Deployment Suite for Oracle 6

Filters & Ignore Rules in RCC

Deployment Suite for Oracle has been replaced by Redgate Deploy - Oracle. This page is therefore no longer being updated. For the latest documentation, please click here.

Using other Redgate products such as Source Control for Oracle and Schema Compare for Oracle, you can create filters and ignore rules for Oracle databases.

Ignore Rules

Ignore rules provide the capability to ignore certain database objects from any comparisons made. This potentially increases performance and helps to clear up comparison results, removing irrelevant database objects from the comparison reports.

Generating ignore rules

Ignore rules files can be generated by the following Redgate products. Only ignore rules for Oracle are currently supported. Links to the documentation pages for generating ignore rules files with the respective products are provided.

Database TypeProductDocumentation
OracleSource Control for Oracle 5Using ignore rules
OracleSchema Compare for OracleUsing ignore rules

By default, ignore rules files are generated as IgnoreRules.scpf  in the root of the Source Control for Oracle or Schema Compare for Oracle project.

Adding ignore rules to your project

Once an ignore rules file has been generated, you can add it to your project by specifying the redgate.ignoreRules property in your project configuration file. The file path should be relative to the project configuration file, i.e., redgate.ignoreRules=./IgnoreRules.scpf  if your ignore rules file is in your project root.


Filters do not remove database objects from the comparison, but do remove them from any comparison reports, and therefore do not improve performance, unlike ignore rules. However they are useful in some scenarios.

Generating a filters file

Filter files can be generated using Source Control for Oracle and are currently only supported for Oracle databases. Documentation on generating filter files can be found here.

By default files are generated as a Filters.scpf  file in the root of your Source Control for Oracle project.

Adding filters to your project

Once you have generated your Filter.scpf  file, you can include it in your project by specifying its relative path to the configuration file via the redgate.filter  property. I.e., redgate.filter=./Filter.scpf  for a filter file in your project root.

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