Redgate Monitor 14

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Redgate Monitor 12.1 Release Notes

When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every week that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number (e.g. v12.1.2). See below for details of improvements and fixes for each release.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed it’s best to use a minor version release, identified by a two-part version number (e.g. v12.3).
  • Major releases (e.g. v12) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional QA. Bug fixes are prioritised following a major release.

Breaking changes

Starting with SQL Monitor v10.2, Base Monitors of SQL Monitor can only be installed on Windows Server 2012 and newer. Support for running the SQL Monitor website on versions earlier than Windows Server 2012 was removed in SQL Monitor v12.0.

We've moved to .NET 6; Microsoft does not support versions earlier than Windows Server 2012 as deployment targets for .NET 6. This also means that SQL Monitor cannot be installed on unsupported desktop operating systems. Refer to Microsoft's installation guidance for specific versions.

You can monitor the same versions of Windows and SQL Server that you've always monitored. However, SQL Monitor itself needs to be installed on Windows Server 2012 or newer.

Version 12.1.60 - March 8, 2023


  • Actual query plans can now be viewed in addition to estimated query plans for SQL Server 2019 and later.


  • Processor utilization (%) can now be viewed for the SQL Server service running on Linux


  • Remove Servers option is now available when selecting "All hosts machines" on the Monitored Servers page.
  • Servers in trial mode now correctly display as "licensed" instead of "awaiting" on the licensing configuration page.
  • The 'replica falling behind' alert details will now display 'log send queue' and 'redo queue' data correctly.
  • The 'replica unhealthy alert' will now end automatically once the replica is healthy.
  • Installer now correctly autopopulates databases for a selected server on select existing database screen.

API changes

  • You can now specify an alias when adding an Azure MI, Amazon RDS instance or SQL Server on Linux instance to monitored servers through the PowerShell module.

Version 12.1.59 - March 1, 2023


  • Azure SQL databases that are part of an Elastic Pool no longer show up on the Global Dashboard.
  • Dialogs no longer incorrectly continue hiding page content from screen readers when closed.
  • Dropdowns no longer show by default on alert settings and custom metrics pages.

Version 12.1.58 - February 22, 2023


  • Estate configuration export now has Amazon RDS SQL Server and Azure Managed Instance database configuration information available.
  • It is now possible to filter Linux Machine on the Reports page.
  • It is now possible to edit "Use Base Monitor service account" and "authentication type" values for SQL Server on Linux.
  • It is now possible to set an Alias for a Sql Server Instance on Linux.

Version 12.1.57 - February 15, 2023


  • It is now possible to tag SQL Sever on Linux.
  • It is now possible to configure alerts on Linux Machine disks.


  • Raise the Availability Group - database unhealthy alert when databases in synchronous commit mode remain synchronizing for more time than allowed by the alert threshold.
  • What's new no longer incorrectly shows updates are available when Monitor is up to date.
  • Fixed an issue installing SQL Monitor into IIS (exit code 0xe0434352).


  • Increased the default tracked queries limit to 100.

Version 12.1.56 - February 8, 2023


  • You can now grant user access rights for SQL Servers hosted on Linux.


  • It is now possible to connect to SQL Server on Linux with Base Monitor Service account.


  • Validate Active Directory principals and ensure that domain is expanded when added by PowerShell API.
  • What's new no longer incorrectly shows updates are available when Monitor is up to date.
  • Fix regression where monitored instances can not be annotated using PowerShell module.
  • Current Activity now correctly fills the page horizontally.
  • Top queries in elastic pools overview now correctly fills the page horizontally.
  • Sampling errors for some Linux network interfaces are now reported once.

Version 12.1.55 - February 1, 2023


  • When the list of VMware guest VMs contains two or more entries that share the same hostname and IP address, a simple heuristic is now used to determine the matching guest VM.

Version 12.1.54 - January 31, 2023


  • Be more specific with the range of SQL Server versions that flawlessly support extended events (KB2878139).


  • 17882 - Fix "same key has already been added" error that occurred when using numbered stored procedures.

Version 12.1.53 - January 26, 2023


  • Do not require sysadmin permissions to sample when integrity checks were performed on Azure Managed Instance and newer versions of on-premise SQL Server.

  • The configuration of SQL Server error log entry alerts now supports numeric ranges for specifying error severities and error codes to ignore, along with improved handling of individual numbers.


  • Warnings for unlicensed servers will no longer be shown on websites that do not manage licenses.
  • Prospective fix for Waits sampling stopping indefinitely until the base monitor is restarted.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate values were sampled for replica info.

Version 12.1.52 - January 23, 2023


  • The licensing configuration page has been rewritten to show licensing information across all base monitors in a single view.
  • Perpetual licences are now shared across multiple base monitors so there's no longer a need to activate the same serial number against multiple base monitors.


  • Fixed regression where users are forbidden to log in when OpenId Connect is used.

Version 12.1.51 - January 18, 2023


  • Navigation to the Availability groups section on the server overview page now works correctly.


  • The "hostname" field of SNMP notifications is now also populated for Azure MI, clusters, Postgres, Amazon RDS and SQL Server on Linux.

Version 12.1.50 - January 12, 2023

Major changes

  • Top queries are now grouped by query hash. This reduces duplication of ad-hoc queries.


  • It is now possible to connect to SQL Server on Linux with Windows credentials.


  • Improved the performance of WMI connections, greatly reducing the number of open outgoing network ports from the Base Monitor.
  • What's new, Help and Feedback button links in the top navigation function correctly.
  • Sql Index sampler queries will no longer be picked up as a long running query.
  • Deadlock alerts are now correctly shown when filtering by database.

Version 12.1.49 - January 4, 2023


  • Use embedded version of SQL Server versions data in the estate page if newer than downloaded %ProgramData%\Red Gate\SQL Monitor\SqlServerVersions.json.
  • Improved performance of the login for Active Directory.


  • Improved query performance when generating data for the longest running queries summary report, including a bug fix for Azure SQL Servers.
  • Query plans are now accessible through alert details page.

Version 12.1.48 - December 21, 2022


  • Tags in alert inbox table rows now wrap correctly.
  • SSIS service alert is now correctly raised for SSIS 2016 and later.

Version 12.1.47 - December 14, 2022


  • Collection of memory grant values in top queries is now more robust. Historical data might have gaps, and this might be exposed as negative memory grant values in top queries.
  • Alerts Inbox is grouped by default again.
  • Alert details page no longer crashes in rare scenarios of unavailable details of blocked processes.

Version 12.1.46 - December 8, 2022

Security fixes

  • Fixed a high severity (CVSS 7.6) security issue where, when using Active Directory (LDAP) authentication, low-privileged users could elevate their permissions to a SQL Monitor administrator role (CVE-2022-47542).
  • Fixed a medium severity (CVSS 6.3) security issue where authorized users could perform certain actions despite lacking the relevant permissions.
  • Fixed a low severity (CVSS 3.1) open redirect vulnerability on the alert configuration page.

Major changes

  • You can now view information about SQL Server instances hosted on Linux in your reports.


  • Top procedures now works in the elastic pools overview
  • Added I/O metrics for SQL Server for on-prem, RDS and Linux monitored entities.


  • Display settings will no longer fail to load after making a change.
  • Fixed sampling issues for Linux machines that are not virtualized.
  • Procedures with high averages but low totals will now correctly show up in top procedures.
  • CPU load data is now collected correctly for Linux machines with different number formatting settings.

Version 12.1.45 - November 30, 2022


  • Fixed communication protocols link on estate configuration page for failover cluster instances.
  • Graphs shown in the server overview pages are no longer missing samples at the start and end boundaries.
  • Long Running Query alerts are no longer raised for a wider range of background administrative services for both Azure SQL Databases and Azure SQL Managed Instances.
  • Blocking process alert details page no longer crashes if the blocked SQL fragment details are unavailable.

Version 12.1.44 - November 24, 2022


  • Connection properties can now be edited for monitored Amazon RDS SQL Servers.
  • Added -BaseMonitor parameter to Get-SqlMonitorGroup PowerShell cmdlet to better support adding a monitored entity assigned to a group when the group is defined in multiple base monitors.


  • Links in the Server Overview no longer scroll you to the top of the page when clicked.
  • Timezone information is now correctly retrieved from Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • Tracked queries no longer shows a "no tracked queries" message when all tracked queries data is purged.

Version 12.1.43 - November 17, 2022


  • You can now view metrics for SQL Server hosted on Linux on the Analysis page
  • You can now suppress alerts on SQL Server hosted on Linux


  • Added expand functionality on top procedures to display the queries in the stored procedure
  • Include repository information for SQL Server on Linux instances when retrieving log files
  • Flyway" can now be specified as the source of an annotation through the PowerShell API


  • When a stored procedure name is not available due to reduced permissions on the monitored database it will now be sampled with "Unknown procedure" as its name followed by its object ID.
  • Fixed an issue where Azure SQL Databases cannot be suspended on the Monitored servers page
  • Fixed an issue with using exact search terms whilst also specifying to search within parent object or database in Top Queries search
  • Fix an issue where the collection of metrics gets delayed causing data gaps when there are many custom metrics
  • Fix issue where Top Procedures might generate duplicate data. NOTE: This will dispose of any existing Top Procedures data.
  • Fixed an issue where Availability Group replica not healthy alert does not end
  • Fix the issue that caused a monitoring error when parsing time zone IDs on Linux systems

Version 12.1.42 - November 9, 2022


  • Added Page Life Expectancy alert.


  • Fixed an issue where searching by database name on the global dashboard wouldn't work for Amazon RDS SQL Servers or Azure Managed Instances.
  • Fixed an issue where the test connection button when adding an Amazon RDS SQL Server button would not work correctly when specifying a custom port number.

Version 12.1.41 - November 4, 2022


  • Support TrustServerCertificate option when connecting to Amazon RDS SQL Servers and Azure Managed Instances.


  • Resolves an issue where negative request memory grants could cause gaps in collected data for Azure SQL Databases

Version 12.1.40 - November 3, 2022


  • Added Top procedures to the performance diagnostics section of the server overview.
  • Preview release of monitoring SQL Servers on Linux machines. See documentation for more details.


  • The PowerShell API module's contents are now authenticode signed.


  • Fixed an issue where alert settings may be applied to the wrong base monitor

Version 12.1.39 - October 26, 2022


  • You can now use Windows account impersonation when connecting to Amazon RDS SQL Servers for monitoring.

Version 12.1.38 - October 20, 2022


  • Added support for connecting to an Amazon RDS SQL Server for monitoring as the Base Monitor's service account.


  • Disk IOPS metrics for Amazon RDS SQL Server environments are now retrieved from the basic CloudWatch API instead of the Enhanced Monitoring API, making them available in more cases.


  • Resolved an issue with incorrect data being displayed for disk and network metrics on Amazon RDS instances for data retrieved through the AWS API.
  • Resolved an issue with paging controls on the alert inbox in Firefox.
  • Resolved an issue whereby when an Amazon RDS SQL Server was added without supplying any AWS API credentials, and then those credentials were provided some time afterwards, the collection of enhanced monitoring data would silently fail. If you have any existing servers affected by this issue, you will need to resupply the AWS API credentials in order to rectify the problem.
  • Resolved an issue where incorrect disk I/O metric data was displayed in the activity graphs for Amazon RDS and Azure Managed Instance SQL Servers.
  • Resolved an issue where the Top Queries row action dropdown clipped behind the sidebar
  • Resolved an issue with database paging not correctly displaying the total number of database
  • Fixed wrongly labelled title within estate configuration communication protocols.
  • Resolved an issue with annotations not always loading in multi-Base-Monitor configurations
  • Resolved an issue where the server overview page linked to the estates version page for unsupported entity types


  • The disk I/O metric in the activity graph has been changed to total bytes per second instead of transfers per second.
  • Changed RDS Network Utilization machine metric to be BytesTotalPerSecond in the Analysis page

Version 12.1.37 - October 12, 2022


  • SQL Deadlock XE alerts are now supported on Amazon RDS (requires SQL Server Standard or Enterprise edition)


  • Exposed base monitor GUID and the time when an alert was raised in webhook notifications


  • When upgrading the SQL Monitor web server on IIS, the IIS worker process should no longer block installation, although it will still be necessary to wait for the worker process to release file locks.
  • Potential fix for faulting web server when accessing a blocking SQL process alert.
  • Resolved a low severity (CVSS 3.1) issue where in certain scenarios users could still see monitored servers they used to have permission to.

Version 12.1.36 - October 5, 2022


  • Fixed Top Waits in Alert Details crashing on row expansion
  • Fix monitored server page status filter
  • Retain group membership of a newly added server when it gets renamed as part of cluster detection


  • Remove Memory utilisation alert for Azure SQL Database

Version 12.1.35 - September 28, 2022


  • Ensure tracked queries can show queries with no records
  • Fix out-of-range tracked queries not showing on Query Impact tab
  • Fixed an issue with the comparison table instance dropdown sorting when there are multiple Base monitors.
  • Fixed an issue where monitored entity name does not escape backslashes when used in a GET request in powershell

Version 12.1.34 - September 22, 2022


  • The disk usage estate tab better handles disks that aren't always attached


  • Fixed an issue where instance discovery may fail to run
  • Fixed a bug where the alert details for the fragmented indexes alert would not display any data.

Version 12.1.33 - September 14, 2022


  • Improved the performance of web requests made using Authentication Tokens, such as when using the SQL Monitor PowerShell module.


  • Fixes an issue where SQL Server instance unreachable alerts may not be raised for SQL Server instances using a non-default port
  • Fixed an issue where the alert details page for the Custom Metric Collection Error alert would sometimes have data missing.


  • Tracked queries are now limited to 25 per monitored instance.

Version 12.1.32 - September 8, 2022


  • Job Name will now be shown in user processes and blocking process
  • Top query search has been improved to allow searching by database name and parent object
  • The long running query alert's details page now shows the job name and ID for Amazon RDS SQL Servers and Azure Managed Instances.


  • Fix issue in Current Activity Page when the query status is rolling back.
  • Fixed a bug in the TempDb graph by excluding entries that do not have real sample values.
  • Fixes top query details not being visible on current Firefox ESR release (version 91)
  • Fixes the collection of Top Queries data that was broken since 12.1.26 for the following SQL Server versions: 2008, 2008R2, 2012 (less than SP3), and 2014 (less than SP 10)
  • Fixes a Configuration/Monitored servers page crash when a primary Base Monitor is not available

Version 12.1.31 - August 31, 2022


  • Job Name will now be shown in user processes and blocking process
  • Accessibility improvements and bug fixes to the date picker


  • Fixed an issue where top queries was broken for Azure SQL Databases names that weren't all lower-case. Azure SQL Database names now appear with the original casing on the global dashboard rather than all lower-case.
  • fix Job Name not showing in long running query alerts happening on localhost
  • Fixed the server overview blocking tree rendering duplicates when data was refreshed
  • Fixed a bug where the tracked query button was added to the database overview top queries
  • Fixes an issue displaying some top query details for queries whose total duration is less than 1ms
  • Fixed a bug where retrieving the query plan for a query would fail if there were multiple plans for the same plan handle within a short space of time.

Version 12.1.30 - August 18, 2022


  • Improved the accessibility of the Current Activity, Top Queries and Top Waits tables.
  • The query impact formula now uses logical reads instead of physical reads.


  • Addressed a denial of service vulnerability in the Alerts inbox group details pages, where large page sizes could cause undue load on the SQL Monitor web server. This isssue has a CVSS base score of 4.3 (Medium). Thanks to Samira Karimi Aghmiuni for reporting this.
  • Display Names on Global Dashboard cards should now be correct.
  • Fixed issue with "Connection failed: Bad Data" error when CPU Time overflows.

Version 12.1.28 - August 11, 2022


  • You can now track specific queries in top queries section, and they will appear in the new tracked queries tab. This feature is in preview and we would like to have your feedback in order to decide how to improve it. Learn more


  • Added blocking and blocked process names to the blocking process alert email.


  • Prospective fix for Top Queries and Waits sampling failing when a negative value ends up in the database.
  • Prospective fix for Jobs being ordered incorrectly in alert emails.
  • Prospective fix for auth type not being set correctly when adding AD Principal via powershell
  • Prospective fix for version store used percentage being more than 100% on an alert.
  • Backup and job times are now correctly sampled for any Amazon RDS instance created with a non-default timezone. AWS API monitoring credentials must be provided for this correction to occur.
  • Fix some custom alerts not ending when database is excluded from custom metrics.
  • Current activity filters now restricted to displaying 3 of the selected items, preventing the control from going off the edge of the screen.
  • Fix vulnerability in Alert Details allowing an arbitrary comment author with OpenID/AD authentication. The vulnerability has a CVSS score of 4.3 (Medium). Thanks to Samira Karimi Aghmiuni for reporting the vulnerability.

Version 12.1.27 - August 3, 2022


  • Prospective fix for Top Queries and Waits sampling failing when a negative value ends up in the database.
  • Fix for active custom alerts not ending when database is excluded from the custom metric.

Version 12.1.26 - July 27, 2022


  • Filters in the Monitored Servers page are now persisted through page refreshes.


  • Fixed an issue on the Estate page that prevented SQL Agent jobs from being filtered by Day/Week/Month.

Version 12.1.25 - July 18, 2022


  • Metrics for entity types that are not being monitored will no longer appear on the Analysis graph's metric selector.


  • Dropping databases in Azure Managed Instances are no longer categorized as an authentication error, so it should now correctly resume monitoring when the database is recreated.
  • Fixes an issue with the Estate backups tab not correctly filtering databases on the page and when exporting.
  • Query plans will now show if they were compiled for a different database. Monitor will show an informational message when showing a query plan compiled for a database that differs to what may have been shown elsewhere in Monitor.
  • Fixes a graphical layout bug with the Blocking Table in Current Activity.
  • Fixes instance waits table showing incorrect values.
  • Fixes an issue where alert suppression windows would not load when running SQL Monitor in certain IIS setups.
  • Fixes bug where the context menu for report tiles are displayed incorrectly on the report page.
  • Failover cluster instances are now displayed on the Monitored servers page with the same name as on the Global dashboard.


  • Add "WAIT_XTP_HOST_WAIT" to the sampler's list of ignored waits.
  • Rename and make more clear the example script to copy the Alert Settings across multiple entities.

Version 12.1.24 - July 7, 2022


  • The Global Dashboard now caches your monitored servers, so you can navigate to their overviews without having to wait for the Dashboard data to load.


  • Fix long-running query alerts for Azure Managed Instances.
  • Fix SQL Monitor upgrade failure related with Cluster-Machine link.
  • Fix an issue with the scheduling of SQL Monitor update checks.

Version 12.1.23 - June 30, 2022


  • The top queries tab on the alert details page is now visible for all types of monitored server.
  • Added a link in the tag filter list for assigning tags.


  • Fix Top Waits in Top Queries not showing only the waits for that query.
  • Fix Top Queries in Top Waits not being filtered down to only queries with the opened wait.
  • Fixed an issue in SQL Server error log sampler due to date time parsing failure.

Version 12.1.22 - June 20, 2022


  • Monitoring older SQL Server versions should no longer raise error about SQL Monitor not having 'securityadmin' role.
  • Fixes an issue with query plans in dialogs not fitting to the whole dialog.
  • Fixes an issue with grouping of custom alerts not working properly if they have different ids across base monitors.
  • Fixes an issue with "Window range" options on server overview pages not always being correctly applied.

Version 12.1.21 - June 16, 2022


  • Memory metrics are now shown in the server overview's activity graph and analysis metrics for Azure SQL Managed Instances.


  • Improved UI responsiveness when changing the focus range of the activity graph in the server overview pages.
  • Clearer UI for dealing with live updates and navigating to the current time in the server overview.


  • Fixed missing VM Host entry in legend for CPU and memory metrics.

Version 12.1.20


  • New table where queries are ordered by their impact now available under top queries.


  • Raise an alert when an Azure SQL Database becomes unavailable.
  • Replaced the documentation link for the top queries search box with an in-product help popup.
  • Updated the number of samples used by all graphs in the server overview pages to improve resolution and consistency.
  • Top graph timeline annotations can now be added to cloud servers.


  • The alerts settings page correctly refreshes after removing overrides.
  • Improvements to cursor queries that iterate over databases.


  • Moved max results dropdown in TopQueries from below the table to be shown above the table.

Version 12.1.19 - June 8, 2022


  • Fix an issue where "License will expire in x days" warning would appear when Permits are not used.
  • Fix an issue where the server overview page would fail for any SQL Server for which monitoring had been suspended.
  • Error log entry alert can now be raised for errors raised before SQL server shut down.
  • Fix generic error briefly showing on first load of the Alert Inbox.
  • Pagination options for databases shown on Azure Managed Instance and Amazon RDS server overviews are correctly respected.

Version 12.1.18 - May 30, 2022


  • Fix showing stagnant alerts when link is followed from Global Dashboard.
  • Addressed a migration issue when upgrading from V8 with Azure SQL Servers added.
  • Fixed a possible memory leak due to Active Directory sampling.


  • Auto-resize some Current Activity and Top Queries columns to their contents.
  • Added query context to the recommendations dialog in Top Queries.

Version 12.1.17 - May 25, 2022


  • User account can be specified for Windows service hosting Website in addition to default Local System.
  • Expose query plan handle in expanded query details under current activity.


  • Custom metrics also apply to newly added servers if all servers selected.
  • Fix recommendations not finding a sampled query plan for SQL Server 2012 instances
  • Correctly classify errors seen on Amazon RDS as connectivity errors rather than authorization errors.


  • Renamed value of the SERVICETYPE property from network to local. This property is passed to Web installer msi during an unattended installation.

Version 12.1.16 - May 18, 2022


  • Query recommendations are now available in the top queries expanded view.


  • Support setting tags as alert suppression window targets from PowerShell module
  • Add Get-SqlMonitorTags cmdlet to PowerShell module
  • Add listener name to Availability Group info.
  • Improve error handling in the installer when SQL Server certificate is not trusted.


  • Azure SQL Database connections denied by "Deny Public Network Access" are now categorized as connectivity errors.
  • Azure Managed Instance connections denied when connections to a database are no longer allowed are now categorized as connectivity errors.
  • After choosing Active Directory as an authentication method a redirect to the login page will occur.
  • Alerts cleared from a tile on Dashboard are correctly displayed.
  • Display the Query plan properly when there is no corresponding data.
  • Fix download of Query Plans from the Current Activity page.
  • Fix searching for top queries on certain server overview pages.
  • Fix inability to show and hide the alert sidebar on server overview pages.
  • Fix inability for standard users to clear alerts from the global dashboard in some multiple base monitor setups.
  • Eliminated cases where long running SQL queries were falsely reported.

Version 12.1.15 - May 11, 2022


  • Better syntax highlighting in Query Plan Viewer


  • Fixes an issue preventing the active alert from being shown properly on the server overview page for a SQL FCI.
  • Custom metric alert names are now correctly displayed on the global dashboard, where metrics on different base monitors shared the same id.

Version 12.1.14 - May 5, 2022


  • Tags can now be used to specify which servers are included in an alert suppression window.


  • Present status "Alert suppression window" rather than "Monitoring" in the Monitored servers page when alerting is suppressed on a group level.
  • Failing over an instance in Amazon RDS is no longer categorized as an authentication error, it should now correctly resume monitoring upon failing over.
  • Improved the accuracy of unreachable alerts in cases where thresholds are low or when monitored entities are slow to respond.


  • Expose query plan handle to be shown in expanded top query details.

Version 12.1.13 - April 27, 2022


  • Cope with collation of msdb and master databases being different

Version 12.1.12 - April 22, 2022


  • Fixed a regression with assigning existing tags.

Version 12.1.11 - April 21, 2022


  • Fixed 'Memory grant (kB)' column in top queries for cloud instances.

Version 12.1.10 - April 20, 2022


  • Added 'Memory grant (kB)' column in top queries.


  • Fixes an issue where the job failed alert would sometimes be missing details of the job.
  • Stopping an instance in Amazon RDS is no longer categorized as an authentication error, so it should now correctly resume monitoring when restarted.
  • Azure SQL database names are now prefixed with their Azure SQL Server name on the Alert Suppression Window configuration page.
  • Avoided a race condition when dropping a temporary table whose name starts with '##redgate_sqlmonitor_querywaitstats'. This condition is only avoided in SQL Server 2016 or later versions. The race condition can still occur in earlier versions of SQL Server, so the query text has been updated to indicate that the error is harmless.

Version 12.1.9 - April 13, 2022


  • Resolves an issue with top queries search not working correctly.

Version 12.1.8 - April 13, 2022


  • Backup alerts now restore database backup information from Monitor's repository in cases where msdb.dbo.backupset data has been deleted

Version 12.1.7 - April 6, 2022


  • AD (LDAP) Auth can now be configured using the base monitor service account, this includes GMSA accounts.


  • Fixed a broken link between the tempdb section of the server overview and the analysis page for Azure Managed Instances.

  • Fixes an issue where tempdb graphs may show with incorrect legends.
  • CVE-2022-1233 Updated the urijs package to 1.19.11 to address a reported vulnerability. The vulnerability has a CVSS base score of 6.5 (Medium), but SQL Monitor's limited use of this library meant that it was not subject to the vulnerability. See for more details.
  • CVE-2022-24785 Updated the moment package to 2.29.2 to address a reported vulnerability. The vulnerability has a CVSS base score of 7.5 (High), but SQL Monitor's limited use of this library meant that it was not subject to the vulnerability. See for more details.


  • As announced previously, in version 12 of SQL Monitor monitoring of SQL Server 2005 is no longer supported. This version of SQL Monitor removes support for it completely.

Version 12.1.6 - March 30, 2022


  • Persist Current Activity auto-refresh interval.
  • Add query "Copy text" button to Current Activity and Top Queries.
  • Added extra validation around Webhooks on the Notification settings page.


  • Fix editing CustomMetric when selecting large amount of entities.
  • Speculative fix for China-region Amazon RDS endpoint support.
  • Fixed issue where grouped alert details may show as empty.
  • Changed "read/write stalls per sec" metrics to "stalls per read/write" and added descriptions.

Version 12.1.5 - March 23, 2022


  • Auto-refresh on current activity page.
  • Processes section in Server Overview is now sortable by memory and processor usage.


  • Remove Query Details' query text to retrieve query plan. Use View Query plan button to view or download the plan in monitor instead.

Version 12.1.4 - March 14, 2022


  • Support China-region Amazon RDS endpoints


  • Fixed Estate Backup page's excel export
  • Fixed custom metric edit UI. If the "Exclude" contains all the System Db it will show "all user database"
  • Fixed left navigation menu in alert inbox page not getting updated automatically
  • Fixes an issue where enabling auto refresh on server overview pages would cause the page to fail to load

Version 12.1.3 - March 9, 2022


  • PowerShell API now supports adding and removing tags to SQL Server instances, Amazon RDS Servers and Azure SQL Managed Instances. Added new Add-SqlMonitorTags and Remove-SqlMonitorTags cmdlet.


  • Add a toggle button to show system processes.


  • Handle scenarios where no severity exists for an alert.
  • Fixed failover cluster instance name not showing correctly in alert emails
  • Alert links from Dashboard now correctly lead to filtered Alert Inbox
  • Fixes a regression in the alert inbox where it would no longer automatically refresh.
  • CVE-2022-0868 Updated the urijs package to 1.19.10 to address a reported vulnerability. The vulnerability has a CVSS base score of 5.3 (Medium), but SQL Monitor's limited use of this library meant that it was not subject to the vulnerability. See for more details.

Version 12.1.2 - March 2, 2022


  • Sort order is correctly preserved when refreshing the Current Activity page.
  • Fixes an issue on the alert inbox where page size and the "group alerts" settings would be reset after following some links.
  • Fixes an issue where the Monitored Servers page would fail to load if the base monitor service account name contained certain special characters.
  • Fixes an issue where data retention settings would not show changes until saved.

Version 12.1.1 - February 24, 2022


  • SQL Monitor now knows if an Azure SQL managed instance is part of a failover group and provides information about the replication state of the instance. This feature is in preview and we would like to have your feedback in order to decide how to improve it. Learn more
  • Current Activity now supports filtering.


  • Decreased login time for SQL Monitor Admins when using Active Directory.
  • Added an option to specify if the ID token should be sent on logout requests through OpenID Connect
  • Various tweaks to the new alert inbox based on feedback
  • Improved behavior when in a narrow window
  • Clear and read are now top-level actions
  • Actions remain visible when scrolling through the inbox
  • Added an option to specify if the ID token should be sent on logout requests through OpenID Connect.


  • Fixed left navigation menu in alert inbox page not working when a SQL Server alias starts with multiple back slashes.
  • Improved the database backup sampler queries to address a performance regression in 12.0.12.
  • Fixed left navigation menu in alert inbox page not getting updated automatically.
  • Fixes an issue with "Older" and "Newer" buttons on the alert details page being disabled when not using the grouped alert inbox.
  • Fixes an issue where the icon for a job in the alert inbox was a question mark instead of a database icon.


  • The Alert Inbox alert type multiselect now indicates when all alert types are selected, instead of the "x more" message.

Version 12.1.0 - February 16, 2022

Major changes

  • Tagging and filtering by tags is now out of preview.


  • Current activity feature is now out of preview, with full support for Azure MI, Azure SQL Server, Amazon RDS and SQL Server on prem.


  • Implemented Microsoft's Data Protection package to be used when SQL Monitor's website is behind a load balancer

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