Redgate Monitor 14

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Redgate Monitor 9.1 Release Notes

When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every two weeks that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number, such as v9.0.9. So if you’ve identified a particular feature from the release notes that you need, you can download the relevant build.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed, it’s best to use a quarterly minor version release, identified by a two-part version number such as v9.1.
  • Annual major releases (such as v9.0) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional QA

Version 9.1.10 - October 17, 2019


  • Fix memory usage issue with permissions sampler when there are circular Active Directory groups

Version 9.1.9 - October 16, 2019


  • SRP-12310 Added ability to unpin top graph on server overview page


  • SRP-12307 Fix top graph on server overview page shrinking problem for Chrome

  • SRP-12389 Improved performance for queries against availability groups
  • SRP-12395 An issue that caused the test button on the monitored servers page to incorrectly report errors for standalone machines in a separate domain has been fixed

  • SRP-12394 Purge aggregate database storage data according to settings for the storage category

  • SRP-12345 Fix issue that prevented AD users from being granted direct access to more than one Azure SQL server

Version 9.1.8 - October 10, 2019


  • SRP-12331 Powershell API Module is now capable of skipping ssl certificate validation checks for development/evaluation purposes


  • SRP-12119 Fix rendering of custom metric alert descriptions
  • SRP-12058 Fix groups in Estates pages disappearing when filtering

Version 9.1.7 - October 2, 2019


  • SRP-12324 Estates pages use dynamic unit selection for memory usage
  • SRP-12315 Added PowerShell example script for copying alert settings between monitored objects through API


  • SRP-12278 Clear backup overdue alerts when they are present on a secondary node
  • SRP-12293 Fix issue with enumerating some AD groups in permissions sampler
  • SRP-12112 The error that appears when a base monitor that has been added cannot be reached has been fixed
  • SRP-12343 An issue that could lead to custom metrics incorrectly displaying as being disabled has been fixed

Version 9.1.6 - September 25, 2019


  • SRP-12260 A number of VMWare metrics, including Effective VM Speed, have been added to the server overview page.
  • Added example scripts for Alert Configuration API for updating alert specific settings.


  • SRP-12299 A problem that could cause recent alerts not to appear on the server overview page has been fixed.

Version 9.1.5 - September 18, 2019


  • SRP-12191 Added support to the PowerShell API for the retrieval and update of Alert Specific Settings for the following alert types: DatabaseNotBackedUp, DatabaseNotLogBackedUp and DatabaseNotDifferentialBackedUp


  • SRP-12297 Reduced warnings from SqlDatabaseStorageSampler

Version 9.1.4 - September 12, 2019


  • SRP-12179 Added new option to display both SQL Server network name and instance name for failover clusters
  • SRP-12191 Added support to the PowerShell API for the retrieval and update of Alert Specific Settings for the following alert types: AvailabilityGroupDatabaseNotHealthy, AvailabilityGroupFailover, AvailabilityGroupListenerOffline, AvailabilityGroupNotHealthy, AvailabilityGroupReplicaNotHealthy, ClusterFailover, CustomMetricCollectionError, DatabaseUnavailable, HighCpu, HighCpuAzureSqlDb, HighCpuElasticPool, HighDataIoAzureSqlDb, HighDataIoElasticPool, HighDtuAzureSqlDb, HighDtuElasticPool, HighLogIoAzureSqlDb, HighLogIoElasticPool, HighMemoryAzureSqlDb, HighSessionPercentageAzureElasticPool, HighSessionPercentageAzureSqlDb, HighWorkerPercentageAzureElasticPool, HighWorkerPercentageAzureSqlDb, JobDurationUnusual, LimitedSampling, LowCpu, MachineUnreachable, MonitoringErrorMachineDataCollection, MonitoringErrorSqlServerDataCollection, MonitoringStoppedMachineCredentials, MonitoringStoppedSqlCredentials, PageVerification, SqlDeadlock, SqlJobCancelled, SqlJobFailure, SqlErrorLog, SqlServerAgentState, SqlServerAnalysisState, SqlServerBrowserState, SqlServerIntegrationState, SqlServerReportingState, SqlServerSearchState, SqlServerWriterState and SqlServerUnreachable. Further alert types will be supported in upcoming releases.


  • SRP-12235 Ensured Alert Summary Report Tile respects security settings
  • The DatabaseFileUsage threshold values for time remaining were changed from a TimeSpan to an integer representing the number of days
  • SRP-11953 Disk read and write time metrics now cope with increases of greater than 2^32 ticks between sampling intervals
  • Correct the way the server URL is populated in the API PowerShell module.
  • 145707 Fix error when renaming groups

Version 9.1.3 - September 5, 2019


  • SRP-12222 SQL Monitor is now FIPS compliant
  • SRP-12183 Ignore sp_server_diagnostics in long-running query alert
  • SRP-12200 Added new analysis graph metrics for SQL Server memory
  • 145129 Display seconds on times in long-running query alert
  • SRP-12232 Added support for base monitor error notification email address configuration
  • Added initial support for the retrieval and update of Alert Specific Settings for the following alert types: DatabaseFileUsage, AvailabilityGroupDelayedQuery, AvailabilityGroupReplicaFallingBehind, LowDiskSpaceAlerter, LowMemorySpaceAlerter, SqlDeadlockXE and DatabaseSizeAzureSqlDb. Further alert types will be supported in upcoming releases.


  • SRP-12254 Reduce frequency of AD queries for user running base monitor process
  • SRP-12000 Fixed an issue where the authentication type page could show incorrect information on multiple base monitor environments
  • SRP-12253 Fixed an issue where the server summary report failed to load data

Version 9.1.2 - August 21, 2019


  • SRP-12164 Added ability to enable an error notification if base monitor loses connection to its repository


  • SRP-11969 The backups page now correctly shows the latest backup date across availability groups
  • SRP-12181 Fixes an issue with 9.1.1 where the website fails to load with certain .NET Framework versions
  • SRP-12059 Reintroduce link to inherited settings in Alert Settings

Version 9.1.1 - August 14, 2019


  • SRP-12138 Invalidate authorization token on logout / website restart
  • SRP-12165 Invalidate authorization token when user updated or deleted
  • Expanded Alert Configuration API to allow for the updating of comments on any alert configuration
  • Expanded Alert Configuration API to allow for the updating of notification settings on any alert configuration
  • Added example scripts for Alert Configuration API for updating comments and updating notification settings


  • SRP-12150 Fixed an issue where the monitored servers page would be empty if there was a large number of monitored servers
  • SRP-12173 Fixed an issue with alerts not correctly sending email notifications when ending
  • SRP-12158 In the PowerShell API, Get-InstanceForMachine now represents a default instance name as '(local)', to be consistent with other cmdlets in the API

Version 9.1.0 - July 24, 2019


  • Expanded API to allow enabling or disabling alerts at the group level
  • Expanded API to allow disabling alerts at the base monitor level
  • Example scripts for API now available in product at Configuration > Example scripts


  • SRP-12118 Fix issue with multiple base monitors causing connections to not be closed
  • SRP-12115 Fixed an issue that could cause the API command Get-Clusters to error if there were clusters without machines in the database (including recently added clusters)
  • SRP-12087 Fixed an issue with changing recovery model not clearing log backup overdue alerts

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