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  1. Informix

    syntax with statement delimiter


  2. Azure Synapse

    NONCLUSTERED (name) NOT ENFORCED ); GO -- Placeholder INSERT INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T'); Authentication See SQL Server


  3. Gradle Task - flywayMigrate

    cleanOnValidationError = false mixed = false group = false cleanDisabled = false baselineOnMigrate = false baselineVersion = 5 baselineDe


  4. Forcing SQL Data Compare and SQL Compare to use an encrypted connection

    Sources tab, go to the Server field. Type or paste one of the following: For a default instance: <Server Name>;ENCRYPT=TRUE;TRUSTSERVERCE


  5. Working with migration scripts

    Control window opens. Go to the Migrations tab. Select the type of migration script, depending on your development process and the change


  6. Link to a working folder

    to link this database, add the database objects to source control. To do this, go to the Commit tab and save the objects to the script fo


  7. Forcing SQL Data Compare and SQL Compare to use an encrypted connection

    Sources tab, go to the Server field. Type or paste one of the following: For a default instance: <Server Name>;ENCRYPT=TRUE;TRUSTSERVERCE


  8. Forcing SQL Data Compare and SQL Compare to use an encrypted connection

    Sources tab, go to the Server field. Type or paste one of the following: For a default instance: <Server Name>;ENCRYPT=TRUE;TRUSTSERVERCE


  9. SQL Prompt 8.0 release notes

    to stylefilenameI/O operations. SP-6372 : Add support for inbuilt aggregate function GROUPING_ID(). Version - June 7th, 2017 B


  10. SQL Prompt 6.3 release notes

    If you want to change the highlight color, you can use the Management Studio functionality for customizing colors. In Management Studio,


  11. SQL Prompt 7.3 release notes

    ) TRUNCATE statements To change these settings, go to Options > Code analysis: image2016-8-15 14:5:22.png Format actions for aliases SQL P


  12. Use the VSTS Release extension

    Automation Release extension In VSTS, in the top-right, click the "shopping-bag" icon. Go to Visual Studio Team Services extensions. In t


  13. SQL Server performance and activity monitoring

    are running, and on which databases, which resources are limiting performance (I/O, memory, CPU), if any, whether blocking is occurring a


  14. Upgrading Redgate Monitor installations with multiple Base Monitors

    . mbm-install-keep-existing.png When this checkbox is ticked (recommended): The existing Multiple Base Monitors configuration is going to


  15. SQL Prompt 7.3 release notes

    To change these settings, go to Options > Code analysis: image2016-8-15 14:5:22.png Format actions for aliases SQL Prompt 7.3 includes tw


  16. SQL Prompt 6.3 release notes

    the Management Studio functionality for customizing colors. In Management Studio, go to Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors


  17. Moving the data repository to a different machine

    service. To do this, go to Services (select Start > Run, enter services.msc and click OK) and stop SQL Monitor Base Monitor. In your SQL



    exhausted their quantum will voluntarily yield to give the next thread in the runnable queue its CPU time. Yielded threads don’t go on th


  19. OLEDB

    be caused by: Remote procedure calls set up within a query. BULK INSERT commands that go through OLEDB calls. Using full text search, or


  20. Configuring a VMWare host then adding the Virtual Machine

    and begins collecting data. These tasks can be performed in either order so, if you want to add VMware support to your existing hosts, yo


  21. Deploy to multiple environments using Octopus Deploy

    and environmental settings detect bugs and prevent them going into production There are several ways to make sure both environments are i


  22. List of metrics

    the I/O performance, and vice versa. This metric, and the Disk avg. write time metric, are two of the most important indicators of I/O bo


  23. SQL Release 1.2 release notes

    beta version has expired, go to this page to download the DLM


  24. SQL Backup 4.0 release notes

    databases to script in one go). New UI. Log Shipping Wizard. Backup and restore history data will be saved in the msdb table instead (as


  25. Generate Support Bundle

    In case of something going wrong, you can use Admin Console to create a support bundle. The support bundle allows Redgate Clone support &


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