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  1. Viewing details of an alert

    -grouped mode, click anywhere in the row for that alert: click-anywhere.png In grouped mode, first click anywhere in the row for that aler


  2. SQL Server Management Studio

    . image2017-8-10 11:13:39.png Build the solution. In the output window, you'll notice that a package file is now being created as part of


  3. Using a scripts folder

    Specify the location of the scripts folder you want to compare on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2018-10-18_14-54-19.png Spec


  4. Double hit counts occurring on one line

    ANTS Perfomance Profiler may be showing unrealistic hit counts in the source code window. For instance: 100 ->if (i=o) 200 -> { dosomethi


  5. Suppressing alerts

    and the following dialog will appear: image2020-2-5_13-41-55.png See: Details of the alert suppression windows dialog for a detailed desc


  6. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    Files\Red Gate\ANTS Performance Profiler 7\" Profile.exe /e:"C:\testing\SimpleApp.exe" /ll /csv:"C:\testing\results.csv" C: CD testing Re


  7. Installing the SQL Clone server

    Server is a web app, so it must be installed on a machine that is visible from everywhere you want to use SQL Clone. sql clone diagram 7.


  8. Using filters

    the filter rules: On the Filter pane, clickimage2016-8-31 11:9:41.png Edit filter rules. The Edit filter rules dialog box is displayed: i


  9. SQL Monitor 7.0 release notes

    'Server summary' tile in reports, giving summary information (such as operating system version, availability, and uptime) on user-specifi


  10. How do I change a Primary Key value and all associated Foreign Keys?

    the core Data Masker demo database structures, implemented in a single database. The starting masking set looks like: v6tt2.0.png …and we


  11. Importing from Source Control for Oracle

    ). Launch Flyway Desktop from the Start Menu and click Import project... image-2024-1-29_0-20-6.png Select Source Control for Oracle and b


  12. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    Files\Red Gate\ANTS Performance Profiler 7\" Profile.exe /e:"C:\testing\SimpleApp.exe" /ll /csv:"C:\testing\results.csv" C: CD testing Re


  13. Azure DevOps - Classic Editor - Pipeline Setup Guide (Deprecated)

    In your Azure DevOps Organization, click Pipelines > New pipeline. image2022-3-24_12-38-40.png Click Use the classic editor to create a p


  14. Installing manually on Windows Server 2022

    for the SQL Backup data store which is a shared drive, accessible by all nodes in the cluster. The location must be specified as a local


  15. Using the object definition box and object tooltips

    up to show the creation script for that table, and a summary of the object. object tooltip3.png For tables and views, the Summary tab sho


  16. Use the VSTS Build extension with ReadyRoll

    and Release. Click New definition image2018-4-3_13-33-32.png Choose your source control system and provide the details to connect to it.


  17. Profiling Windows Store (Windows RT) apps

    are not collected. You cannot profile File I/O. This is because the Windows Store app sandbox does not allow the collection of I/O data.


  18. ANTS Performance Profiler 6.0 release notes

    Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 or later operating systems will also be able to record and analyse SQL and File I/O activity associate


  19. Installing the SQL Clone server

    Server is a web app, so it must be installed on a machine that is visible from everywhere you want to use SQL Clone. sql clone diagram 7.


  20. Optimizing backup speed

    (I/O) reads. Stage 2: SQL Backup Pro compresses, and optionally encrypts, the data.This uses CPU cycles. Stage 3: SQL Backup Pro writes t


  21. Configuring the development database

    . Screenshot 2021-07-29 at 14.45.01.png Click Link development database. Screenshot 2021-07-29 at 14.47.46.png From this screen you can en


  22. Logging and Log Files

    the help menu: image2020-10-7_15-37-34.png The log level will be saved for use across RCC sessions. We recommend selecting 'verbose' when


  23. Offline activation

    -15_15-45-57.png Click either Allocate your licenses or Allocate licenses to Redgate Monitor. You will see the following: image2021-11-15_


  24. Logging and Log Files

    application, the level of desired logging can be set via the help menu: image2020-10-7_15-37-34.png The log level will be saved for use a


  25. Authenticating with Active Directory

    . In the Configuration image2023-4-11_13-37-55.png page, under Users, click Authentication settings: image-2024-4-10_15-2-11.png Select Ac


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