Redgate Monitor 14

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Redgate Monitor 2.1 release notes

December 10th, 2010

New features

  • License deactivation is now supported.
  • Long running query alert now supports excluding by process name.
  • Improvements to email format.
  • Improvement to Job duration unusual alert.
  • Performance improvement when trace in running.
  • Long running query: Regex on new lines are treated as distinct new regex rather than a single regex with a new line in it.


  • SRP-2126/ SRP-2522: Database creation fails during installation and displays the following error message, “invalid sequential schema version”. This can happen when there are user objects in the model database.
  • SRP-1891: The breadcrumbs for any job-specific alert configuration, e.g., “Job failed” alert, contain the name of the instance twice.
  • SRP-753/ SRP-425: Sometime XSP webserver crashes with socket exception.
  • SRP-2547: Trace not working as expected for SQL Server 2000.
  • SRP-2624: “Database **** cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.” was wrongly categorized as an authentication error.
  • SRP-2489: Analysis page not plotting Total Size, Data Size and Log Size graphs.
  • SRP-2398: Invalid default SQL Server Log path causes connection failure.
  • SRP-2475: TypeAccessException thrown when viewing alert inbox.
  • SRP-2604: Installer fails to start website service on French Windows XP & 2003 when on a work group.
  • SRP-2512: SQL fragment truncated for Long running query, Blocked process, Deadlock and SQL Server error log entry alert.

Known issues

  • SRP-495: If the Base Monitor loses its connection to the SQL Monitor Data Repository then you may see the following error, “System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was thrown by method Query on service DataPresenterService: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding”.
  • SRP-1443: An internal error occurs if the database name contains a non-latin character.
  • SRP-2167: A user will see a “script stack space quota is exhausted” JavaScript error on Firefox when there is a lot of performance data in an alert details page. Use an alternative browser to view SQL Monitor.
  • SRP-2310: “Back in time” can sometime crash with an error when using IE 7. Use an alternative browser to view SQL Monitor.
  • SRP-2702: Long running query process ID not appearing in the SQL Processes/Trace tab.
  • SRP-2735: The Fragmented index alert is broken in build To obtain a patch to fix this problem, contact Red Gate support.

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