Redgate Monitor 14

Setting up Slack notifications

About Slack notifications

You can set up Redgate Monitor to push alert notifications to a Slack channel of your choosing. 

Notification behavior is entirely configurable. You can set up Redgate Monitor to send a Slack message when:

  • alerts are raised.
  • an alert level increases (e.g. from Medium to High).
  • an alert ends.

Configuring Slack notifications 

Go to the Configuration page. Under Alerts and Metrics, select Notification settings:

Configuring Redgate Monitor to send Slack notifications

  1. Choose when Redgate Monitor should send messages to Slack.
  2. Go to and set up an incoming webhook integration.
  3. Enter the Webhook URL into the Slack WebHook URL box.
  4. Click Send Test Notification to check Redgate Monitor can send messages to your Webhook. 
  5. (Optionally) Provide a channel to post messages into (messages will go to the default channel for the webhook if no channel is specified). 
  6. (Optionally) Provide a username that will be used to post messages into Slack (the Slack bot incoming-webhook will be used if no username is specified). 

Proxy configuration

If using a proxy, you will need to configure SQL Monitor to use your proxy settings. SQL Monitor 10.2.0 through 10.2.3 does not support setting a proxy.

  • Go to the machine running the base monitor service.
  • Open file %PROGRAMDATA%\Red Gate\SQL Monitor\RedGate.SqlMonitor.Engine.Alerting.Base.Service.exe.settings.config and insert either of the following immediately below <networkSettings>, substituting the settings as appropriate.
<!-- Settings with bypass list -->
<defaultProxy address="" useDefaultCredentials="true" bypassLocal="true">
      <add address="" />
      <add address="" />
<!-- Settings with no bypass list -->
<defaultProxy address="http://localhost:6000" useDefaultCredentials="true" bypassLocal="true" />
  • If not present, the following should also be added to the <configSections> section
<section name="defaultProxy" type="RedGate.SqlMonitor.Common.Networking.Configuration.DefaultProxySettingsSection, RedGate.SqlMonitor.Common.Networking" />
  • Save this file and restart the base monitor service

  • Go to the machine running the base monitor service.
  • Navigate to %ProgramFiles%\Red Gate\SQL Monitor\
  • Open RedGate.SQLMonitor.Engine.Alerting.Base.Service.exe.settings.config and insert your proxy settings within a element within the configuration element. An example is shown below: 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <!-- Other config elements... --> 
          <proxy usesystemdefault="true" proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="true" />
            <add address="[a-z]+\.example\.com" />
  • Save this file and restart the base monitor service. 

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