SmartAssembly 7

Help for older versions available.

These pages cover SmartAssembly 7, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

SmartAssembly 6.7 release notes

May 24th, 2012

This version adds improved support for WPF. You can now merge dependencies containing WPF and, in some cases, the WPF code will be obfuscated where it would not have been obfuscated in previous versions.

SmartAssembly 6.7 also contains the following bug-fixes:

  • Attributes on events were discarded after merging (SA-1450)
  • Delegate types were not pruned (SA-1262)
  • The ExcludePublicMembers option for Name Mangling did not work with merged assemblies (SA-1389)
  • Stack trace decoding could fail with similarly-named types (SA-1458)

Note: If you previously used ExcludePublicMembers attribute, it has been replaced by the new KeepPublicMembersAccessible attribute. For more information, see Excluding public members from name mangling.

SmartAssembly 6.7 is a recommended update for all users of SmartAssembly 6.6.

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