Redgate Monitor 14

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Redgate Monitor 10.2 Release Notes

When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every two weeks that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number, such as v10.1.2. So if you’ve identified a particular feature from the release notes that you need, you can download the relevant build.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed, it’s best to use a quarterly minor version release, identified by a two-part version number such as v10.2.
  • Annual major releases (such as v10) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional QA.

Breaking changes

Starting with SQL Monitor v10.2, SQL Monitor Base Monitors can only be installed on Windows Server 2012 and newer. For the time being, this only affects the Base Monitor. Support for running the SQL Monitor website on versions earlier than Windows Server 2012 will be removed in SQL Monitor v12.0.

We've moved to .NET 5; Microsoft does not support versions earlier than Windows Server 2012 as deployment targets for .NET 5. This also means that SQL Monitor Base Monitors cannot be installed on unsupported desktop operating systems. Refer to Microsoft's installation guidance for specific versions.

You can monitor the same versions of Windows and SQL Server that you've always monitored. However, base monitors need to be installed on Windows Server 2012 or newer.

Version 10.2.12 - October 7, 2020


  • SRP-13225 Added database graph to tempdb
  • SRP-13414 Added temporary table usage to tempdb section


  • CPU and Disk metrics now shown on Global Dashboard Cards for Amazon RDS SQL Servers


  • SRP-13421 Fixes the issue of updating SQM running in IIS
  • #169537 An issue that could cause an Internal SQL Monitor error due to an OverflowException on the SqlProcessSampler has been fixed
  • SRP-13432 Disabled AzureTransactionVersionStoreSampler as it requires too many permissions to run on all environments
  • SRP-13056 Correctly join databases in availability groups where database names differ in case on backups page

Version 10.2.11 - September 30, 2020


  • Amazon RDS machine metrics now collected from Amazon AWS API


  • Amazon RDS Server Overview page now shows Memory and Disk metrics

Version 10.2.10 - September 29, 2020


  • SRP-13226 Added application graph to tempdb


  • SRP-13413 fix issue causing deadlocks in tempdb

Version 10.2.9 - September 24, 2020


  • SRP-13285 - Added Version Store graph to tempdb
  • SRP-13395 - Added tempdb monitoring for Amazon RDS


  • SRP-13360 - Query plan viewer has link to open it in new tab
  • SRP-13356 - Added SQL Text to tempdb sessions table


  • SRP-13247 - SQL Monitor now picks up query plan changes even when an existing plan handle is reused.
  • SRP-13384 - Installer will once again automatically populate credentials for SQL Auth when updating
  • SRP-13411 - Resolves an issue with "Monitoring Error" on server in SqlProcessSampler
  • SRP-13374 - Fixes inability to launch a base monitor due to duplicated alert at a target
  • SRP-13307 - Ignore database in transition state as a monitoring error
  • SRP-13387 - Fixed errors caused by the integrity check sampler running against snapshots of offline databases
  • SRP-13400 - Resolves an issue with "configure alert" link on alert email not working
  • SRP-13409 - Fixes error on startup when the service account does not have permission to access process start time
  • SRP-13388 - Alert Suppression Windows resolve base api url correctly when SQL Monitor Web not at server root
  • SRP-13404 - Fixes an error in the installer: Problem connecting to SQL Monitor repository data store


  • Multiple base monitor installs no longer require Active Directory (AD) settings to be replicated on secondary base monitors to correctly resolve authorized entities. All AD operations are performed on the primary base monitor only.

Version 10.2.8 - September 10, 2020


  • Resolves an issue with some tiles of the example report failing to load
  • 7841 Resolves an issue with displaying Query History Details in SQL Monitor with Azure Databases.


  • SRP-13077 Reduce frequency of DBCC calls

API changes

  • 7670 - The Cluster, Standalone Machine, AzureSqlServer, and AmazonRdsSqlServer classes contain Group property (please download updated PowerShell module)

Version 10.2.7 - September 3, 2020


  • SRP-13363 - Released new feature for monitoring tempdb
  • Reports now support Amazon RDS and Azure for analysis graph and summary tiles.


  • SRP-13375 Improve performance of vmware sampling


  • SRP-13386 - Prevent duplicate dashboard cards for Azure SQL Databases with non-lowercase names


  • Show a link to redirect immediately if logging in using Active Directory takes a long time to redirect

Version 10.2.6 - August 27, 2020


  • Reports now support Amazon RDS and Azure for analysis graph and summary tiles.


  • SRP-13362 - Change left navigation bar databases icon


  • SRP-13030 - Fixed issue with msdb.dbo.sp_help_job returning no value when querying.
  • Fixed validation message not being displayed correctly in monitored servers add form.

Version 10.2.5 - August 25, 2020


  • SRP-13303 - Fixed installation error while upgrading SQL Monitor Web server
  • Fixes wait stats sampling failing due to NULL value

API changes

  • SRP-13341 - Add support for Get-SqlMonitorDatabase for AmazonRds databases

Version 10.2.4 - August 19, 2020


  • The Amazon RDS SQL Server monitoring preview now includes support for Analysis and Active Directory permissions. You can also specify Amazon RDS Sql Servers in Custom metrics.


  • Improved support for Amazon RDS SQL Servers on the monitored servers page
  • SRP-13342 - Disk space SNMP alert shows disk space values


  • SRP-13246 - Log Backup overdue will not raise on master databases.
  • SRP-13277 - Fix issue with testing server connectivity on the manage monitored servers page when the 'auto-detect cluster name' option is deselected
  • SRP-13339 - Classify additional sql server processes as sql processes correctly
  • SRP-13355 - Fix issue with Azure SQL Databases failing to be listed on the analysis page
  • Restored the ability to set an HTTP proxy for Webhooks and Slack notifications. See documentation for steps to set this up.


  • Replaced the log4net logging library with Serilog. A security vulnerability was reported against log4net (CVE-2018-1285, CVSS base score 9.8). Whilst the use of log4net within SQL Monitor was not subject to the vulnerability, we've nonetheless removed log4net to avoid false positives in security scans. If you have customized your log4net configuration within SQL Monitor, those customizations will no longer apply. In this case, please contact Redgate support for help with replicating your customizations using the new Serilog configuration files.

API changes

  • PowerShell API update to support Add, Get, Remove SQL Servers for Amazon RDS and Azure SQL Servers.

Version 10.2.3 - July 30, 2020


  • SRP-13308 Fixes a monitoring error on SQL Server 2012 SP1 caused by accessing user_objects_deferred_dealloc_page_count
  • Resolves a visual issue with the top graph on server overview pages.

Version 10.2.2 - July 29, 2020


  • SRP-13263 Trust Server Certificate in SQL Server connection properties now available through the API


  • SRP-13300 Fixed Alert Suppression Windows powershell client issues.
  • Fixed an issue with popup action menus sometimes not being visible.
  • SRP-13306 Analysis pages now correctly get show data from all base monitors.

Version 10.2.1 - July 23, 2020


  • The Amazon RDS SQL Server monitoring preview now includes support for alerts and groups.
  • Most SQL Server-specific alerts can now be raised for Amazon RDS SQL Servers.
  • The alerts appear in the alert inbox, and alert summaries appear in the global and server overview pages.
  • Amazon RDS SQL Servers can now be placed into groups.
  • Alert settings for each server are inherited from their group, and can be overridden in the Configure > Alert settings pages.


  • SRP-13298 fixed an issue loading log pages for clusters or cluster nodes.
  • Correctly display warning when upgrading from a version of SQL Monitor earlier than 10.2 that installing on older Windows versions is no longer supported.

Version 10.2.0 - July 22, 2020


  • SRP-13259 Fixed grouping of deadlock alerts in the alert inbox.
  • SRP-13243 Fixed an issue with the server waits alert raising at severities that are not enabled.
  • SRP-13275 Fixed units in display for Clock Skew alerts.
  • SRP-13272 The alert configuration page now displays correctly for sites with custom alerts defined against multiple base monitors
  • Improved load speed and responsiveness of versions estate tab
  • SRP-13293 An issue that could cause invalid backup overdue alerts to be fired for databases in availability groups has been fixed

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