Redgate Monitor 14

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Redgate Monitor 5.0 release notes

When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every two weeks that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number, such as v5.0.8. So if you’ve identified a particular feature from the release notes that you need, you can download the relevant build.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed, it’s best to use a quarterly minor version release, identified by a two-part version number such as v5.1.
  • Annual major releases (such as v6.0) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional Q&A.

Version 5.0.11 - March 17th, 2016


  • SRP-10107: Improved UI and documentation around monitoring servers on a different network from the base monitor
  • SRP-10220: Improved messaging on the Add SQL Server screen to clarify what syntax is required
  • SRP-10289: The Edit and Remove options for maintenance windows are now accessible directly from the maintenance window column
  • SRP-10393: The links to the documentation from the Authentication Settings and availability group overview pages are now clearly displayed even when the information banner has been dismissed


  • SRP-1527: Service pack levels are now displayed correctly on the machine overview page
  • SRP-4468: Using single quotes/apostrophes or double quotes in a group name no longer causes an error on the group overview page
  • SRP-9179: The times shown on the “Database unavailable” alert are now displayed in the same time zone
  • SRP-9509: The link to the PDF license agreement in the installer now works correctly
  • SRP-9537/SRP-9538: Improved UI of installer to avoid truncations
  • SRP-10108: If you’re logged in to SQL Monitor in one tab, and then you log out in another tab, attempting to deactivate a license in the first tab no longer displays a blank error banner, and instead takes you to the login screen
  • SRP-10124: On the Configuration > About screen, the Server HOST .NET now shows the highest version of .NET that’s installed
  • SRP-10223: You’re no longer able to reinstall a version of SQL Monitor that you already have installed
  • SRP-10244: After suspending monitoring for a cluster, the status of the nodes no longer displays as “Monitoring”
  • SRP-10253: On the availability group overview page, the availability group status no longer incorrectly shows as “Unconfigured”
  • SRP-10271: Fixed a minor text box width issue in the “Set maintenance window” dialog box
  • SRP-10278: The availability group overview no longer freezes on the loading icon and requires refreshing when a new alert is raised
  • SRP-10286: The logical disk counters now appear as expected on the Analysis Graph, instead of appearing briefly and then disappearing
  • SRP-10287: On the Analysis Graph, the metric description now updates to match the metric selected
  • SRP-10288: Read-only users can no longer reach the “Set maintenance window” dialog box
  • SRP-10304: Stopping the SQL Server Integration Service now always results in an alert being raised
  • SRP-10305: The startup type property is no longer blank for service status alerts
  • SRP-10336: When you try to add or remove servers and the SQL Server hosting your SQL Monitor database uses a case-sensitive collation, SQL Monitor no longer throws an error
  • SRP-10338: If you install an update while logged in and using the app, SQL Monitor no longer throws an error
  • SRP-10375: Adding an alert to [redgate].[settings].[KeyValuePairs] now correctly suppresses alerts when there are existing open alerts of the type that are being excluded
  • SRP-10379: On the alert configuration page, the “Inherit settings from: All Servers” option is no longer incorrectly checked when the alerts are actually customized at a lower level
  • SRP-10380/SRP-10389: The top 10 system processes no longer disappear and reappear every 30 seconds
  • SRP-10388: The Diagnostics page no longer reloads constantly for non-admin users
  • SRP-10394: The colored alert bars on the Availability group overview now display and update correctly when alerts are raised
  • SRP-10408: SQL Monitor no longer collects sightings for host machines that aren’t monitored
  • SRP-10413: Failure to suspend servers no longer results in a green tick icon being displayed next to the error message
  • SRP-10415: SQL Monitor now respects the exclusion lists in the “Long-running query” alert settings
  • SRP-10416: Cluster failovers and hardware changes no longer cause analysis data to become inaccessible on the Analysis Graph

Version 5.0.10 - March 4th, 2016


  • SRP-9606: Improved the accuracy of the start time for long-running queries
  • SRP-9609: Improved performance by increasing the default time range on the Analysis Graph from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. The sparklines on the overview pages now also show 15-minute periods instead of 5-minute periods


  • SRP-10199: SQL Monitor no longer raises false “Backup overdue”, “Log backup overdue”, and “Integrity check” when the alert settings are changed
  • SRP-10363: SQL Monitor no longer collects data or raises alerts for servers where monitoring is suspended

Version 5.0.9 - February 24th, 2016


  • SRP-10357: The “Job duration unusual” alert settings screen now loads properly
  • SRP-10359Single threshold alert customization is properly persisted when changing from multiple thresholds

Version 5.0.8 - February 23rd, 2016


  • SRP-9600: Modified the default collection intervals to reduce impact on CPU and memory
  • SRP-9811: SQL Monitor now raises alerts at only one severity by default, and the threshold values have also been updated
    Note: this only affects the defaults - we’ll keep any alert settings you’ve already customized. However, restoring defaults for an alert will apply the new default settings. To see a full list of alerts, along with their default threshold values, see List of alerts
  • SRP-10298: Improved the default time periods for data purging, so that data you’re likely to want to view trends for is kept for longer than performance troubleshooting data
  • SRP-10306: When you start monitoring a machine or cluster, SQL Monitor now only adds the instances that are running (and not instances that are disabled or not started)
    Note: failover cluster instances are an exception – SQL Monitor adds all failover cluster instances, whether they’re running or not


  • SRP-10234: SQL Monitor no longer raises false “Backup overdue” and “Log backup overdue” alerts
  • SRP-10237: On the Alert settings page, if you disable a default severity level and save your settings, the value no longer changes to zero
  • SRP-10280: When you remove a server, SQL Monitor no longer removes all local instances from other servers
  • SRP-10282: Increased the maximum recursion limit for “Blocking process” alerts from 100 to 1000
  • SRP-10297: SQL Monitor now reviews the 15 minutes (instead of 5 minutes) prior to the end of a “Blocking process” alert to find out when the block started
  • SRP-10312: SQL Monitor no longer raises multiple “Blocking process” alerts if there are two or more processes being blocked by the same root process
  • SRP-10316: For the “Blocking process” alert, the Alert details page now displays the last recorded blocking time after the blocking process has ended, instead of displaying “Unknown”

Version 5.0.7 - February 3rd, 2016


  • SRP-9813: SQL Monitor now only suspends performance-related and custom alerts during maintenance windows. All other alerts continue to be raised as normal

  • SRP-9817: Changed the “Job failed” alert to “Job failing”, and changed the alert type from Event to Continuous. It will be automatically marked as Ended when the job runs successfully again, or when the job runs again and fails (in which case the original alert will be marked as Ended and a new alert will be raised)

  • SRP-10231: You can now configure the following alert types by time threshold:

    • Database unavailable

    • Monitoring error (host machine data collection)

    • Monitoring stopped (host machine credentials)

    • Monitoring error (SQL Server data collection)

    • Monitoring stopped (SQL Server credentials)

    • Availability group - database not healthy

    • Availability group - listener offline

    • Availability group - not ready for automatic failover

    • Availability group - replica not healthy


  • SRP-10252: SQL Monitor no longer crashes if you change or disable the password for the account used to connect to the monitoring service (base monitor)

Version 5.0.6 - January 26th, 2016


  • SRP-10258: The SQL Monitor installer and most of the components are now digitally signed using SHA-256
    This version is functionally identical to v5.0.5.

Version 5.0.5 - January 20th, 2016


  • SRP-9810: You can now configure the following alert types by time threshold:
    • Machine unreachable
    • SQL Server instance unreachable
  • SRP-9815: The “Blocked process” alert has been changed to “Blocking process”, and is now only raised for the root process that’s blocking other processes, instead of being raised for every blocked process


  • SRP-10009: Add Availability group alerts to the select menu on Alert Configuration
  • SRP-10097: Top waits field misalignment fixed
  • SRP-10120: If you use a domain service account or a Managed Service Account for your Base Monitor service, you’ll no longer see an error on the Configuration > About and Configuration > Monitored servers pages
  • SRP-10167/SRP-10203: Correct Monitoring Status displayed when monitored entity added with incorrect credentials
  • SRP-10219: On the Configuration > Licensing page, when you enter a serial number and click Activate, the loading icon now displays correctly
  • SRP-10199/SRP-10225: Prevent an issue whereby Backup overdue, Log backup overdue and Integrity check overdue alerts could be raised for databases in SIMPLE recovery model
  • SRP-10232: On the Configuration > Licensing page, the loading icon for the Deactivate button is now aligned correctly with the button
  • SRP-10243: Fixed slow loading of Global Overview page

Version 5.0.4 - January 6th, 2016


  • SRP-9809: Changed the cap on alert emails from 1000 alerts per server within 24 hours to 30 alerts of a particular type for a particular monitored object within 24 hours. You can change the email cap via the Configuration > Email settings page
  • SRP-9981: Suspended instances no longer appear on the Global Overview or Machine Overview pages, or in the Alert Inbox
  • SRP-10072: Added information to the “Edit user” and “Delete user” dialog boxes to explain that:
    • changes to user roles and access rights won't take effect until the user next logs in to SQL Monitor
    • if you delete a user, they’ll continue to have access to SQL Monitor until they next log out
  • SRP-10078: On the Manage Users page, the “Access rights” column now shows the grouping path where relevant
  • SRP-10215: Performance improvements for group-related actions when monitoring 20+ groups


  • SRP-8327: Custom metrics no longer change database state
  • SRP-10151: Active Directory users who were migrated using SID history mapping can now be authenticated
  • SRP-10157: For nodes without a SQL Server instance, the Disk space alert details page no longer shows the message "No data" in place of the Disk space used section. Instead, it simply doesn't show the Disk space used section
  • SRP-10165: Fixed indentation on the “Select access rights” tree view list
  • SRP-10168/SRP-10187: The Alert Inbox table is now displayed correctly for read-only users
  • SRP-10188: The Base Monitor executable for v5.0.3 was unsigned, but it’s signed once again for v5.0.4
  • SRP-10196: Availability group statuses on overview pages are now updated if a server becomes unlicensed
  • SRP-10212: Uninstalling SQL Monitor and then installing a new version no longer results in the error message “Service ‘SQL Monitor Base Monitor’ (MonitorBaseDeploymentServiceLocal) failed to start...”
  • SRP-10213: The SQL Monitor installer no longer fails to run if the file RedGate.Response.Engine.Alerting.Base.Service.exe.settings.config is missing

Version 5.0.3 - December 9th, 2015

Updating to version 5.0.3 involves a SQL Monitor schema upgrade. We recommend you back up the data repository database before you update to version 5.0.3.


  • SRP-9480: Replaced the data retrieval algorithm for Disk avg. read time and Disk avg. write time for improved accuracy and reliability
    Note: this effectively invalidates any previously collected data for these two metrics, so the Analysis Graph will no longer show previously collected data for them
  • SRP-9839: Improved interaction with the Monitored servers tree view list. Clicking the icon or the highlighted area to the left of the icon now takes you to the corresponding overview screen, whereas previously you had to click the text to reach the corresponding overview screen
  • SRP-9974: Added new listener statuses on the Availability group overview page, to take into account availability groups with more than one listener
  • SRP-10081: Improved the clarity of two Availability group database health alert messages
  • SRP-10123: If you copy or share the link to the Analysis Graph and the latest time shown on the graph is the present time, then when the link is opened later, the latest time shown will be the “new” present time (ie the time when the link is opened).
    Note: if you copy or share the link to the Analysis Graph and the latest time shown on the graph is earlier than the present time, then the original selection will remain the same, regardless of when the link is opened


  • Settings for the config file RedGate.Response.Engine.Alerting.Base.Service.exe.settings.config are no longer overwritten on upgrade
    Note: this will not take effect until you upgrade from version 5.0.3
  • SRP-9474: For SQL Server 2014 queries, the final characters of the queries no longer appear to be missing when the query details are not expanded
  • SRP-9945: All success message banners now disappear automatically after five seconds
  • SRP-9985: When a Disk space alert is raised for a node on a cluster, the alert details now only show the SQL Server instances hosted by that node
  • SRP-9992: The Details tab for database and replica alerts now shows the correct health state                                                                       
  • SRP-10003: On the Availability group overview page, in the Availability replicas grid, in the Failover column, “Data loss” is no longer shown in red for asynchronous replicas that are in the Synchronizing state
  • SRP-10083: Longer alert headers are now displayed correctly
  • SRP-10110: On the Availability group overview page, the values for Log growth, Send rate, and Redo rate in the Availability replicas table are now updated when the page automatically refreshes
  • SRP-10112: On the Availability group overview page, both of the Log growth columns (in the Primary replica table and the Availability replicas table) now show the log bytes flushed/sec for the primary databases only
  • SRP-10113/SRP-10150: On the Availability group overview page, the Send rate column has been changed to Received rate and shows the rate of log bytes received/sec. This change was made because of a SQL Server bug that freezes the send rate to its last non-zero value, meaning the reported send rate values were almost always incorrect
  • SRP-10116: Icons in the Group list are now aligned correctly
  • SRP-10117: On the Availability group overview page, the Last 24 hrs counter no longer decreases when you clear alerts, but stays the same to reflect the number of alerts raised in the last 24 hours
  • SRP-10139: Switching from Active Directory authentication to default authentication and then attempting to switch back to Active Directory no longer results in an error message
  • SRP-10142: When adding a new user to the white list, white space at the end of the username is now ignored
  • SRP-10152: On the Overview and Alert Inbox pages, monitored entities in groups no longer disappear from the Monitored servers list
  • SRP-10153: Deleting a group that contains at least one monitored entity no longer results in an error message
  • SRP-10172: When you export a csv file from the Analysis Graph in Chrome, the end of the Analysis Graph URL no longer disappears
  • SRP-10173: On the Analysis Graph, the Export (csv) link now works in Firefox and Internet Explorer

Version 5.0.2 - November 25th, 2015


  • Bookmark and share Analysis Graph links
  • Open links to the Analysis Graph in a new tab
  • The alerts “Backup overdue” and “Log backup overdue” now take replication into account


  • SRP-3621: The alerts "Backup overdue", "Log backup overdue", and "Integrity check overdue" are no longer raised on database snapshots
  • SRP-9621: Replaced references to "Top 10 queries" and "Top 10 waits" with "Top queries" and "Top waits"
  • SRP-9709: On the login screen, blank spaces before or after the username are now ignored
  • SRP-9714/10086: If your SQL Monitor session times out, the page now refreshes and loads the login screen
  • SRP-9804: Added descriptions for HADR_SYNC_COMMIT and HADR_SYNCHRONIZING_THROTTLE wait types, accessible from the "Top waits" list
  • SRP-9871: Empty tables are now displayed consistently across all overview pages
  • SRP-10051: On the Configuration > Groups page, clicking "Configure alerts" now works instead of refreshing the page
  • SRP-10065: The “Contact sales” link in the top status bar now goes to the Redgate contact page
  • SRP-10076: Changed the info box on the Active Directory page to be consistent with the one on the availability group overview page
  • SRP-10081: Updated the wording for the availability group health alert that appears when a database is not joined
  • SRP-10084: On the Overview pages, the numbers shown in the “Monitored servers” list and in the tooltip summaries now take into account availability groups
  • SRP-10089: On the Alert Inbox and Configuration > Alert settings pages, the numbers in the “Monitored servers” lists are no longer underlined in Firefox
  • SRP-10092: On the Overview pages, clicking an instance in the “Monitored servers” list no longer collapses the list
  • SRP-10111: A listener with multiple IP addresses will no longer be incorrectly interpreted as being multiple listeners

Version 5.0.1 - October 28th, 2015


  • SRP-10080: We no longer use ApplicationIntent=readonly for users of .NET 4.0.0 and 4.0.1, because it's not supported on those versions. For more information, see this TechNet blog post.

Version 5.0 - October 20th, 2015


  • Support for monitoring availability groups, and a new availability group-specific overview screen

  • Support for authenticating users with Active Directory and setting server-specific restrictions
  • SQL Server 2016 support
  • Now uses .NET Framework 4

  • Improved UI:
  • When you add a cluster, SQL Monitor now monitors all standalone instances on nodes in the cluster, as well as failover cluster instances.

  • If you add new instances or nodes to a cluster that you’re already monitoring, SQL Monitor will automatically detect and monitor these additions.

    If you're already monitoring a specific node within a cluster, and the cluster contains availability groups that you want to monitor, you’ll need to re-add the cluster when you upgrade to SQL Monitor 5. Otherwise, SQL Monitor won't detect and monitor these availability groups.

    If you need to keep historical data from the cluster, make sure you don't remove the original cluster, even after you've re-added it. Instead, once you've re-added the cluster, you should suspend monitoring on the original cluster. This way, you can retain all historical data on the old cluster, while collecting new data on the newly added cluster.


  • The SQL Profiler trace function now works correctly when enabled
  • Fixed the Stay logged in feature
  • SRP-9623: The SQL Monitor web interface no longer logs users out after 30 minutes
  • SRP-9523: Fixed a situation which could cause monitoring to stop when missing performance counters are detected
  • SRP-9595: Online help text now integrates correctly across different versions of SQL Monitor
  • SRP-9529: Fixed a situation where the SQL Monitor base monitor could use large amounts of memory if it encountered a large job history on a monitored SQL Server
  • SRP-9441: Corrected the fill factor description on the Analysis page
  • SRP-9153: Incorrect data no longer appears in the database selection fields on the Analysis page

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