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  1. Using a baseline for comparison

    and move the slider to the left or right to change the number of lines displayed on the graph. By default, the slider is set to compare 7


  2. Installing SQL Monitor on IIS

    Certificates > Create Self-Signed Certificate. For more information on how to set up IIS with SSL see How to Set Up SSL on IIS 7 using II


  3. SQL Monitor 2.3 release notes

    an alternative browser to view SQL Monitor. SRP-2310: “Back in time” can sometime crash with an error when using IE 7. Use an alternative


  4. List of alerts

    as Medium when the last full backup is older than 7 days Type: Continuous Continuous alerts can have multiple thresholds and are automati


  5. Tempdb

    to the version store (the generation rate) and the rate at which rows are being removed (the cleanup rate). These metrics allow you to se


  6. PostgreSQL Top queries

    suddenly increased (perhaps indicating a problem with I/O), if the cache hit rate has dropped (perhaps indicating memory pressure, with m


  7. Top 10 queries

    of times the query has been executed, and averages for duration, CPU time, I/O activity, and so on). It displays this data in a Top x Que


  8. Create 'n' clones for an image

    = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() "Started at {0}" -f $(get-date) "OK, going to create {0} clones" -f $Count for ($i=0;$i -lt


  9. List of alerts

    seconds/minutes/hours/days. Default settings: Raised as Medium when the last full backup is older than 7 days. Type: Continuous Continuou


  10. Deploy from a development database using Octopus Deploy and PowerShell

    "$DatabaseReleaseArtifactDirectory\Update.sql" Click Save. 7. Add the "Review database release artifact" step This step tells Octopus to


  11. Use the Bamboo add-on with a SQL Source Control Project

    of SQL Change Automation that will be used. By default, the latest version is used. Click Save 7. Add a Publish task Edit your plan. In C


  12. SQL Change Automation PowerShell 4.3 release notes

    - July 14th, 2021 Improvements: Updated SQL Compare Engine to 4.3.21187 - July 7th, 2021 Improvements: VT-7 - Project verif


  13. Use the SQL Change Automation step templates

    setting up the project steps.The Process tab should look like this. image2018-7-12_15-30-52.png 6. Create a release On the project page,


  14. List of alerts

    seconds/minutes/hours/days. Default settings: Raised as Medium when the last full backup is older than 7 days. Type: Continuous Continuou


  15. Automated installation and updates if needed, e.g. msiexec.exe /i base.msi /qn /norestart DATACONNEC


  16. Using a baseline for comparison

    and move the slider to the left or right to change the number of lines displayed on the graph. By default, the slider is set to compare 7


  17. SQL Monitor 2.3 release notes

    an alternative browser to view SQL Monitor. SRP-2310: “Back in time” can sometime crash with an error when using IE 7. Use an alternative


  18. Installing SQL Monitor on IIS

    Certificates > Create Self-Signed Certificate. For more information on how to set up IIS with SSL see How to Set Up SSL on IIS 7 using II


  19. Step 2. Adding an alert

    to Medium if it increases and passes above a 7 GB threshold: image2018-3-20_9-40-11.png In some cases, you want to be alerted when values


  20. Suppressing alerts

    that will be active from 13:00 of the current day for 7 hours (until 20:00), and at 14:00 you add a server to it, that window will take e


  21. SQL Monitor 6.0 release notes

    of reporting functionality plus a sample integration with PowerBI. Fixes SRP-10845/7 Server Overview sparkline formatting enhancements SR


  22. SQL Server and host machine metrics

    a physical CPU core or logical processor. Effective VM speed MHz The approximate effective speed of the virtual machine's virtual CPU in


  23. Processes and databases

    during that period, and how much I/O it performed. Processes (Server) Name of each server process, including WMI processes, how long it’s


  24. Top procedures

    For stored procedures SQL Monitor collects data from the sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats dynamic management object to provide details of store


  25. SQL Monitor 5.2 release notes

    , 2016 Features New capabilities for stagnant alerts (continuous active alerts more than 7 days old): SRP-10606: You can now view and clea


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