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  1. Setting up object locking

    DECLARE @NewLine AS CHAR(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) DECLARE @message NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @message = @NewLine + 'SQL Source Control' + @NewLin


  2. Different values displayed for the same data points on the Analysis Graph

    If you look at a specific point on a graph showing 10 minutes of data, then look at the exact same data point on a graph showing 24 hours


  3. Managing users with Active Directory

    =ws.10).aspx (TechNet). Log into SQL Monitor as an administrator. Click Add user or group. The Add user or group dialog box opens. Under U


  4. Hardware and performance guidelines

    week for data you want to view trends for, 3 days for troubleshooting data) and don't monitor more than 10-15 servers.


  5. SQL Monitor 3.3 release notes

    addresses if Send emails is unchecked. SRP-7617 Top 10 queries show selected 'Avg' but shows data for 'Total'. SRP-8698 ERRORLOG director


  6. Customizing your Formatting Style

    , JOINs, CTEs, and more: image2017-4-26 10:27:22.png Disable formatting for blocks of code You can disable SQL Prompt formatting for certa


  7. SQL Change Automation PowerShell 3.2 release notes

    to Fixes: Logs now contain the type of project being used when running various cmdlets. 3.2.19130 - May 10, 2019 Features:


  8. Redgate Monitor 7.1 release notes

    visualisation Fixes SRP-11350 Alert inbox paging incorrect (Partially fixed) SRP-11303 Top 10 Queries sometimes misses the first char of


  9. Synch. Manager Rebuild Tab

    (block 10). These are the rules which create the temporary table (if necessary) and ensure it is truncated. Rebuild the Populate Block Re


  10. Purging SQL Monitor data

    Alert. Performance troubleshooting data SQL process data (2 weeks) - Displayed on the SQL Server instance overview page under SQL user pr


  11. Licensing

    servers. For example, if your serial number was for 10 licenses, then 10 servers will be unlicensed. If you have licensed your servers us


  12. SQL Monitor 2.3 release notes

    May 26th, 2011 New features Top 10 expensive queries – the 10 queries that use the most resource based on Execution Count, Duration, CPU


  13. Responding to alerts

    longer than 10 minutes, and so on. It also raises alerts when certain SQL Server events occur, such as a deadlock or a job failure. The i


  14. Backing up before deployment

    process is 10% to 20% faster than when compression level 2 is used, and 20% to 33% fewer CPU cycles are used. Backup files are usually 5%


  15. Step 3. Creating

    correlations. The first collection will take place within 10 seconds of the metric being created; subsequent collections take place accor


  16. Backing up before deployment

    process is 10% to 20% faster than when compression level 2 is used, and 20% to 33% fewer CPU cycles are used. Backup files are usually 5%


  17. About Datasets

    (Short List) Names, Surnames, Random (FR) Names, Surnames, Random (NL) Names, Surnames, Random (PT) Names, Surnames, Random (ES) Numbers,


  18. Quickstart - Flyway AutoPilot

    are created and why.) image2023-7-31_23-23-1.pngimage-2023-10-2_10-4-40.png If you don’t have a local SQL Server, then execute the script


  19. New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact

    " -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact -Source $test -Target $staging This example show how to crea


  20. Scheduling backups - processing and encryption settings

    can leave On failure, retry after and Retry up to (n) times at their default values (30 seconds, and 10 times). To disable retries comple


  21. Creating backups - processing and encryption settings

    and Retry up to (n) times at their default values (30 seconds, and 10 times). To disable retries completely, specify Retry up to 0 times.


  22. Verifying backups of the master database

    ). ... 06/06/2012 13:05:05: SQL error 8906: Page (1:10) in database ID 21 is allocated in the SGAM (1:3) and PFS (1:1), but was not alloca


  23. Log shipping - network share

    circumstances, you can leave On failure, retry after and Retry up to (n) times at their default values (30 seconds, and 10 times). To dis


  24. SQL Backup log files

    log files are stored on the machine where the SQL Backup server side components are installed, in this path: C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\Logs


  25. Renaming a table without data loss

    GO CREATE DATABASE talkr_dev GO USE talkr_dev GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[users] ( title varchar(10), name NCHAR(50), city varchar(25)) GO INS


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