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  1. Multiple Base Monitor installations

    Base Monitor may exceed desirable thresholds. you have machines running in a DMZ. Multiple-Base-Monitors-diagram.png Next step Installing


  2. Performance and activity monitoring

    SQL Servers. For example: Investigate which expensive processes and queries are running, and on which databases, which resources are limi


  3. Alerts

    image2018-9-18_11-0-20.png SQL Monitor raises alerts when it detects problems across your servers. What alerts does SQL Monitor raise? SQ


  4. The New Cross Database Table-to-Table Rule Form

    image2019-4-3_16-21-23.png The Data Masker Create/Edit Cross Database Table-to-Table Rule Form This form is used to create and edit Data


  5. Data Masker for Oracle 6.0

    Using DataMasker.exe to automate masking sets runs has been deprecated in 6.1.1 and will be removed in the next major release of Data Mas


  6. Rule Blocks and Dependencies – are they really necessary?

    by right clicking on it and choosing "Remove Dependency". If the rule itself has dependents these will be maintained. image2019-5-30_9-59


  7. The New XML Masker Rule Form

    contain the text Invalid object name. Any errors which do not contain this text will still cause the masking operations to halt. image201


  8. Implementing a roll back strategy

    represents exactly the same structure for objects as in v3. When should I roll back and when should I roll forward? Neither rolling back


  9. How Flyway per-user licensing works

    , and ending in Production. {Development DB(s)} → {VCS} → {Build/CI DB} → {QA DB} → {Pre-prod DB} → {Production DB(s)} How can I tell whet


  10. Deploy to multiple environments using Octopus Deploy and PowerShell

    should look like this: image2018-6-14_10-57-36.png 7. Create a release and deploy Deploy to Preproduction to validate the update script b


  11. State, commit mode and failover information

    availability-replica-info.png The states in the table below are listed in order of severity, with the most severe first. State Explanatio


  12. Data Masker for Oracle 6.1 (Archived)

    – Data Masker 6.1.12 Features Generating PARFILEs from the UI command line (-G) will now prompt for where it should be saved. Added a lin


  13. Static data comparison options

    The way static data changes are captured in the schema model and when generating migration scripts can be configured using options. On the


  14. Execution rules

    of a scalar prompt 16.png


  15. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with SQL Change Automation

    this: multi-server-example.png And a typical workflow might look like this: Make changes to the development database using any SQL Server


  16. Use the Azure DevOps Release extension with Windows Authentication credentials

    "wsman/<your computer name>" to servers list for both settings. image2021-6-4_17-37-25.pngimage2021-6-4_17-38-37.png 2. Enable receiving


  17. Use a service connection to store target database credentials

    be managed. image2020-7-23_14-42-46.png Advantages of using a service connection Service connections provide more granular access configu


  18. Estate

    there is a filter at the top. image2019-1-31_10-13-6.png All pages feature the same initial filter options that allow you to restrict the


  19. Add SQL Server

    Add SQL Server on Linux image2022-10-31_14-41-4.png


  20. Authentication

    of a new token image2019-5-8_7-44-15.png Deleting authentication tokens Tokens can be deleted from SQL Monitor in the table of tokens.


  21. SQL Change Automation PowerShell 4.4 release notes

    4.4.22097 - April 7th, 2022 Improvements: VT-178 - Certain cmdlets will now create less temporary directories, reducing amount of I/O ope


  22. About SQL Change Automation

    . Typical SQL Change Automation pipeline and workflow A typical SQL Change Automation pipeline might look like this: multi-server-example.


  23. Script verification

    fails verification, this view is shown: image2018-6-13_11-21-6.png To view the full details of the error, under SQL Server error details,


  24. Adding SQL Server on Windows

    This page explains how to add SQL Server instances, running on Windows machines. Go to the Configuration page and, under Estate, select Mo


  25. Redgate Monitor 5.2 release notes

    throughout SQL Monitor. You can access this feature from the new dashboard. image2016-5-11 13:57:3.png


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