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  1. Using SQL Monitor for the first time

    , 2 days or 3 days. image2018-3-19_15-26-43.png For more information, see Rewinding time with Back in Time mode. Go to the Analysis tab to


  2. Using the Alert Inbox

    The Alert Inbox is an email-style inbox for all the alerts that SQL Monitor has raised. Like an email inbox, you can browse through the l


  3. Redgate Monitor 6.0 release notes

    on the Server Overview. Alerting: • Ability to add regular expression filters to blocking process alerts. Fixes: • SRP-10941/2 Global Das


  4. Step 1. Defining the metric

    or the Custom metric page (Configuration > Custom metric). Once you've completed this page, click Next to go to Step 2. Adding an alert.


  5. Using the Alert Inbox

    The Alert Inbox is an email-style inbox for all the alerts that Redgate Monitor has raised. Like an email inbox, you can browse through th


  6. Reducing the number of migration scripts

    . For example, use regex replace of \r\n(.*?)-\- \<Migration (.*?)\>\r\n with \r\nGO\r\n Using the ID copied in step 2, paste over the exi


  7. Setting up a project with a SQL Clone image as a baseline in SSMS

    , it will be under the Tools drop-down menu. 2. Create a new project Click New Project… to create a new project. This will open the projec


  8. Setting up a project with an existing database in Visual Studio

    if it is not already open. image2019-8-16_9-56-3.png 2. Create a new project Click Create Project… to create a new project. This will ope


  9. Setting up a project with a SQL Clone image as a baseline in Visual Studio

    Automation in the Tools drop-down menu. This will open the SQL Change Automation window if it is not already open. SelectToolInVs.PNG 2.


  10. Installing and Updating PowerShell components Method 2: Installing and Upgrading fro


  11. Setting up Webhook notifications

    the monitored entity is found. For example: "2 - Staging". monitoredEntity.clusterName Name of the cluster. (If it exists for the given c


  12. Can't connect to Active Directory authentication service

    to using Active Directory, selecting "Reset and use Active Directory". For complete instructions, see: Authenticating with Active Directo


  13. Installing SQL Monitor on IIS

    Prerequisites for systems without IIS Install IIS 1. Install Microsoft's Web Platform Installer


  14. Creating a custom metric and alert

    on which the metric is based. Step 2. Adding an alert – optionally base an alert on the metric by completing sections similar to those di


  15. Your first script

    PowerShell API Develop your first PowerShell script from scratch. Listing all clusters monitored by SQL Monitor 1) Generate an authenticat


  16. Overview of Redgate Monitor

    , or by base monitor. The following diagram shows two tiles at the top, as they appear on the Global Dashboard, and below them an illustra


  17. GitHub Dockerized YML Pipeline (Using GitHub Actions) Section 2 - Redgate Documentation Before we get started, it’s valuable to n


  18. Resolving unsupported programmable objects

    to make a change to [ViewA], for example, ALTER VIEW [dbo].[ViewA] WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT 2 As MyCol; GO The following error will b


  19. Add-SqlMonitorMonitoredObject

    Aliases None Required? true Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false -Group <Object> G


  20. SQL Monitor 5.2 release notes

    and undergo additional QA. Version 5.2.7 (v6.0 beta 2) - August 9th, 2016 Note: This release includes a Beta preview of SQL Monitor v6.0.


  21. Processes and databases Recovery model: FULL Date created: 2 Mar 2018 13:02 Collation: SQL_Latin1_G


  22. Permissions required for monitoring servers

    via WinRM the account should be a member of the WinRMRemoteWMIUsers__ group (2 underscores). For further information, see: Authentication


  23. Global Dashboard

    of the 2-node cluster that they represent, which hosts 8 Availability Groups (1 database per AG). Global-dashboard-navigation.png Filteri


  24. Using the Server Overview

    , SQL User Processes, Availability Groups (when set up), Processes, Error Log or Databases. (2) Server Selector Change to view information


  25. Using the Alert Inbox

    The Alert Inbox is an email-style inbox for all the alerts that SQL Monitor has raised. Like an email inbox, you can browse through the l


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