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  1. Generating migrations

    , a little red asterisk will appear on the Refresh button. image2020-9-3_11-44-57.png After clicking Refresh the changes are shown: image2


  2. Working with existing Flyway configurations

    : Launch Redgate Change Control from the start menu and click Open project... image2019-12-6_19-44-19.png Navigate to your existing Flyway


  3. Profiling a .NET executable

    . This option will slow down your application slightly. Select Profile unmanaged memory allocations if your application access unmanaged m


  4. Profiling an ASP.NET application on web development server

    application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory that your application uses. (N


  5. SQL Data Generator 2.0 release notes

    October 2011 SQL Server 2008 R2 support Launch SQL Data Generator from within SSMS You can now generate data by right-clicking a database


  6. Data Compare for Oracle 2.6 release notes

    generated in the deployment wizard ODC-301: Attempted fix for "Probable I/O race condition" Correct schema now used when generating scrip


  7. Installing a local instance of SQL Server Express

    . -E -Q "ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [BUILTIN\Users];" These commands will take a while to run, but you shouldn't have to int


  8. Installing

    . On the SmartAssembly main window, hit Options, and then under Reports Database Options, click Choose (highlighted in the screenshot belo


  9. Worked example - using a scripts folder as a data source

    , providing history and allowing you to revert any changes. To do this, set up a comparison project: Click image2016-8-31 13:17:39.png (Ne


  10. Profiling an ASP.NET application on web development server

    application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory that your application uses. (N


  11. Navigating to Silverlight source code

    memory allocations if your application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory tha


  12. Profiling a .NET executable

    . This option will slow down your application slightly. Select Profile unmanaged memory allocations if your application access unmanaged m


  13. FAQ

    . SQL Server is typically slower than PostgreSQL for the same backup size) and in terms of infrastructure mainly by the I/O speed of your


  14. Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact

    "Production" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $build = Import-DatabaseBuildArtifact "C:\Work\buildArtifacts\DatabaseBuildA


  15. Setting up Azure AD as your identity provider

    application in Azure step1-appreg.png Step 2. After se


  16. Data Compare for Oracle 2.6 release notes

    generated in the deployment wizard ODC-301: Attempted fix for "Probable I/O race condition" Correct schema now used when generating scrip


  17. Viewing the data

    , if a value exists in only one of the data sources: image2016-8-31 16:12:28.png If the row exists in both databases but the values are di


  18. The RESTORE command

    of folders, use the DISK command repeatedly. For example: "RESTORE LOG [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\Pubs\Logs*.*', DISK = 'E:\OtherBack


  19. Worked example - using a scripts folder as a data source

    , providing history and allowing you to revert any changes. To do this, set up a comparison project: Click image2016-8-31 13:17:39.png (Ne


  20. Performance diagnostics: queries and waits

    and details can help you to evaluate the efficiency with which your workload utilizes server resources (CPU, I/O, Memory) and to identify


  21. Understanding the results

    to permissions. However, SQL Packager does not upgrade modifications to user passwords. New users are created with the password: p@ssw0rd


  22. Overview of SQL Monitor and its design

    the potential cause of an alert, and will help to diagnose CPU, memory or I/O queues and bottlenecks. It will help to understand the caus


  23. SQL Monitor 7.0 release notes

    'Server summary' tile in reports, giving summary information (such as operating system version, availability, and uptime) on user-specifi


  24. Example - source-controlling database schema and application code together using a working folder

    for the existing application. To do this, in Visual Studio, in the Source Control Explorer tab, select the Workspace drop-down menu:


  25. Logging and Log Files

    -7_15-37-34.png The log level will be saved for use across RCC sessions. We recommend selecting 'verbose' when debugging. The resulting lo


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