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  1. The SQL Backup Agent service cannot start, or is taking too long to start up

    Explorer (Databases > System Databases > master > Programmability > Extended Stored Procedures) or sp_dropextendedproc. For example: USE


  2. Setting up Azure AD as your identity provider

    This guide aims to go through the main configuration steps required for Azure AD to be used as an identity provide for redgate Clone. Step


  3. Setting up SNMP notifications

    About SNMP notifications You can set up SQL Monitor to send an SNMP trap when: alerts are raised an alert level increases (e.g. from Medi


  4. Using SQL Monitor for the first time

    Monitor As soon as you've added a machine and instance, you can start working with SQL Monitor. Go to the Global Overview page to see the


  5. The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction...

    Go into the project settings Click the options tab select 'do not use transactions in deployment scripts'. This eliminates the issue by n


  6. Tutorial - Error Overrides

    | +-----------+---------+---------------------+------+---------------------+---------+ Adding a broken migration In this tutorial we're g


  7. Google BigQuery

    to be installed manually. Go to Google's documentation


  8. Installing an Agent to create a clone

    .\SingleUseSQLCloneAgentInstaller.exe -s SERVICEUSERNAME=RED-GATE\jordan.miller SERVICEPASSWORD=hunter2 If anything goes wrong, the insta


  9. Troubleshooting missing results

    . To display all profiled methods, go to Tools -> Advanced Options, and clear the Avoid profiling extremely trivial methods checkbox. Your


  10. Changing the Base Monitor connection

    to continue using this, go to the instructions below on Connecting to the database. If you want to create a new database or use an existi


  11. Using the Alert Inbox

    as the latest alert within the group. To see the alerts in each group, you can click it's row. To go back to the Alert Inbox, click the ←


  12. Adding PostgreSQL on Linux

    Make sure you have prepared PostgreSQL for monitoring before adding a PostgreSQL instance to Redgate Monitor. You can monitor supported Po


  13. Suspending a monitored server

    points will be available: image-2024-4-26_10-21-10.png Resuming monitoring on a suspended server Go to the Monitored servers page, click


  14. Using the Redgate Monitor metrics website

    the website, you need to install cookies. To do this: Ensure that cookies are enabled in your web browser. Go to the Configuration > Aler


  15. Reconnecting automatically after monitoring stopped

    this point, you can only retry the connection manually using the Redgate Monitor interface: In Redgate Monitor, in the Configuration page


  16. SQL Server versioning and Patching

    available update Shows the latest available update for the installed version, and the date it was released. Clicking on the link will go


  17. Adding Amazon RDS SQL Server

    modify Amazon RDS' security group in this AWS guide Go to


  18. Viewing the SQL differences

    :38:58.png Next and image2016-8-31 10:38:49.png Previous to go to lines that contain a difference. You can also use Alt + Up Arrow and Alt


  19. Global Overview doesn't display any details in your browser

    If the Global Overview page doesn't contain any data, please check the following: For Internet Explorer on Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2


  20. SQL Prompt 4.0 release notes

    other SQL Prompt users. There is a new, separate interface for creating and managing your snippets, including an option to go to the fold


  21. SQL Prompt 6.5 release notes

    actions You can now choose what will happen when you run Format SQL by going to Format > Actions in the Options dialog box: format action


  22. MSQL_XP (MSDN). Investigating external code If the extended stored procedure is developed l


  23. Using the SQL Monitor metrics website

    that cookies are enabled in your web browser. Go to the Configuration > Custom metrics page and click on one of the links to the website.


  24. Reconnecting automatically after monitoring stopped

    retry the connection manually using the SQL Monitor interface: In SQL Monitor, in the Configuration tab, go to the Monitored servers page


  25. Configuring Profiler trace

    Enabling trace allows you to continuously capture SQL Profiler trace data on the selected instance. When an alert is raised, the SQL stat


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