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  1. SQL Compare 14.8 release notes - Jul 26th, 2022 FREQUENT UPDATES RELEASE Fixes ZD-275263: Add support for T-SQL undocumented virtual column %%physloc%% ZD-2


  2. Using the .NET Reflector Power Commands

    choice. Note that for a class this will expand all the methods automatically, so in the picture above selecting "Text" will copy the enti


  3. Using the .NET Reflector Power Commands

    choice. Note that for a class this will expand all the methods automatically, so in the picture above selecting "Text" will copy the enti


  4. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


  5. MSQL_DQ

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resourc


  6. Diagram options

    of dependencies, SQL Dependency Tracker doesn't mix referencing and referenced by dependencies. See below: Z is the object you add to the


  7. Evening Event image-2024-6-7_15-20-11.png There will be food and drinks, plus music and games (includi


  8. PostgreSQL Top queries

    an expanded Query Details View. image2023-3-8_14-38-40.png The top queries table shows: Execution count - the number of occurrences of th


  9. Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'

    , hopefully, allow you to track down the object that is causing the issue. T he results can often be hard to analyze and knowing where NUL


  10. Renaming objects

    an object using SQL Server Management Studio or Enterprise Manager Rename, or the T-SQL sp_rename command, the object definition will con


  11. SQL Prompt 9.4 release notes

    the Ctrl key is held down. image2019-2-22_15-3-31.png You can now autofix ST013


  12. Problems when restoring from a backup to a compressed database

    a SQL Storage Compress license. If you are using a T-SQL script and the available disk space is less than the space that would be require


  13. SQL Server error 3257 - Insufficient free space

    You may encounter the following error when restoring a backup to a compressed database using a T-SQL script: Msg 3257, Level 16, State 1,


  14. Operating system error 31

    the following T-SQL statement for each database: ALTER DATABASE <database name> SET OFFLINE followed by: ALTER DATABASE <database name> S


  15. Operating system error 38

    . or, Make sure you are connected to the master database, then run the following T-SQL statement for the database: ALTER DATABASE <databas


  16. Using SQL Compare options in SQL Release

    sign to turn off a default option. $staging = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance 'staging01\sql2012' -Database 'Staging' -Username


  17. Setting up Webhook notifications (Preview)

    Notification settings: image2019-12-2_11-1-19.png Configuring SQL Monitor to send Webhook notifications: image2019-12-2_11-3-16.png Choos


  18. Include scripts

    -deployment and post-deployment scripts. Migration scripts and programmable objects do not support SQLCMD syntax due to limitations within


  19. Redgate Change Automation 2 release notes

    the Script tab from the changeReport.html generated by release-prepare. Removed the `--suites (-s)` argument from rca test and always run


  20. Adding servers to monitor

    to monitor button. The Add SQL Server panel expands: add-server-pane.PNG In the SQL Server field, enter the server(s) you want to monitor


  21. Proof of Concept Checklist

    Check for drift to ensure repeatable deployments Review and execute the necessary migration scripts against your target database(s) image


  22. Global Dashboard

    of the relevant metric: Waits Signal vs resource. CPU Instance vs machine. Disk I/O Reads vs writes. image2016-5-9 11:48:54.png If you cl


  23. Using the TFS Build plugin

    to this: tfs-processtab-plugin.png Press Ctrl+S to save the build definition. You can now update your local copy of the database and chec


  24. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    own T-SQL queries to collect metric values that aren't currently collected by default. They can also be used to collect application-speci


  25. Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'

    , hopefully, allow you to track down the object that is causing the issue. T he results can often be hard to analyze and knowing where NUL


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