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  1. Script verification

    =N'SQLOLEDB' , @datasrc=N'ActualServerName' END ELSE BEGIN PRINT N'Skipping linked-server object [LinkedServerAlias] creation because IsSh


  2. SQL Prompt 8.0 release notes

    to stylefilenameI/O operations. SP-6372 : Add support for inbuilt aggregate function GROUPING_ID(). Version - June 7th, 2017 B


  3. Data container branch

    SQL you like. Open your favourite SQL editor and make any visible change (e.g. add a new table). Creating a new revision Then go back to


  4. Setting up Okta as your identity provider

    This guide aims to go through the main configuration steps required for Okta to be used as an identity provide for redgate Clone. Step 1.


  5. Using performance diagnostics

    help you decide how to start troubleshooting. Queries can help you evaluate the efficiency of I/O usage, and identify problematic stateme


  6. SQL Prompt 6.3 release notes

    the Management Studio functionality for customizing colors. In Management Studio, go to Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors


  7. SQL Prompt 7.3 release notes

    To change these settings, go to Options > Code analysis: image2016-8-15 14:5:22.png Format actions for aliases SQL Prompt 7.3 includes tw


  8. Viewing the SQL differences

    image2016-8-31 10:38:58.png Next and image2016-8-31 10:38:49.png Previous to go to lines that contain a difference. You can also use Alt


  9. Changing the Base Monitor connection

    . If you're happy to continue using this, go to the instructions below on Connecting to the database. If you want to create a new database


  10. Use the VSTS Build extension with ReadyRoll

    . Create a build definition You can now create a VSTS build definition for your ReadyRoll project. Go to your project in VSTS. In the top


  11. Switches used in the command line

    : /o Applies the project configuration options used during comparison or deployment: sqldatacompare /db1:WidgetStaging /db2:WidgetProducti


  12. SQL Clone 4 release notes

    fixes: Features I/O exceptions in agent operations (e.g. image deletion) that fail due to a file or folder being locked now attempt to in


  13. Using SmartAssembly with ReadyToRun images (.NET Core 3)

    to use "ReadyToRun" later. After the publishing is done, go to the output directory (this would be \ConsoleApp\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\


  14. Using SmartAssembly with single-file executables (.NET Core 3)

    to the published directory. After the publishing is done, go to the output directory (this would be \ConsoleApp\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1


  15. Activating

    , on a computer that has an internet connection, go to the Manual Activation page of the Red Gate Web site at


  16. Scheduling backup jobs

    schedule backups using the Windows Task Scheduler (found in the Windows Control Panel) and SQL Backup's command line interface, SQLBackup


  17. Log shipping - specify source and destination database

    . The user that the SQL Backup Agent service is running as on the source SQL Server must have permissions to create files on the network s


  18. Troubleshooting SharePoint profiling

    administrator's account. Open a command prompt and run: gpupdate /force to enforce the new settings. Open Administrative Tools and go to


  19. SQL Monitor 8 documentation

    SQL Monitor is a SQL Server monitoring tool that transforms the way you look at your database. It cuts your daily check to minutes, with


  20. Global Overview doesn't display any details in your browser

    If the Global Overview page doesn't contain any data, please check the following: For Internet Explorer on Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R


  21. Base Monitor and Web Server versions are different

    SQL Monitor displays this error when you try to connect from a web server to a base monitor that is a different version. To fix the probl


  22. Viewing connection information for monitored servers

    If you have connection problems when monitoring some of your servers, you can view logged connection errors: Go to the Configuration tab


  23. Using SmartAssembly with ReadyToRun images (.NET Core 3)

    to use "ReadyToRun" later. After the publishing is done, go to the output directory (this would be \ConsoleApp\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\


  24. Using SmartAssembly with single-file executables (.NET Core 3)

    to the published directory. After the publishing is done, go to the output directory (this would be \ConsoleApp\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1


  25. Refreshing Triggers stored in the masking set

    , but what if there are? 3. Go back to the Rules in Set tab and Edit the Rule Controller, select the Tools tab and within it click Refresh


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