SQL Monitor 10

Help for older versions available.

These pages cover SQL Monitor 10, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.


The annotations API can be used to add annotations to the top graph (timeline) for SQL Server instances, for example to record the time of a deployment.


You can add an annotation with a command similar to this:

Add-Annotation -Target $instance -Description "Deployment" -UtcDate Get-Date


TargetInstanceYesThe SQLServer instance to target the annotation at
DescriptionstringNoA textual description; will form the title of the annotation unless Source is specified, where it will form an additional line of information
UtcDateDateTimeYesThe time in UTC to attach the annotation
UrlstringNoA URL to navigate the user to if the annotation is clicked
SourcestringNoThe source of the annotation, such as Error or SQL Update
DatabaseNamestringNoUnused for now
SpecificInfostringNoCustomises different types of annotations

Valid Sources:



For annotating deployments to the SQL Server. Use SpecificInfo to specify what was deployed. 

ErrorFor annotating errors. Use SpecificInfo to specify error.

Permissions ChangeFor annotating permissions changing on a SQL Server.

Configuration ChangeFor annotating configuration changes. Use SpecificInfo to indicate what configuration was configured.

SQL UpdateFor annotating SQL Updates. Use SpecificInfo to provide the version number updated.


Get details about an annotation on a SQL Server instance at a given time.

$annotation = Get-Annotation -Target $instance -UtcDate $date


Removes an annotation from a SQL Server instance at a given time.

Remove-Annotation -Target $instance -UtcDate $date


Updates an annotation on a SQL Server instance at a given time by overwriting the annotation with the newly provided details.

Takes the same arguments as Add-Annotation.

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Let us know at sqlmonitorfeedback@red-gate.com

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