Search for " ̺ī zkwlshtkdlxmqkfhrkrl Ʈ ī 21 ī뱤 ¶ " returned 1495 results.

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  1. Stopping the SQL HyperBac Control Service

    need to run this task twice before SSMS reports the database as being offline. or Ensure you are connected to the master database, then r


  2. Rollbacks

    to ask might be: How do I release/rollback new versions of my app while mitigating the risk of data loss? Rather than investing time and


  3. SMB File Share

    the following commands to mount a SMB drive on the host machine: sudo mkdir /var/foo sudo mount -t cifs -o 'dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777,


  4. Run a Data Masker masking set during image creation

    number of modifications in any order: # Script to create a new SQL Clone data image with both a Data Masker masking set and post-image T-


  5. Verifying backups of the master database

    ). ... 06/06/2012 13:05:05: SQL error 8906: Page (1:10) in database ID 21 is allocated in the SGAM (1:3) and PFS (1:1), but was not alloca


  6. Run a Data Masker masking set during image creation

    number of modifications in any order: # Script to create a new SQL Clone data image with both a Data Masker masking set and post-image T-


  7. Configure External Data Source Dependencies

    is_master_key_encrypted_by_server FROM sys.databases WHERE name = DB_NAME()) = 0 BEGIN CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'P@ssw0


  8. Test-DatabaseConnection

    -ServerInstance "prod01\sql2014" -Database "Production" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" Test-DatabaseConnection $connecti


  9. Setting up database connections

    "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" By assigning the output of New-DlmDatabaseConnection to a variable, you can reuse this as the input for another


  10. Using SQL Compare filters with DLM Automation cmdlets

    -DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "test01\sql2012" -Database "Test" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $filter = "C:\Work\MyFilter.s


  11. New-DatabaseConnection

    ---------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------- $staging = New-DatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "staging01\sql2014" -Database "Staging" -Username "Auto


  12. Generic generators

    ! \\ \ \. . \^ ^ \$ $ \{ { \[ [ \] \] \( ( \| | \) ) \* * \+ + \? ? \a alarm character \b backspace \d digit \e escape \f formfeed \n new


  13. Redgate Change Automation 2 release notes

    with the Redgate signature. 2.6.5604 - February 21 2020 Improvements Improved console logging for RCA commands. The default output is muc


  14. Profiling a Windows service

    memory allocations if your application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory tha


  15. Profiling a COM+ server application

    application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory that your application uses. (N


  16. Profiling an ASP.NET application on IIS

    memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory that your application uses. (Not available in Windows XP /


  17. Profiling an ASP.NET Core application on IIS

    access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory that your application uses. This option wi


  18. Profiling an ASP.NET application on IIS Express

    if your application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory that your application


  19. Tutorial - Using Flyway Check with SQL Server

    "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Flyway123" -p 1433:1433 -d Make sure there are no other SQL Server instanc


  20. SQL Prompt 4.0 release notes

    set of options. Improved SQL Grammar support Enhanced T-SQL grammar support for SQL 2000, SQL 2005 and SQL 2008 SQL server editions. Sugg


  21. SQL Prompt 10.12 release notes

    the one set by the current locale. - Re


  22. Step 1. Define metric

    metrics that may affect or be affected by this metric. references to useful TechNet articles or similar sites. Enter the T-SQL query used


  23. MSQL_XP

    Extended stored procedures within SQL Server allow you to make a T-SQL external call to a compiled DLL, so you can run code that can’t be


  24. Profiling a Windows service

    memory allocations if your application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory tha


  25. Profiling a COM+ server application

    application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory that your application uses. (N


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