SmartAssembly 8


Most Redgate products are available as part of a bundle. You can select which individual products to install when you run the installer.

When you install a non-free product, you have a trial period to evaluate them without purchase. Trial periods vary from 14 to 28 days depending on the product. For more information, see Licensing.

To install a Redgate product:

  1. Download the product from the website.
  2. Run the installer and follow the instructions.

The product is listed on the Start menu under Red Gate.

For more installation help see Licensing FAQs.

After installation

For some SmartAssembly features a database is required. By default, SmartAssembly uses a local SQLite database and will work out-of-the-box.

If you plan to use SmartAssembly on multiple computers, it is recommended to use SQL Server (any edition is supported, including LocalDB) to take a full advantage of Automated Error Reporting and Feature Usage Reporting. To learn how to configure SmartAssembly to use SQL Server, refer to Configuring reporting on multiple computers.

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