Redgate Monitor 14

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Redgate Monitor 6.0 release notes

When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every two weeks that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number, such as v6.0.8. So if you’ve identified a particular feature from the release notes that you need, you can download the relevant build.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed, it’s best to use a quarterly minor version release, identified by a two-part version number such as v6.1.
  • Annual major releases (such as v6.0) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional QA

Version 6.0.18 - January 24th, 2017


• Added a "Send test email" button to the report email settings


 SRP-2593 System processes on the alert details page are now sortable

 SRP-10728 User settings for alert filters will now persist in more situations

 SRP-10801 Modified styling of graphs on the server overview to make certain metrics more visible

 SRP-10803 Top processes on the server overview page are now ordered by their average CPU usage over the focused period

 SRP-10806 Clarified ordering of the top 10 processes on server overview

 SRP-10939 When using small cards the global dashboard will now show additional details on hover

 SRP-10945 Deadlocks no longer show as active indefinitely on the global dashboard

 SRP-10980 Fixed an issue that may occur when creating two reports of the same name

 SRP-10986 Fixed an issue that may have caused the comment dialog to not appear on the server overview page

 SRP-10991 Fixed an issue where the number of active alerts may be incorrectly reported on the global dashboard

Version 6.0.17 - January 10th, 2017

Active Directory:

• Read-only users are now supported in Active Directory authentication mode.


• Added the ability to make a copy of a report

• Fixed an issue that caused reports to be emailed every 15 minutes.


SRP-10970 - Availability group - replication falling behind alerts are now only raised for enabled alert thresholds.

SRP-10954 - Viewing long running query alerts no longer throws an exception when running IIS in SQLServer session-state mode.

SRP-10926 - SQL Monitor no longer raises database unavailable alerts when restoring a database.

SRP-10851 - Server Overview now shows severity of ended alerts in the main chart timeline.

SRP-10952 - Fixed an issue with cluster detection that could cause 'phantom' machines to be monitored.

Version 6.0.16 - December 21st, 2016

Reporting improvements:

 Continued improvements on performance and reliability of new Reporting feature.

 Added “Server waits by day” summary tile.

 Improve printability of PDF reports.

 Ability to configure report schedule when creating new reports.

 Ability to make ad-hoc changes to reporting period without changing emailed report period.

Virtualization support:

 Manually add a monitored Windows Hyper-V host machine to its VM so that you can see the VM host CPU/RAM on the Server Overview.


 Ability to add regular expression filters to blocking process alerts.


•  SRP-10941/2 Global Dashboard is not displaying the SQL Server "cards".

  SRP-10913 Failover clustered instances are shown under nodes on the Configuration -> Manage Servers page.

Version 6.0.15 - December 6th, 2016

Fix a problem whereby renaming a scheduled report could result in it not being emailed.

Version 6.0.14 - December 6th, 2016

Fix a problem whereby IIS hosted website is not able to automatically generate scheduled reports.

Version 6.0.13 - December 5th, 2016

SQL Monitor 6.0.13 contains a number of enhancements, including:

  • Improvements to reporting beta
    • Add and edit tiles directly from the reports page
    • Export reports to PDF
    • Schedule reports to be emailed
  • Replaced the SQL Monitor web server, from using the XSP web service to using IIS Express, to improve reliability and performance

If you choose to use IIS to host the SQL Monitor web interface, and you wish to make use of the scheduled reporting feature to receive regular reports, then it will be necessary to enable the Application Initialization feature for IIS. This will not be necessary if you choose to use the SQL Monitor web server.


SRP-10787 LRQ alerts firing on 0 second duration queries
SRP-10878 SQL Monitor is unable to connect to primary node of an AG.
SRP-10914 Popup no longer appears on Analysis graph

Version 6.0.12 - November 11th, 2016

SQL Monitor 6.0.12 contains small bug fixes, including:

  • Fixed issues managing reports when using the bundled web server

Version 6.0.11 - November 9th, 2016

This release contains a number of enhancements, including:

  • Improvements to reporting beta:
    • Analysis graphs can be added to reports
    • Multiple reports can be added
    • Report tiles can be moved and removed from reports
    • Added alerts summary tile
    • Removed experimental Power BI integration
  • Added option to display servers on the global dashboard as smaller cards
  • Added option to order servers on the global dashboard by name


SRP-10894 Release memory when using autorefresh on server overview

Version 6.0.10 - October 31st, 2016

This release contains a number of minor enhancements, including:

  • Added exporting of query plans

  • Improved performance of server overview

  • Added "Login Name" and "Program Name" to top queries

  • Ability to disable Intercom feedback mechanism


  • SRP-10404 "SQL Process Fragment" in Long-running query alert only showing keywords

  • SRP-10850 Improvements to Alerts panel (to allow cleared alerts to be shown/hidden etc)

  • SRP-10854 Fragmented index alert triggers on database snapshots
  • SRP-10858 Fragmented Index Alert claims tables are in dbo.schema but aren't

  • SRP-10879 Installer now contains link to .NET 4.5.2 download at
  • SRP-10885/6 Incorrect time display in alert inbox

Version 6.0.7 - October 19th, 2016

This release contains a number of minor enhancements, including:

  • beta support for Slack and SNMP integration for alert notifications, in addition to email.
  • Query plans can be exported in .sqlplan format
  • 12/24 hour clock display of dates is now consistent and can be toggled from a new Display Options page


  • SRP-10854 Fragmented index alerts firing on database snapshots

Version 6.0.5 - October 6th, 2016

This release fixes an issue in the installer for v6.0.3/6.0.4 which affected a small number of customers. If you have successfully installed v6.0.4 then there is no need for you to install this version.

Version 6.0.4 - October 5th, 2016

This release fixes an issue in the reporting functionality where charts cannot be displayed when in Read-only Mode.

Version 6.0.3 - October 4th, 2016

This release contains an early beta version of reporting functionality plus a sample integration with PowerBI.


  • SRP-10845/7 Server Overview sparkline formatting enhancements
  • SRP-10835 Server Overview log entries are truncated by default, but can be expanded if the full text is needed.
  • SRP-10834 Server Overview database count could give wrong value in Edge browser
  • SRP-10833 Server Overview top queries scrolling issue in Internet Explorer 11
  • SRP-10825 Server Overview database list can now be filtered
  • SRP-10435 Base Monitor service does not start cleanly when data repository is unavailable
  • SRP-9636 Base Monitor should cause fewer deadlocks when purging data
  • SRP-7482 On following old links in emails to purged alerts, more helpful information is given

Version 6.0.2 - September 15th, 2016


  • SRP-10790 Customised custom alert settings are lost after re-saving the metric

  • SRP-10791 Changed description for custom alert doesn't appear in email

  • SRP-10807 Upgrade changes the webserver port, if installed while SQM is running

  • SRP-10811 Unable to scroll Top Waits list

Version 6.0.1 - August 31st, 2016


  • Minor fix for trial not being reset when upgrading from previous major version.

Version 6.0 - August 30th, 2016

This is a major release of SQL Monitor which includes the following enhancements and bug fixes:


New server overview.


  • SRP-10725 High CPU on RedGate.Reponse.Base.Service
  • SRP-10741 Changing the model database size to 512mb (or above) causes SQM install to fail

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