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  1. Error handling

    for SQL Clone. try { Connect-Sqlclone http://localhost:14145 } catch { exit } Example 2 function log ([string]$msg){ #logging functionali


  2. Clones for database drift detection during database CI

    Databases) Step 2: Deploy a clone of this image to the integration system. Step 3: Create a release artifact from the latest build and de


  3. "Login failed for user..." - 'orphaned users' problem

    SQL Clone operates by attaching databases; when you are attaching a database to a new server, this may expose you to a common issue with


  4. Tutorial: Jenkinsfile for Oracle deployments

    ) { if (status == 1) { error('Redgate Code Analysis for Oracle failed to complete due to a fatal error') } else if (status == 2) { status


  5. Switch from SQL CI Test command to PowerShell

    :\testresults\WidgetShop.junit.xml" $results | Export-DlmDatabaseTestResults -OutputFile "C:\testresults\WidgetShop.trx" In the example ab


  6. March 2020 - Flyway timestamps and repeatables

    other changes. R__UtilityProcedures.sql create or replace procedure my_important_proc Developer 2 pulls the changes and migrates their da


  7. Showing the amount of time taken for a method in one particular thread

    the profiling results with "all threads" selected will show a hit count of "2" and a total time of "6 seconds", assuming ANTS Performance


  8. Redgate Monitor Native High Availability - Enterprise Feature

    balancer, with one Website. image-2024-4-21_21-51-36.png 2. Two or more Base Monitor & Website pairs: Website behind a load balancer, eac


  9. Your first script

    PowerShell API Develop your first PowerShell script from scratch. Listing all clusters monitored by Redgate Monitor 1) Generate an authent


  10. Connecting with PowerBI

    Connecting to an endpoint in Power BI 1. In Power BI, click Get data. step1bi.png 2. Select Web from the pop-up window and click connect s


  11. Connecting with Postman

    Postman is an API platform that allows you to create and use APIs. 1. Add a new HTTP Request step1.png 2. Enter the relevant API endpoint


  12. Showing the amount of time taken for a method in one particular thread

    the profiling results with "all threads" selected will show a hit count of "2" and a total time of "6 seconds", assuming ANTS Performance


  13. Image modifications

    (for T-SQL modifications) or a .dmsmaskset file (for data masking). image2018-2-23_11-3-27.png The modifications will be applied in the o


  14. Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation

    locations stored on a SQL Clone Server. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation -Path '\\shared-drive\Backups' This co


  15. Get-SqlCloneTemplate

    a SQL Clone Server. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Connect-SqlClone -ServerUrl '' $Image = Get-SqlClon


  16. About Shuffle Rules

    table originally contained the data: EMP_ID EMP_FIRSTNAME EMP_LASTNAME 1 Bill Smith 2 Sally Jones 3 William Green 4 Ben White 5 Jane Doe


  17. Deploy from a development database using Octopus Deploy In this example, we're only deploying to one machine, but we still need an environ


  18. Scheduling restores - specify the file locations

    backup job. All files to default locations schedulerestorewizallfilesdefault.gif If you have selected Overwrite existing database on step


  19. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    int i; try { i = (int)int.Parse(linedata[3]); // Check the number of times that Write(char value) is run if ((linedata[2] == "Write(char


  20. SQL Monitor connection error - Cannot generate SSPI context

    Console (MMC) (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services). Double-click the SQL Server service and, on the General tab, click Stop.


  21. Supported platforms

    8 Supported browsers You can open the SQL Monitor web application with: Firefox 3 or later Chrome 2 or later Internet Explorer 7 or later


  22. Troubleshooting SharePoint Profiling

    in the Primary Site Collection Administrator box. amp_sharepoint_admin.gif 2. Grant permissions The primary site collection administrator


  23. The RESTORE command

    } } ] [ [ , ] FILEOPTIONS = { 1 | 2 | 3 } ] [ [ , ] KEEP_CDC ] [ [ , ] KEEP_REPLICATION ] [ [ , ] LOG_ONERROR ] [ [ , ] LOG_ONERRORONLY ]


  24. Failed to locate the [object name] for the [object name]

    , and in the Scripts folder field, paste the transient folder location from step 2. On the right, under Target, enter the connection detai


  25. New-SqlMonitorAzureSqlDatabaseCredential Aliases None Required? true Position? 2


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