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  1. Adding Azure SQL Managed Instance

    the Managed Instance from the Base Monitor machine through SSMS. Go to the Configuration page and under Estate, select Monitored servers.


  2. Adding Amazon RDS SQL Server

    RDS' security group in this AWS guide Go to the Configura


  3. Redgate Monitor 2.3 release notes

    -2905: Include query duration for Long running query alert. SRP-3688: Analysis graph plots data but not the lines when the custom time ran


  4. Adding Azure SQL Managed Instance

    to access the Managed Instance from the Base Monitor machine through SSMS. Go to the Configuration page and under Estate, select Monitore


  5. Setting up script notifications

    be configured, once enabled, as follows: Go to the Configuration page. Under Alerts, select Notification settings. You will need to be an


  6. Tracked queries

    tracked queries you can have for the instance respectively, so this can be reviewed at a glance without the need to go in the tab itself.


  7. Changing the Base Monitor connection

    installed will still be used as the data repository. If you're happy to continue using this, go to the instructions below on Connecting t


  8. Using the Alert Inbox

    . To see the alerts in each group, you can click its row. To go back to the Alert Inbox, click the ← Alert Inbox link at the top left. ima


  9. SQL Server and host machine metrics

    a physical CPU core or logical processor. Effective VM speed MHz The approximate effective speed of the virtual machine's virtual CPU in


  10. Top procedures

    For stored procedures SQL Monitor collects data from the sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats dynamic management object to provide details of store


  11. Viewing details of an alert

    window context menu command. (This only works for the Actions menu Open command.) Viewing newer or older alert details You don't have to


  12. Monitoring status explained

    will be collected until you resume monitoring. Suggested action: Go to the Configuration > Monitored servers page, click the Actions butt


  13. Generating a new SSH key pair

    -based distributions (SUSE Linux, openSUSE Linux, etc.): sudo zypper install openssh Once this is completed you can go back and run the ss


  14. Creating down scripts up-front

    at the same time that the up script is written. Creating the down script These steps generate both the script to go up (that is a migrati


  15. Setting up a project with an existing database in SSMS

    . We’re going to filter out a DDL trigger from our baseline of the existing database. We have specified a SQL Compare filter file, Filter.


  16. Can I create my own replacement datasets?

    Data Masker open then either stop it and restart or go to the Misc Setup tab and “Refresh” the dataset list DMS6_doc3_img5.png Correlated


  17. Rule Blocks and Dependencies – are they really necessary?

    the male names have appropriate values. DMS6_doc12_img2.png DMS6_doc12_img3.png This masks everything and go back and reconcile the where


  18. Can I make a Table-to-Table rule faster?

    While this article includes screenshots and code snippets that apply only to Data Masker for SQL Server, the advice applies equally to Da


  19. Configuring monitored servers

    , but fewer data points will be available: suspendedanalysispage.gif Resuming monitoring on a suspended server Go to the Monitored servers


  20. Purging SQL Monitor data

    SQL Monitor stores a large amount of data in its Data Repository. To prevent the Data Repository database using all your hard disk space,


  21. Configuring SQL Monitor with IIS 6

    is not checked: 5.png Click OK to close each dialogue. To make sure the website works, in your browser, go to IP:PORT NUMBER (eg localhos


  22. Availability group overview

    on a secondary replica, go to the Analysis Graph, select the metric Log bytes flushed/sec, and then select the database. From the send qu


  23. Adding servers on a different network from your base monitor

    properties of that folder and go to the Endpoints tab Add a static endpoint and set the port (e.g. 24158) Restart the "Windows Management


  24. Create a custom metric and alert demonstrates how


  25. PagerDuty SMS notifications

    integration email address to the Send emails to section by going to "Configuration > Notification settings" page and ticking " Send email


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