2. Getting your Repository Ready

There are currently two ways to get your copy of Flyway Autopilot. If you wish to use GitHub and it's Actions deployment pipelines, follow the first guide below on using the template. If you wish to use Azure DevOps (ADO), skip to the next section below and import the repository into an ADO Project. 

If you're new to Git, and you don't have either of the above, don't worry! Our recommendation is to create a free GitHub account and follow the GitHub steps.

IMPORTANT - These repositories could hold database schemas. We recommend making them private and giving access to only authorized people.

Getting started with GitHub

The entire project, and all needed files/scripts are located inside one easy-to-copy GitHub repository. 

  1. Go to Flyway Autopilot FastTrack for SQL Server or the Flyway Autopilot FastTrack for Postgres and make sure you are signed into GitHub in the top right.
    (We are also working on FastTrack for MySQL and FastTrack for OracleGet in touch if you're interested in these other databases.)

  2. Click Use this template. Doing this will create a personal copy of the repo under your account, including all of the files needed to get started.

    Tip - If you don't see the 'Use this template' button, ensure you first login to GitHub

    Important - Do not fork the repository. Instead, create a private repository using it as a template. This keeps it secure and away from the public eye!

  3. Give this repository a name and set it to Private, allowing you to move your own schema into it without it being public. Then click Create Repository.

  4. Click on the green Code button and copy the URL under the HTTPS tab. You’ll need this to create a new project from version control in Flyway Desktop.

Next step: See Opening Repository in Flyway Desktop below.

Getting started with Azure DevOps (Instead of GitHub)

  1. Create a new Azure DevOps Project (Or navigate into a pre-existing project)

  2. Head to Repository > Import Repository.  The type will be Git.  The Clone URL will be https://github.com/red-gate/Flyway-Autopilot-FastTrack for SQL Server or https://github.com/red-gate/Flyway-Autopilot-PG for PostgreSQL.  Import the repository.
    (We are also working on FastTrack for MySQL and FastTrack for OracleGet in touch if you're interested in these other databases.)

    Tip - If you don't have permissions to create a new repository, speak to your in-house DevOps experts first.

    Tip x2 - If your repository is created with a .readme and you are unable to choose 'Import a repository' (As it's not empty). Then simply download all project files from the GitHub Repo and copy these into your new Azure DevOps repo area

  3. Your new Repository should look similar to this. Copy the main URL and move onto the next step below where we will open the repository in Flyway Desktop.

Opening Repository in Flyway Desktop

Tip - You should only have done one of the set of steps above, creating either a GitHub or Azure DevOps Repository.

Remember: These repositories should be Private.

The next step of steps require Flyway Desktop to be installed.

Flyway Desktop WILL show a connection error the first time you load your repo, this is to be expected as the databases don't currently exist. Keep following this guide to create these.

  1. Click the Open project… drop down and click Open from version control. Paste the copied URL from above, select an empty folder as the directory, and click Clone.

    Tip - If your repo is private, which is the recommendation, ensure you use the correct URL when cloning. For example:

    Repo URL - https://github.com/MyAccountName/FlywayAutopilot.git (Using this may fail through Flyway, as it cannot find the private repository)

    Updated Repo URL - https://MyAccountName@github.com/MyAccountName/FlywayAutopilot.git (By adding my GitHub username before github.com, this helps GitHub ensure I first need to login as this user, before it searches for the repo)

    *If problems continue, simply clone down your repository outside of Flyway using your preferred GIT method. Then use the 'Open from disk' method above and select the Flyway.toml as shown in the step below.

  2. Select the `flyway.toml` file and click Open. In newer versions of Flyway Desktop, it will find your toml file automatically, so this will not be needed.

  3. Don't panic, this error is expected. This is simply because there are no Autopilot databases to connect to yet. To create these, click on the blue folder icon in the upper right to jump to the files on disk.

Once you have followed these steps, you will have successfully created your own repository with a Flyway Project in Flyway Desktop.

Next step > Provision your environments

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