SQL Backup 9

SQL Backup Pro 7.2 release notes

September 4th, 2012


  • Default names for scheduled backup jobs now include information about the databases in the job.
  • Log Shipping wizard steps re-ordered and validation introduced to prevent network share and MOVETO folder being the same.
  • It is now possible to double-click anywhere on a reminder to launch the Schedule Restore Jobs wizard.
  • On step 2 of the Schedule Restore Jobs wizard, Create new database is always selected and populated by default.


  • SB-4546, SB-4689 and SB-5289 - STOPATMARK and STOPBEFOREMARK are supported when restoring using LATEST_ALL.
  • SB-4767 and SB-5056 - Changes to default names for scheduled backup jobs (see New Features above).
  • SB-5024, SB-5113 and SB-5287 - Issues with keyboard shortcuts and navigation in the Restore, Schedule Backup Jobs and Schedule Restore Jobs wizards have been resolved.
  • SB-5190 - Reminders are not displayed if SQL Backup Pro cannot connect to the SQL Server.
  • SB-5196 - Backup jobs that use the FULLIFREQUIRED keyword are now removed from the In Progress tab once the backup has completed.
  • SB-5202 - When upgrading from one major version to another (for example, from version 6 to 7), SQL Backup Pro is installed in a folder labelled with the new major version number by default. The folder containing the previous version is removed.
  • SB-5245 - In the Restore wizard, the option to check for orphaned users is selected by default when the user changes from a filegroup backup to a full backup.
  • SB-5270 - An error is raised when invalid database file paths or file names are entered on step 2 of the Restore wizard.
  • SB-5286 - When the Restore or Log Shipping wizard is launched from the context menu, the Database control is populated with the selected database.

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