Redgate Flyway

Environment JDBC Properties Namespace


JDBC properties to pass to the JDBC driver when establishing a connection.


Flyway Desktop

These can't be explicitly set via the connection dialog, although jdbcProperties.accessToken will be set as part of the Azure Active Directory Interactive resolver.


To configure via command line if you're using legacy configuration, i.e. your project includes a .conf file. More information about types of configuration files can be found here.

./flyway -jdbcProperties.accessToken=my-access-token info

To configure a named environment via command line when using a TOML configuration, prefix jdbcProperties with environments.{environment name}. for example:

./flyway -environments.sample.jdbcProperties.accessToken=my-access-token info

TOML Configuration File

accessToken = "my-access-token"

Configuration File


Environment Variable



Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put("accessToken", "access-token");



flyway {
    jdbcProperties = ['accessToken' : 'access-token']



Use Cases

Passing access tokens

Some database JDBC drivers support authentication with access tokens, but this token may not be supported in the URL (see SQL Server Azure Active Directory). You may also not want to leak information such as tokens in the URL. In these cases, an additional properties object can be passed to the JDBC driver which can be configured with jdbcProperties allowing you to achieve, for example, authentication that wasn't previously possible.

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