
Automatic License Provisioning for Redgate Apps

This feature is in early access

Access to this feature is limited to a small number of customers while we continue to develop it. Contact us if you're interested in joining the early access program (EAP).

Automatic license provisioning (ALP) automatically allocates licenses of Redgate products to users based on groups synced from your identity provider, removing the need to manually allocate licenses in the Portal.

Once enabled:

  • For licenses opted into ALP. allocations to users who are members of the selected groups(s) will be created when they log in to their tools.
  • For licenses opted into ALP, allocations to users who are not members of the selected group(s), or who have been deleted or disabled from the source directory, will be revoked.
  • For licenses opted into ALP, organizational admins will still be able to manually assign or unassign users to these licenses.
  • Licenses opted into ALP will become owned and managed by your organization, rather than the previous license owners and administrators.


Supported licenses

To be provisioned via ALP, a license must be an in-support subscription and user-based license. During early access, only Flyway licenses are eligible for ALP.

How to set up ALP

To complete this set-up, you must have the organization admin role in your organization. During early access, this role will be granted to someone in your organization as part of the onboarding into the EAP. They will then be able to assign the organization admin role to others in the Portal. See View, Add and Remove Organization Admins for instructions on how to do this.

1. Log in to the Portal and navigate to the Settings page.

2. Click the add provisioning rule button.

3. Name the provisioning rule and select the product to provision. Note that the name of the rule will be surfaced to other organization admins.

4. Choose whether to include all licenses for the selected product or to choose specific ones. Note that choosing "Any" here will opt-in all currently available licenses, but licenses that become available later (e.g. from a new purchase) will have to be manually opted-in.

5. If selecting "Choose", select the licenses to provision from the drop-down menu. Only licenses that are eligible for ALP and not in another provisioning rule are shown in this drop-down.

6. Select the groups to be assigned to the provisioning rule. All groups synchronized via SCIM will be available here.

7. Click the continue button

8. The changes that will be made a result of creating the rule are listed now.

  • "No change" indicates that the user was already allocated to a license in the pool and will continue to be afterwards. Note that their allocation will be converted to an automatic allocation.
  • "Eligible" indicates that the user is not currently allocated, but after creating the rule will be automatically allocated the next time they log in to their tool.
  • "De-allocate" indicates that the user is currently allocated to the license, but isn't in any of the groups assigned to the rule, so will be de-allocated when the rule is created. 

If any of the changes here are not acceptable, it is possible to go back and make changes to the rule. Otherwise, click the continue button again to create the rule.

9. You have now created a provisioning rule. Click the done button to close the wizard.

The created provisioning rule will now show on the settings page. From here, it can be toggled on or off (which controls whether new automatic allocations will be created), edited and deleted.

Going forward:

  • Users who are members of the selected group(s) and who are already allocated are unaffected.
  • Users who are (or become) members of the selected groups will be eligible to automatically be allocated a license when they log into the tool.
  • Users who were allocated to the license before the rule was created, but are not members of the selected group(s) will lose their allocations.
  • Users who leave the groups in a provisioning rule, or are deactivated/deleted by SCIM, will lose their automatic allocations.

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