Redgate Monitor 14

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Redgate Monitor 11.2 Release Notes

When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every week that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number (e.g. v11.2.2). See below for details of improvements and fixes for each release.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed it’s best to use a minor version release, identified by a two-part version number (e.g. v11.2).
  • Major releases (e.g. v11) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional QA. Bug fixes are prioritised following a major release.

Breaking changes

Starting with SQL Monitor v10.2, SQL Monitor Base Monitors can only be installed on Windows Server 2012 and newer. For the time being, this only affects the Base Monitor. Support for running the SQL Monitor website on versions earlier than Windows Server 2012 will be removed in SQL Monitor v12.0.

We've moved to .NET 5; Microsoft does not support versions earlier than Windows Server 2012 as deployment targets for .NET 5. This also means that SQL Monitor Base Monitors cannot be installed on unsupported desktop operating systems. Refer to Microsoft's installation guidance for specific versions.

You can monitor the same versions of Windows and SQL Server that you've always monitored. However, base monitors need to be installed on Windows Server 2012 or newer.

Version 11.2.21 - February 01, 2023

Security fixes

  • Fixed a high severity (CVSS 7.6) security issue where, when using Active Directory (LDAP) authentication, low-privileged users could elevate their permissions to a SQL Monitor administrator role (CVE-2022-47542).

Version 11.2.20 - October 20, 2021


  • It is now possible to drag and drop a permit file when activating a license in offline mode.


  • Limit alert email notification sizes to 400KB to prevent rejection.

Version 11.2.19 - October 14, 2021


  • A bug that prevented the selection of specific instances when adding a custom metric has been fixed.
  • An issue that could cause an error on the custom metric page has been fixed.

Version 11.2.18 - October 13, 2021


  • DLLs used by the installer are also signed
  • Fix OpenID Connect issue when configuration can't be obtained due to invalid handling of slashes in the address.
  • An issue that caused the y-axis of analysis graphs on reports to use incorrect formatting has been fixed

Version 11.2.17 - October 7, 2021


  • Display query search folder size on data settings page
  • Show full query text on deadlock report


  • Fixed top queries search for Azure SQL Database for databases that have special or mixed case characters in their names

Version 11.2.16 - September 30, 2021


  • The estate - SQL Server configuration options page has been improved: it shows a log of changes, presents a richer selection of configuration options, and a table allowing comparison of values.


  • Fixed Severity 21 issue when sampling configuration options for databases that are offline or closed.
  • Fix possible issue with Active Directory authentication


  • Add thumbs up/down feedback mechanism to top queries search feature.

Version 11.2.15 - September 22, 2021


  • Top queries search is now available on Amazon RDS SQL Server, Azure SQL Managed Instance and Azure SQL Database


  • Fixed an issue when indexing top queries to be searched.

Version 11.2.14 - September 20, 2021


  • Subscription licenses can now be activated offline, where the SQL Monitor web service doesn't have direct access to Redgate's licensing servers.

Version 11.2.13 - September 16, 2021


  • New alert on SQL Server log entry added which can be raised by matching a regex pattern.


  • The folder used to store the index files for the top query search feature is now configurable.
  • Added an option to set Server waits data retention settings separately on the Data settings page.


  • Standard users can access the about page and retry connections on monitored servers page.
  • The job failing alert now only ends when the job successfully runs. Before, an alert was raised each time the job failed.
  • Alerts are loaded correctly after clearing them on the Alerts page.

Version 11.2.12 - September 1, 2021


  • Added validation against incorrectly formatted custom e-mail addresses on alert configuration


  • Fixed the missing details in the Integrity Check Overdue alert details page for Azure SQL Managed Instances.

Version 11.2.11 - August 23, 2021


  • The deadlock report tile now has an option to choose how many deadlocks to display.


  • Improved performance of a query that could cause high CPU usage


  • Query plan changes are now identified by using query plan hashes on SQL Server 2008 and above.

Version 11.2.10 - August 12, 2021


  • Fix empty fields in notification settings causing failure on save
  • Fix issue with schema that prevented top queries search

Version 11.2.9 - August 11, 2021


  • Top queries now has a text search you can use.


  • Fix rare deadlock reported where SQL Monitor intersects with the restoration of a shipped log
  • Fix non-recurring alert suppression windows in PowerShell 5


Version 11.2.8 - August 4, 2021


  • Drop support for an authentication token stored in WebApi.config file. Use authentication tokens configured through the UI in Configuration -> Authentication tokens instead.

Version 11.2.7 - July 28, 2021


  • An issue that could cause samplers encountering SQL error message 988 to incorrectly raise alerts has been fixed

Version 11.2.6 - July 23, 2021


SRP-13861 Fixes a regression that caused a crash when displaying alert details

Version 11.2.5 - July 22, 2021


  • Resolved an issue where renaming a group could crash the groups configuration page.
  • Fixed the duplicate alert issue for Custom Metric.
  • Fixed a regression that resulted in an error loading Query Wait Stats on the Server Overview page.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect blocking process to be shown on blocking process alert.
  • Fixed issue on instance discovery when discovering large number of servers.

Version 11.2.4 - July 14, 2021


  • Time column in the error log section of the server overview page contains seconds.
  • Improved display of Key Lookups in query plans


  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect blocking process to be shown on blocking process alert.

Version 11.2.3 - July 8, 2021


  • Added support for licensing SQL Monitor via logging in to your RedGate account.


  • Add visibility of additional server configuration options for industry-standard benchmarks
  • Server configuration options are sorted alphabetically

Version 11.2.2 - June 30, 2021


  • Added new ability on server overview databases section to display and allow comparison of database specific properties.
  • Added the ability to edit Amazon RDS Api Credentials after Amazon RDS SQL Server has been added.


  • Authentication settings page redesigned.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the index sampler to fail in case-sensitive collations.

Version 11.2.1 - June 24, 2021


  • Reduces the CPU usage for SQL Server monitor


  • Code analysis now supports parameterized queries.
  • The SQL Server Error Log entry alert now shows details of the error when viewed from the Server Overview page.

Version 11.2.0 - June 17, 2021


  • OpenID Connect (OIDC) as a new authentication type (in addition to Basic and Active Directory).
  • Preview: SQL Server instance discovery. Automatically discover SQL Server instances on your estate and start monitoring them.


  • Fixed escaping of logged in user name.
  • Fix Error Severity 21 when sampling for DatabaseConfigurationOptions (No use of Snapshot Databases)
  • Links from custom metric alerts to the analysis page correctly select the appropriate custom metric

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