Redgate Flyway

Feature Summary

Foundational and advanced capabilities in Flyway

While all supported databases have foundational capabilities, not all databases have the additional "advanced capabilities" denoted with asterisks (*) in the features tables below. 

Foundational capabilitiesAdvanced capabilities

Flyway’s foundational migrations capabilities, including Flyway’s core commands (info, migrate, repair, validate, baseline, undo (Flyway Teams+)), support over 50 database systems. See all the Supported Databases and Versions.

Flyway’s advanced capabilities are built on Redgate’s renowned database comparison technology, in continual development and testing since 2000.

Our advanced capabilities support the major DBMS platforms, including Microsoft SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle and MySQL. 

For more information about the platform flavors we support, see Supported Databases and Versions.

Database development

Tracking changes and database version control

Flyway CommunityFlyway TeamsFlyway Enterprise
Native SQL migrations runner
Choice of migrations or state-based projects 
Built-in Git client
Maintaining a Schema Model *
Maintain object level history *
Schema change diff viewer *
Reverting schema changes 
Static data versioning **
Static data filtering and controls **

Integration with Redgate TDM ***

✓ (Preview)

Fire up databases using Docker

  ✓ (Preview)

* Available for databases with advanced capabilities (SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and their variants)
** Available for SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL (Preview)
*** Requires Redgate Test Data Manager license

Migration script management

Flyway CommunityFlyway TeamsFlyway Enterprise
Versioned migrations
SQL-based migrations
Java-based migrations
Repeatable migrations
Script migrations  
Placeholder replacement
Custom migration resolver
Baseline migrations
Callbacks ✓ (limited)
Undo migrations
Generate versioned scripts *

Generate undo scripts *

Generate baseline scripts *

Auto-generate migration scripts via CLI *

Backup as baseline 

 ✓ (Preview)

Using clones as baselines (e.g. for shadow databases) ***

✓ (Preview)

* Available for databases with advanced capabilities (SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and their variants)
*** Requires Redgate Test Data Manager

Database deployment

Deploying database changes

Flyway CommunityFlyway TeamsFlyway Enterprise
Flyway migrate (command)
Marking migration scripts as applied
Flyway baseline (command)
Auto-generate baseline scripts  
Flyway info (command)

Limit migration scripts to specific environments

Preview deployment script 

Deploy rules


Cherry picking migrations for deployment

Unlimited tags

 ✓ (coming soon)
State-based deployments from the schema model *
Automate state-based deployments *
Authentication Plain text, Oracle Wallet, Windows Authentication, Azure Active Directory, SCRAM, key-based authentication+ Kerberos, MySQL Option Files, pgpassAll

Integration with secrets managers

* Available for databases with advanced capabilities (SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and their variants)

Deployment confidence

Flyway CommunityFlyway TeamsFlyway Enterprise
Flyway validate (command)
Flyway clean (command)
Verifying migration script execution

(coming soon)

(coming soon)

Dry Run Script
Changes report *

Drift detection *

Detect invalid objects **

✓ **

Code analysis

SQLFluff onlySQLFluff only

Custom code analysis rules

Configure pipeline to fail on rule violations

✓ *** ✓ ***

CI database build

Integration with Redgate Monitor

* Available for databases with advanced capabilities (SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and their variants)
** SQL Server and Oracle only (PostgreSQL and other databases on our Roadmap)
*** Works with SQLFluff rules only for Flyway Teams. For Flyway Enterprise, you can use either SQLFluff and custom regex rules.

Recovery and troubleshooting

Flyway CommunityFlyway TeamsFlyway Enterprise
Repair (command)
Undo (command)
Auto-repair on failed migration
 ✓ (coming soon)
Save schema snapshots*

* Available for databases with advanced capabilities (SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and their variants)


GUIs, command lines, APIs and other interfaces

Flyway CommunityFlyway TeamsFlyway Enterprise
Unlimited data retention in Flyway Pipelines  
Docker images flyway/flyway Redgate/flyway Redgate/flyway
Maven plug-in
Gradle plug-in
Machine readable output
Flyway Desktop GUI Preview
Schema comparison tool *

Data comparison tool **

Distribution licenses ***  ✓***

* Available for databases with advanced capabilities (SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and their variants)
** SQL Server and Oracle only (PostgreSQL coming soon; other databases on our Roadmap)
*** Contact sales for more information on per-distribution licensing add-on


Flyway CommunityFlyway TeamsFlyway Enterprise
Redgate Standard Support  Community support only

Redgate Premium Support Community support only-

Contact us

Support for older DB versions (see full list of supported database versions)

Find out more about how these features fit into your development and deployment pipelines.

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