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  1. Suppressing alerts

    dialog will appear: image2020-2-5_13-41-55.png See: Details of the alert suppression windows dialog for a detailed description of each op


  2. Deploying to Microsoft Azure SQL databases

    Azure SQL database, the deployment script will fail. T-SQL and SQL Server feature support Microsoft Azure SQL Database has further limita


  3. Reports - Drift

    control mechanism The target database is in the state you expect it t be in prior to applying new migrations Learn more Check concept


  4. SQL Server and host machine metrics

    SQL Server metrics Counters SqlServer:SqlStatistics Batch requests/sec Number of T-SQL batch requests received by SQL Server per second,


  5. The New Command Rule Form

    written T-SQL statements. The title text and button labels on the form will change as is appropriate to the create or edit mode. In the e


  6. Using the TFS Build plugin

    to this: tfs-processtab-plugin.png Press Ctrl+S to save the build definition. You can now update your local copy of the database and chec


  7. Creating masking sets from SQL Data Catalog classifications

    Masker for SQL Server. We're then going to choose "Import from SQL Data Catalog". image2020-11-3_9-43-30.png The first thing we'll be pro


  8. Offline activation

    -15_15-45-57.png Click either Allocate your licenses or Allocate licenses to Redgate Monitor. You will see the following: image2021-11-15_


  9. Configuring a VMWare host then adding the Virtual Machine

    hosts configuration page. To register a host go to Configuration > Monitoring > VMware Hosts: image2018-3-20_10-57-59.png Click on Add Vi


  10. MSQL_XP

    Extended stored procedures within SQL Server allow you to make a T-SQL external call to a compiled DLL, so you can run code that can’t be


  11. Handling Schema Drift

    (Reports\Drift.html). image2018-6-14_15-18-13.png Note that this report is distinct from the changes report (Reports\Changes.html), which


  12. Mark migration script as undeployed

    to deploy again>' OR [Name] = N'<unique name of migration script or block to deploy again>' GO


  13. Worked examples - creating a database by virtually restoring backup files

    step, and also ensures that the HyperBac Control Service is configured correctly. Use native T-SQL commands to virtually restore backup f


  14. Using Azure Interactive Authentication

    and then click on the Register button. image2021-3-24_14-19-38.png Make a note of the Application (client) ID, and the Directory (tenant)


  15. Alerts

    -15-33.png Then choose, Alert rules. Understanding the alerts Rules are sorted into two major groups. At the top are Grafana managed alert


  16. Add SQL Server

    servers. Click the Add SQL Server button. The Add SQL Server panel expands: image2019-1-14_10-57-30.png In the SQL Server field, enter th


  17. Example - source-controlling database schema and application code together using a working folder

    for the existing application. To do this, in Visual Studio, in the Source Control Explorer tab, select the Workspace drop-down menu:


  18. Logging and log files

    ". Navigate to "Logging" and then "Log Level". SQL Server Management Studio Extension image2022-7-15_9-52-48.png Visual Studio Extension i


  19. The RESTORE command

    { database_name } [ FROM { {DISK} = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | 'file_search_pattern' } [ ,...n ] [ [ LATEST_FULL | LATEST_DIFF | L


  20. Adding a Linux SQL Server instance using the Web UI

    to the Configuration page and, under Estate, select Monitored servers. Click Add > SQL Server. The Add Server panel expands: image2023-5-


  21. ST006

    Old-style TOP clause is used It is recommended to use the new style TOP clause - TOP(n). In order to limit the results of a query, you ca


  22. DEP005

    FASTFIRSTROW table hint is deprecated Starting with SQL Server 2008, the FASTFIRSTROW table hint has been deprecated. This feature has be


  23. ANTS Performance Profiler 8.6 release notes

    July 1st, 2014 Features Timeline and source code panels can now be collapsed. Source code view can be a full screen window. SmartAssembly


  24. MSQL_XP

    Extended stored procedures within SQL Server allow you to make a T-SQL external call to a compiled DLL, so you can run code that can’t be


  25. The RESTORE command

    { database_name } [ FROM { {DISK} = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | 'file_search_pattern' } [ ,...n ] [ [ LATEST_FULL | LATEST_DIFF | L


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