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  1. Authentication

    token image2019-5-8_7-44-15.png Deleting authentication tokens Tokens can be deleted from SQL Monitor in the table of tokens.


  2. Estate

    there is a filter at the top. image2019-1-31_10-13-6.png All pages feature the same initial filter options that allow you to restrict the


  3. SQL Monitor 9.0 Release Notes

    enabling or disabling alerts at the database level Fixes SRP-11947 - Allow bypassing SSL authentication when generating report PDFs for e


  4. The In Progress tab

    to iconspinner.gif Uploading. image2017-3-29 8:35:16.png The upload schedule If SQL Backup Pro fails to upload a file to hosted storage,


  5. ReadyRoll 1.13 release notes

    experiencing build-time errors: image2016-4-14 9:44:39.png 1.13.2 - March 23rd, 2016 Feature New version of SQL Compare We've updated the


  6. Data points missing from the Analysis Graph

    between points: data-not-collected.png


  7. Installing

    install anything on the instances you monitor. architecture-new.png You should install the SQL Monitor components on a different machine


  8. Verification of SQL Monitor Web failed / The installation package could not be opened

    When you install or upgrade SQL Monitor, you might see of the following error messages: Install error message.png image001.png This happe


  9. Reconnecting automatically after monitoring stopped

    for the entity you want to reconnect, select Retry connection: image2019-1-23_14-25-14.png


  10. Disk Usage

    The Disk Usage page shows the historical usage and projected data growth of all logical disks across your monitored estate. Understanding


  11. Using the SQL Monitor metrics website

    the bottom of the page provides links and information about the site content: image2018-3-20_10-22-53.png If this panel is not displayed,


  12. Step 1. Defining the metric

    on a separate line. image2019-1-23_14-52-24.png Database names are not case sensitive. If you have databases with names differentiated by


  13. Permissions required for the SQL Monitor Service accounts

    , you can subsequently configure it to use a different account: image2020-6-15_17-32-23.png Any alternative account will need the previous


  14. Setting up email notification

    . Under Alerts and metrics, select Notification settings: ConfigurationScreen-Notifications.png Enabling or disabling all emails If you wa


  15. Step 1. Defining the metric

    each name on a separate line. image2019-1-23_14-52-24.png Database names are not case sensitive. If you have databases with names differe


  16. Diagnosing Deadlocks

    The Details tab of the Alerts screen shows a graphical depiction of the deadlock graph: word-image-19.png The source of the Extended Even


  17. Run the Base Monitor Installer

    -53-38.png Download the monitoring service installer. If, for some reason, you cannot access the web interface from the machine you want t


  18. The cluster and availability group overview pages

    to. Select the cluster to navigate to the cluster overview. How-to-navigate-to-cluster-overview.png Availability group overview The avail


  19. Your first script

    ) You will see the machines that are monitored by SQL Monitor: image2019-5-8_14-36-29.png


  20. How SQL Monitor connects to monitored servers

    SQL Monitor connects to Windows machines and SQL Server instances using WMI, either over WinRM (http/https) or DCOM. When it uses WinRM,


  21. Bulk configuration of alerts using PowerShell

    the jobs and databases from the instance. SQL-Monitor-objects-hierarchy.png To get you started, you can find various example PowerShell s


  22. Activating

    1. Open the Redgate licensing window This can be accessed by selecting Manage License in the Help drop-down menu that is present in both


  23. Marking changes as deployed

    that you will no longer see this option if you've deployed the project with the script included. image2019-8-20_9-32-5.png Once the migra


  24. Integrating with ServiceNow

    environment. Create the Scripted REST API resource In ServiceNow, search for Scripted REST APIs, and select New. image2022-9-20_16-38-3.p


  25. Deploy to multiple environments using Octopus Deploy and PowerShell

    should look like this: image2018-6-14_10-57-36.png 7. Create a release and deploy Deploy to Preproduction to validate the update script b


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