SQL Monitor 10

Help for older versions available.

These pages cover SQL Monitor 10, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

PowerShell Cmdlets

This page will give an overview of how to access information about the PowerShell Cmdlets provided by the SQL Monitor PowerShell Module.

Once you have imported the PowerShell Module, you can view a list of the available Cmdlets using the following command:

  1. Get-Command -Module RedgateSQM | Select Name

This will give you an output like this:

For details on a specific Cmdlet, you can use the built-in PowerShell function Get-Help. For instance, if you wanted to find out the specifics of the Update-AlertSettings Cmdlet, you would use:

  1. Get-Help Update-AlertSettings

The output would look something like this:

Many of the Cmdlets take in parameters of types defined by the SQL Monitor PowerShell Module. For clarification on these types, view the Custom Types page. You can also consult the example scripts available in SQL Monitor itself for further guidance.

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Let us know at sqlmonitorfeedback@red-gate.com

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