Conflict


  12. Resolving Unsupported Programmable Objects

    operation. In summary, the programmable object script must perform the following operations: Drop the child object(s), e.g. [ViewB] Drop


  13. SQL Compare 14.6 release notes - January 12th 2022 FREQUENT UPDATES RELEASE Fixes ZD-261847: Add support for T-SQL functions CURRENT_TIMEZONE_ID and TRANS


  14. PostgreSQL instance and host machine metrics

    connections to a Postgres Instance at a given time. Block write time The time in ms/s which queries have spent waiting on I/O to write bl


  15. Resolving conflicts

    Conflicts happen when two people modify the same object. When a conflict occurs, the change is listed as Conflict: conflict1.png Conflict


  16. Default SQL Compare options used by SQL Change Automation PowerShell module

    * ✔ * ✖ IgnoreUsersPermissionsAndRoleMemberships ✔ n/a IgnoreUserProperties ✔ ✔ IgnoreWhiteSpace ✔ ✔ IgnoreWithElementOrder ✔ ✔ IncludeDe


  17. Step 1. Define metric

    metrics that may affect or be affected by this metric. references to useful TechNet articles or similar sites Enter the T-SQL query used


  18. Splitting a table

    for the table. Click Next. sp_split_table2.png To assign columns from the primary to the secondary table, select the column(s) and click


  19. Default SQL Compare options used by DLM Automation cmdlets


  20. Resolving conflicts

    Conflicts happen when two people modify the same object. When a conflict occurs, the change is listed as Conflict: conflict1.png Conflict


  21. Data Generation MySQL worked example

    see something similar to the following (can vary depending on your MySQL version): Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \


  22. File location tags

    number (0000-9999). h Displays the hour without a leading zero (0-23). hh Displays the hour with a leading zero (00-23). n Displays the m


  23. The Data Masker Row-Internal Rule and JSON Data

    ", "Panda_E" ] }]} '); The content of the table could be viewed with a statement like: select idcol, dataVal, JSON_QUERY(jsoncol) as j fro


  24. The Formatting Codes for the Date-as-Text Dataset

    (1-12). HH24 Hour of day (0-23). IW Week of year (1-52 or 1-53) based on the ISO standard. IYY IY I Last 3, 2, or 1 digit(s) of ISO year.


  25. Splitting a table

    for the table. Click Next. sp_split_table2.png To assign columns from the primary to the secondary table, select the column(s) and click


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