Search for " 渶 渶ڸ 渶 緹̽ ̷̽º ǰ渶 渶 ǵ渶 " returned 2162 results.

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  1. About Command Rules

    usage USE AdventureWorks; GO IF OBJECT_ID ( 'HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees', 'P' ) IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE HumanResources.uspGetAl


  2. Converting a conf file to a TOML file

    \OneDrive - Redgate\Documents\GitHub\DB2\DB2\flyway.conf" -init.projectName=DB2 -init.databaseType="DB2" image-2024-7-3_14-33-27.png Resul


  3. Setting up and running a profiling session

    shows some introductory information: new-startup-screen-firstrun.png If you have used the profiler before, a list of your recent profilin


  4. Using ignore rules

    the /ignorerules switch. image2018-12-20_22-13-15.png Configuring ignore rules Ignore rules are configured per-object type, using a inclu


  5. Using the Deployment Wizard

    the deployment wizard, click image2016-8-31 13:18:5.png. There are five possible steps in the wizard: Choose deployment method Create and


  6. What's in the documentation?

    for an object type, click its name. For example, to see a summary of all the tables in the database, click Tables: table-list-WidgetProdu


  7. Editing custom metrics and alerts

    -46-28.png The Step 1 – Edit metric page displays the current metric settings. If you want help updating this page, see: Step 1. Define me


  8. Viewing details of an alert

    -grouped mode, click anywhere in the row for that alert: click-anywhere.png In grouped mode, first click anywhere in the row for that aler


  9. Async in the call tree

    flow. For example, here's a trivial example Async method: async-diagram1.png The profiler breaks down the timings as: async-diagram2b.png


  10. Locking objects

    the Lock objects tab locking 1.png After locking is set up, the top pane lists objects that are currently locked in the database. The bot


  11. Using SQL Compare filters with SQL Change Automation PowerShell module

    -ServerInstance "test01\sql2012" -Database "Test" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $filter = "C:\Work\MyFilter.scpf" New-DatabaseRelea


  12. Setting up database connections

    "AdventureWorksIntegration" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" By assigning the output of New-DatabaseConnection to a variable, you can


  13. "User does not have permission to alter database 'SqlCloneTemp_...'" when creating image from a backup

    instance is selected: image2018-4-4_17-8-28.png


  14. Backups

    , and indicates how much data would be lost in the event of failure. image2019-1-31_8-54-29.png Backup Overview The backup overview gives


  15. Setting up an SVN server

    : visual-svn-server-authentication.jpg SVN authentication requires you to set up users and credentials on the SVN server. Windows authenti


  16. Authenticating with Active Directory

    . AuthenticationSettings-Configuration.png Select Log in with Active Directory credentials. ActiveDirectory-AuthenticationSettings.png Ent


  17. Working with projects

    24x24.png (Open Project) to display the Open project dialog and browse to the project you are looking for. Alternatively, on the File men


  18. Images

    - Redgate SQL Backup .sqb file format image2022-3-25_16-44-36.png Live SQL Server database - It w


  19. Using the Deployment Wizard

    the deployment wizard, click image2016-8-31 13:18:5.png. There are five possible steps in the wizard: Choose deployment method Create and


  20. Data

    in CI/CD environments (learn more about Deploying database changes). image2021-7-30_10-38-23.png Adding a new versioned migration script


  21. Overview and licensing

    metrics and more. image-2024-4-9_13-40-2.png View Redgate Monitor training vi


  22. Migration Grouping

    not want to restrict your folder structure. image2018-5-15_11-30-13.png Here it is easy to visualize how your scripts will be executed as


  23. New-DlmDatabaseConnection

    " -Database "Staging" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" This example shows how to create a Database Connection object. The o


  24. Using the Alert Inbox

    to manually refresh your browser. By default all the alerts are pre-configured with sensible default values. alert-inbox-all-servers.png


  25. Installing the SQL Clone server

    Server is a web app, so it must be installed on a machine that is visible from everywhere you want to use SQL Clone. sql clone diagram 7.


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