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  1. Diagnosing Deadlocks

    the what's causing the deadlock, we can then go on to improve the overall database performance. Deadlocks revealed, in SQL Monitor SQL Mo


  2. Setting SQL Monitor data retention policy

    SQL Monitor stores a large amount of data in its Data Repository. To prevent the Data Repository database using all your hard disk space,


  3. Optimizing backup speed

    (I/O) reads. Stage 2: SQL Backup Pro compresses, and optionally encrypts, the data.This uses CPU cycles. Stage 3: SQL Backup Pro writes t


  4. April 2021 - Why you should be testing flyway migrations in CI

    catastrophic data loss that causes outages for your service. Let’s take a look at some examples of where migrations can go wrong. Clashin


  5. The Flyway Engine, OSS (Open-Source Software) and Redgate

    for the last 18 months on two things that will help; moving Flyway to a plug-in architecture, and removing the OSSifier from our process.


  6. See migration scripts for multiple folders in Flyway Desktop

    Desktop, go to your Migrations tab. You'll now see all the Migrations across all the different locations you specified. If you have diffe


  7. GitHub YML Self Hosted Agent (Using GitHub Actions)

    , by yourselves, before being executed against any environments. Section 4 - Considerations Before taking a look within the GitHub pipelin


  8. Investigating Blocking using SQL Monitor

    dramatically change how the application behaves. Any decision on changing isolation levels is likely an architectural decision for the ap


  9. SQL Monitor 8.0 Release Notes

    an issue with data file usage alerts not being raised Fixes an issue where the "Older" button on the alert details page may go to itself


  10. SQL Monitor 8.0 Release Notes

    an issue with data file usage alerts not being raised Fixes an issue where the "Older" button on the alert details page may go to itself


  11. Investigating Blocking using SQL Monitor

    dramatically change how the application behaves. Any decision on changing isolation levels is likely an architectural decision for the ap


  12. Tracking Disk Space Usage and Database Growth

    space. Increase the time available to react to database growth. If you can predict when a database is going to need to grow, you can sche


  13. SQL Monitor 5.0 release notes

    "Configure alerts" now works instead of refreshing the page SRP-10065: The “Contact sales” link in the top status bar now goes to the Red


  14. Jenkins YAML (Jenkinsfile) Windows/Linux

    . Section 4 - Considerations Before taking a look within the Jenkinsfile, consider as you go the following questions: What do I want my au


  15. SQL Monitor 5.0 release notes

    "Configure alerts" now works instead of refreshing the page SRP-10065: The “Contact sales” link in the top status bar now goes to the Red


  16. Tracking Disk Space Usage and Database Growth

    . Increase the time available to react to database growth. If you can predict when a database is going to need to grow, you can schedule i


  17. Error - IO error on backup or restore restart-checkpoint file

    When backing up or restoring, the following error may occur: I/O error on backup or restore restart-checkpoint file 'C:\Program Files\Mic


  18. GitLab Dockerized YML Pipeline Using SaaS Runner

    , by yourselves, before being executed against any environments. Section 4 - Considerations Before taking a look within the GitLab pipelin


  19. Azure DevOps YML Self Hosted Windows Agent

    executed against any environments. Section 4 - Considerations Before taking a look within the Azure DevOps pipeline, consider as you go t


  20. Azure DevOps Docker YML Microsoft Hosted Agent

    , consider as you go the following questions: What do I want my automated pipeline to look like? How many environments do I want to have a


  21. Flyway Desktop 5 release notes - May 05 2022 Improvements Improved signing in with your Redgate ID Moved the ‘Go to project folder’ and ‘Open in console’ butto


  22. SQL Backup 4.0 release notes

    databases to script in one go). New UI. Log Shipping Wizard. Backup and restore history data will be saved in the msdb table instead (as


  23. Installation

    of the database being cloned is going to be used from the same SQL Server instance as the source database then only one Agent needs to be


  24. Activating

    request, for example to a location on your network or to a USB device. On a computer that has an internet connection, go to the Manual Ac


  25. Scheduling restore jobs

    command line interface, SQLBackupC.exe: Go through the Restore wizard to create a template restore job for the database you want to sched


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